Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 986: Take a spaceship

Watching Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walking towards the distance, Yalu retracted his gaze, and the three of them walked back to their residence with Xu Jinfeng. Seeing that the stone Zhan Yihan had brought back was still in the yard, he hurriedly chased after him. Going out, they found that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had disappeared.

Shaking his head and sighing, he turned and walked back to the yard and saw Xu Jinfeng and the three people standing next to the original stone discussing.

Yalu stepped forward and saw the rough stone on the ground. He was taken aback for a moment. I didn't know when the rough stone was divided into four pieces. The jade inside was crystal clear. Even he rarely saw this kind of jade.

"What's going on?" Aru asked in surprise. The three of Xu Jinfeng just came in, the rough stone was definitely not cut open by them, and his men didn't have the guts.

"General Yalu, look at this." Xu Jinfeng handed a piece of paper to Yalu.

Yalu took the paper and saw it read: A small gift is not a respect.

"They gave us this." Aru looked at the original stone again and found that the four emeralds were almost the same size. Once again, he was shocked by the methods of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. Even if the machine cut was not so smooth, and after returning, he never saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan approach the rough stone.

Lin Junman was watering the flowers in the yard. Hearing the knock on the door, he stepped forward to open the door and saw that the person outside was Su Jinyue, "You are here."

"Aunt Lin, are you ready?" Su Jinyue asked. Mu Yu had already told her Lin Junman's situation these days.

"It's almost there." Lin Junman looked at the potted plants in the yard with a trace of reluctance in his eyes. She was reluctant to bear these potted plants, but she didn't want to embarrass Su Jinyue either.

"Aunt Lin wants to take away these potted plants?" Su Jinyue looked at the potted plants in the yard. These potted plants were well maintained, which shows that Junman Lin loves them.

Lin Junman nodded, "I am very reluctant to take these potted plants, but I know it is not easy to take them away, I just choose two pots to take away." She has entrusted the remaining potted plants to Muyu, and Muyu agreed Will help her take good care of.

"It doesn't matter, I can take them all away." Su Jinyue smiled. When the Tianyue Continent arrived, she would give Aunt Lin a storage ring, and it would be more convenient for her to install things then.

As for Aunt Lin's cultivation, she will hand it over to the master when the time comes, and the two will spend more time together, so they can naturally cultivate feelings. And she felt that the two of them were emotional, but the knot in Aunt Lin's heart could not be opened.

"Really?" Lin Junman didn't believe it.

Su Jinyue nodded and said: "Aunt Lin, you go first to get your luggage, and I will pack all these potted plants."

"If you can't install it, just install a few pots over there." Lin Junman pointed to the pots of orchids on the right step. These were her mother's favorite flowers during her lifetime, and she was reluctant to leave them behind.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded in response.

When Lin Junman walked into the house, Su Jinyue's consciousness moved, and the potted plants in the yard were instantly caught in her storage ring.

Lin Junman walked out of the house with his luggage, saw the empty yard, was taken aback, looked at Su Jinyue in surprise, "Where are those potted plants?" She only went in for less than five minutes, and she didn't hear anyone coming in to carry the potted plants. , How can potted plants disappear out of thin air?

"It's all put away." Su Jinyue stepped forward and took the luggage from Lin Junman. "Let's go to Xu's house first. Uncle and they are waiting for us."

"Where did you get it?" Lin Junman looked around, trying to find the potted plants.

"I'll tell you later, don't worry, there will be no shortage of one." Su Jinyue smiled and took Lin Junman's hand and walked outside with her.

Lin Junman nodded, took a nostalgic glance at the place where he had lived for more than a year, and followed Su Jinyue out the door. Su Jinyue shouldn't lie to her.

Come to Xu

Home, Xu Tianbang, Xu Tianqi and his wife and Zhan Yihan are already waiting for them.

"Xiaoman, it's great that you can go together." Xu Tianbang said happily. In his heart, Xiaoman has always been his sister-in-law and his relatives.

"I will have someone to talk to when my second sister-in-law goes together." Jiang Xiujuan said with a smile. She has always had a good relationship with her second sister-in-law, and she often goes to the yard where the second sister-in-law lives to chat with her. Although they were born in a big family, they never quarreled over property issues.

"Yes." Xu Tianqi nodded in agreement. The second sister-in-law is a good woman, and I hope the second brother can seize this opportunity this time.

Lin Junman smiled at everyone. My heart is full of warmth. Although she is no longer from Xu's family, the Xu family's concern for her has never changed. After she moved there, the Xu family would often give her something.

"Are everyone ready?" Su Jinyue looked at everyone and asked.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

"Then let's set off." Su Jinyue said.

"How do we get there? Do you drive?" Xu Tianbang asked.

"Sit on the spaceship." Su Jinyue raised her hand and waved, a spaceship appeared in front of everyone. After she and Aunt Lin came in, the surrounding area of ​​Xu's house was set up, and no one else could see the situation inside. Moreover, the spaceship also has a hidden formation, and the hidden formation will automatically open after it is opened.

"Spaceship!" Xu Tianbang and several people were stunned on the spot at the same time, looking at the giant in front of them in disbelief. Are they dreaming?

Xu Tianqi stepped forward and reached out and touched the spaceship, "This is really a spaceship." This real touch shouldn't be fake.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "Let's go up."

Everyone nodded in a daze, and stepped onto the spaceship. They just want to know, how could this spacecraft appear out of thin air? Can it really fly? And where is Su Jinyue going to take them?

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