Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 981: Want to meet

Chen Jingyu did not leave the clinic all night. When she woke up, she found that the sky outside was already bright. He was too bored yesterday, so he drank a bottle of wine by himself. Today, his head is still a little dizzy.

He raised his wrist to check the time, rubbed his temples, got up and walked towards the bathroom.

As soon as I washed up, I heard the sound of opening the door outside, and I was overjoyed, and I immediately opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

Seeing a strange young woman outside, Chen Jingyu was taken aback for a moment, "Who are you? How come I have the key to my clinic?" He remembered that the door was locked yesterday.

Su Muyu raised her lips and smiled, "Hello Doctor Chen! I am the new nurse Mu Yu." Lin Junman felt uncomfortable when she got up in the morning, so she suggested that she should open the door. Of course Lin Junman was uncomfortable because she moved some hands and feet.

Chen Jingyu's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Get out!" He wouldn't hire a nurse. He was the only one in his heart.

"Sister Lin asked me to come. Sister Lin will not come to the clinic again. Of course, I will only temporarily replace Sister Lin. I will leave when you recruit people." Su Muyu ignored Chen Jingyu's roar. If the fourth sister hadn't asked her to come, she wouldn't have come to such a small clinic.

Chen Jingyu snorted and walked outside. He has to go to Xiaoman himself to ask questions.

Su Muyu stepped forward and stopped in front of Chen Jingyu, "Doctor Chen, what do you do if you leave the clinic? I'm not good at dentist."

"It's not open today." Chen Jingyu finished speaking, bypassing Su Muyu and continuing to walk forward. He is in no mood at all today, how can he help people to see a doctor?

Seeing Chen Jingyu's leaving back, Su Muyu smiled and shrugged, "Why force it?" She had already set up a soundproof array in the small courtyard where Lin Junman lived, even if Chen Jingyu yelled loudly, Lin Junman I can't hear it either.

Chen Jingyu came to the small courtyard where Lin Junman lived and stepped forward and patted the door vigorously, "Xiaoman, are you there? I want to talk to you, would you open the door?"

After a while, there was no response at all.

Chen Jingyu unwillingly shouted again: "Xiaoman, do you hate me that much? Are you reluctant to meet?"

There was still no response.

"Xiaoman, Xiaoman, are you at home?" Chen Jingyu shouted while slamming the door. Xiaoman should not be such a person. If she is in the house, she will definitely respond. It seems that she should not be at home.

After thinking about it, Chen Jingyu went to the steps and sat down. He must wait until Xiaoman.

Su Muyu saw Chen Jingyu sitting on the steps from a distance, and sighed in her heart, "This guy is really affectionate."

Chen Jingyu felt that there was someone in front of him, and raised his head in surprise, "Xiaoman..." Seeing that the person in front of him was Su Muyu, there was a hint of disappointment on his face.

Su Muyu walked to Chen Jingyu's side and sat down, "Don't wait, Sister Lin won't see you."

"Why?" Chen Jingyu turned to look at Su Muyu. He didn't understand why Xiaoman was so unrelenting, and he didn't even want to see him.

"Sister Lin is about to leave, she will never come back this time," Su Muyu said. Lin Junman was just an ordinary person. After going to the Tianyue Continent, he would have to wait at least three years before returning. But the Tianyue Continent is the realm of cultivation, who would be willing to come back there?

"When will she leave?" Chen Jingyu asked. In any case, he will see her for the last time.

"Just these few days, I don't know the details." The fourth sister didn't tell her, she didn't know, and she didn't dare to ask.

Chen Jingyu sighed for a long time, and said with a lonely expression: "You help me tell Xiaoman, I hope she can meet me before she leaves." Even if they can't be together, he doesn't want them to be friends. Nothing.

"I'll tell Sister Lin, if she doesn't want to, then neither will I

There is a way. "Su Muyu nodded.

"Thank you!" Chen Jingyu finished, got up and walked towards the alley.

"By the way, am I going to work tomorrow?" Su Muyu asked. Since she has accepted the task, she has to finish it.

"Yeah." Chen Jingyu nodded. At least that way, he could learn about Xiaoman from Su Muyu's mouth.

Su Muyu retracted his gaze, took out the key and opened the door and walked into the yard, and saw Lin Junman watering the flowers in the yard, "Sister Lin, why are you up? Are you still dizzy?"

"It's better, why are you back?" Lin Junman asked in surprise. Could it be that Chen Jingyu drove him back?

Su Muyu thought for a while, "Chen Jingyu is in a bad mood today and wants to take a day off. Sister Lin, he seems to care about you, don't you feel that way for him?" She was very curious about this.

Lin Junman paused slightly with her hand watering the flowers, "Don't talk nonsense, he and I are just friends." How could she have feelings for someone who is in her twenties? Chen Jingyu is very good, but they are really not suitable.

Su Muyu hesitated for a moment, "Sister Lin, Chen Jingyu wants to see you."

Lin Junman walked to the other side and continued to water the flowers, "Is it still used to seeing the clinic today?" If Mu Yu can adapt, she won't go to the clinic again. When Chen Jingyu said she liked her, she didn't want to see him again.

"It's okay, the environment there is pretty good." Su Muyu said. She couldn't stay there long anyway.

"If I don't accompany you, will you be competent?" Lin Junman asked Su Muyu, looking at it.

"Yes, those who have studied in school before are not difficult for me." Su Muyu said. She has already said everything that should be said. Sister Lin is unwilling, and she can't help it.

"Then from tomorrow, the work of the clinic will be handed over to you. If you don't understand anything, you can ask Chen Jingyu, or ask me when you come back." Lin Junman put down the shower in his hand and looked at the potted plants in the yard. . The most reassuring thing she left was these potted plants.

Su Muyu nodded, "Sister Lin, do you really like these potted plants?" After coming back yesterday, Sister Lin stood by the potted plants and looked at them. Today, she pruned and watered the potted plants again, showing her love for these potted plants.

"These potted plants are left by my mother." Lin Junman looked at the potted plants, her eyes full of longing for her mother. Over the years, she would come back every week to take care of these potted plants. What should she do if she leaves these potted plants this time?

"Reluctant, then take it away." Su Muyu said. The fourth sister has a storage ring, let alone these potted plants, no matter how many.

Lin Junman smiled faintly, "It's not easy." These potted plants have twenty or thirty pots, and it is not easy to take them away.

"How can you know if you don't try it," Su Muyu asked with a smile. The Fourth Sister knew that Sister Lin was reluctant to bear these potted plants, and would definitely take them all to Tianyue Continent.

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