Su Jinyue and Bai Lina finished shopping the whole street. It was already past 12 noon, and they found a restaurant and walked in.

Just sitting down, I heard a surprised voice coming, "Su Jinyue, why are you here?"

Su Jinyue turned her head and looked around, and saw that the person who greeted herself was Ma Chunlan, "What a coincidence! Are you here to help?" Ma Chunlan is Lin Muzhu's roommates, and they also went out for dinner. not bad.

Ma Chunlan stepped forward and passed the menu in her hand to Su Jinyue, with a bit of bitterness saying: "This shop is opened by my husband's house." Her dream is to be a doctor, but her parents feel that , It would be better to find a better man to marry, so he didn't care whether she was willing to book her this marriage.

Her mother lied that she was ill and cheated her back. When she got home, she knew that she had been cheated. She had made troubles and cried, but to no avail. Fortunately, the husband was okay with her and was very considerate to her, because he had injured one of his legs, so he was a little lame when walking.

"Jin Yue, is she your friend?" Bai Lina asked.

Su Jinyue nodded and passed the menu to Bai Lina, "Nana, see what you want to eat."

Bai Lina took the menu and looked at it.

"Su Jinyue, didn't you go to the north? Why did you come here?" Ma Chunlan asked. It is rare to meet an acquaintance, so of course she has to talk a little more.

"My family is here, and I am coming back to visit relatives this time." Su Jinyue said. The decoration of this restaurant is okay. Seeing so many people eating in the restaurant, the taste of the food should be pretty good.

"Do you want to go to the north?" Ma Chunlan took the tea from the waiter and put it on the table, poured a cup to Su Jinyue, looked at Bai Lina, and said to the waiter who was about to leave: "Go and pour a glass of boiling water. Come here." Bai Lina cannot drink tea if she is pregnant.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

"Chunlan, is this your friend?" A man with a lame leg came over.

Ma Chunlan nodded, "She is Su Jinyue, my husband Zhang Zhiyong." She glanced at Zhang Zhiyong's leg. Su Jinyue is a genius doctor, I don't know if she can cure Zhiyong's leg. Zhiyong's leg has been injured for a long time. She took Zhiyong to the hospital and the doctor said it was difficult to cure.

"Then I'm going to cook some dishes." Zhang Zhiyong said, turning around and walking towards the kitchen. It is rare for Chunlan to meet friends, so of course he should treat him well.

"Zhiyong, he is a chef." Ma Chunlan retracted her gaze to look at Su Jinyue. Zhiyong became lame because of his injuries. His parents were afraid that he could not find a wife, so they forced him to learn how to cook. In the beginning, Zhiyong would go to help some happy and happy people cooking. After he had some savings, he opened this restaurant. Although the restaurant is not big, the business is very good, and their small days are also very good. It's just Zhiyong's legs, which is always her heart disease.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Are you still in contact with Xu Xinxin and the others?" She hasn't seen Xu Xinxin and the others since the separation.

"Sometimes I make a phone call, Su Jinyue, can you cure my husband's leg?" Ma Chunlan asked hesitantly.

Su Jinyue took out a pill and handed it to Ma Chunlan, "Let your husband take this pill." Ma Chunlan is also her friend, and she will help her naturally if she can help her.

"Thank you Su Jinyue!" Ma Chunlan happily took the medicine.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "You can go in and give it to your husband. If the medicine is left on for too long, it won't work."

"Okay, I'll be out soon." Ma Chunlan finished speaking and walked quickly towards the kitchen.

Su Jinyue smiled, turning her head to look at Bai Lina who was aside, "Nana, let's eat at a different house." Naturally, her pill is not an ordinary pill, and it has an immediate effect. She doesn't want to wait for a while to eat. , Was onlookers here.

"Yeah." Bai Lina nodded with a smile, got up and walked outside with Su Jinyue. She is also a cultivator

, I naturally know what effect Jinyue’s medicine will have.

Ma Chunlan walked into the kitchen, came to Zhang Zhiyong's side, and passed the pill in her hand to his mouth.

Zhang Zhiyong swallowed the pill without asking.

"Aren't you curious about what I ate for you?" Ma Chunlan asked.

"Is there anything to ask, you are my wife. Could it be possible to harm me?" Zhang Zhiyong smiled, and the vegetable spoon in his hand was frying the dishes in the pot.

Ma Chunlan glared at her. Except for Zhang Zhiyong's lame leg, she is still very satisfied in other aspects.

"Don't stay here, go out and talk to your friends." Zhang Zhiyong reached out and picked up a plate, filled the pot and handed it to Ma Chunlan, then took the pot and walked to the side of the sink to clean it. The pot comes.

Ma Chunlan looked at Zhang Zhiyong blankly, her eyes full of disbelief. Won't it be so fast? This must be an illusion.

Zhang Zhiyong washed the pot, and saw Ma Chunlan still standing there with the vegetables, smiled and said, "Why don't you go out yet?"

"Zhi...Zhiyong, your leg." Ma Chunlan pointed to Zhang Zhiyong's leg excitedly. She could see clearly this time, Zhiyong's legs were really not lame. Su Jinyue is indeed a genius doctor, she must thank her well.

"What happened to my leg?" Zhang Zhiyong looked at his right leg in surprise. His legs have always been his heart disease, and he also wants to walk like normal people, but this is useful wherever he wants.

"Your legs are no longer lame." Ma Chunlan said excitedly.

"How is this possible?" Zhang Zhiyong smiled bitterly. His wife made such a joke, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"I didn't joking with you, if you don't believe me, walk around." Ma Chunlan raised her hand and wiped the corner of her eye. Zhiyong's legs finally healed, she was so happy.

Zhang Zhiyong walked away dubiously, and soon he discovered that his legs were really as lame as his wife said.

"What's going on? How could this be?" Zhang Zhiyong asked excitedly. From the moment he was announced by the doctor that his leg could not be cured, his life was like a sudden loss of sunlight, becoming dim. Especially when someone called him a lame man, his heart felt like being cut by a knife.

"It was the medicine I just gave you that worked." Ma Chunlan said happily.

"Where did you get that medicine?" Zhang Zhiyong asked in shock. Is that medicine not an elixir? How else can there be such an effect?

"Su Jinyue gave it to me. By the way, Su Jinyue is still outside. I'm going to thank her." Ma Chunlan hurriedly walked outside. Su Jinyue cured her husband's legs and was her benefactor.

"I'll go with you." Zhang Zhiyong followed Ma Chunlan. This is a great kindness, and he must repay it.

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