Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 988: Get together

"Is there the same way of life as the earth?" Xu Tianqi asked. He really wanted to get to the Tianyue Continent soon, to see what kind of place Tianyue Continent was.

"There are some differences. There are no cars there. Most of the trips are carried by animal vehicles. There are many places in Tianyue Continent that are forbidden to fly. Only qualified spacecraft can fly." Su Jinyue slowly told everyone. Some conditions in Tianyue Continent.

As everyone listened, they yearned for the Tianyue Continent more and more in their hearts.

Su Jinyue stood up, "You sleep for a while, and when I call you."

"Good." Everyone nodded. When Su Jinyue said so, they really felt a little sleepy.

Su Jinyue walked out of the small world and stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the vast desert below. "Master will definitely be very happy to see Aunt Lin."

Zhan Yihan nodded, and took Su Jinyue into his arms, "I hope Aunt Lin and Uncle Xu can cultivate the fruit as soon as possible, so that your mind can be put on my body."

Su Jinyue turned her head to look at Zhan Yihan, stretched out her hand and nodded the tip of his tall nose, "My mind has always been on you."

Zhan Yihan raised his lips and smiled, "I know."

"Then you still say that." Su Jinyue pursed her rosy lips, and gave Zhan Yihan a sullenly white look.

Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand and scratched the tip of Su Jinyue's nose, lowered his head and kissed her hair, "Jinyue, did I say I love you?"

Su Jinyue raised a happy smile on her face and said mischievously: "It doesn't seem to be there."

"I love you!" Zhan Yihan's gentle voice rang in Su Jinyue's ears, instantly turning her heart into a pool of spring water.

Su Jinyue raised her head and stared at Zhan Yihan with eyes full of love, "I love you too!" She only loves him in this life. If there is another life, her love will not change.

Xu Tiansheng put away the pill and prepared to refine the next batch of pill again. After these days of refining, he has become more and more skilled in refining the pill, and he will refine the pill at the beginning, but now it is very stable, and it is rare that he will refining the pill.

"Doctor Xu, come out soon, Jinyue and the others are back." Wang Meizhen's voice with a hint of excitement came from outside.

Xu Tiansheng heard this with a happy smile on his face, put the alchemy furnace into the storage ring, stood up and walked outside. Brother, they should be here too.

Walking out the door, seeing Xu Tianbang and Xu Tianqi, the smile on Xu Tiansheng’s face deepened a bit, walked quickly, and stopped halfway, looking at him standing with Jiang Xiujuan in disbelief. Lin Junman. Why is she here too?

When Lin Junman saw Xu Tiansheng, a complex expression flashed in his eyes. After a long absence, Xu Tiansheng has become younger and younger, even younger than when he first met him, and now he has a temperament of a bone and fairy wind, and people's eyes are involuntarily attracted by him. .

Turned his head and looked at Su Jinyue, "Jinyue, I'm a little tired, can you arrange a room for me?"

Su Jinyue nodded, "Aunt Lin, come with me."

Su Jinyue took Lin Junman to the yard next to Xu Tiansheng and opened the door, "Aunt Lin, can you live here?" There are only three yards left here, which are far from the yard where Xu Tiansheng lives. Very close.

Lin Junman glanced at the yard next door and sighed helplessly in her heart, "Okay." She knew that Su Jinyue must have made this arrangement deliberately, but it was impossible for herself and Xu Tiansheng.

Xu Tiansheng retracted his gaze and walked in front of Xu Tianbang's trio, "Eldest brother, third brother, younger siblings."

"In the future, our brothers will be able to live together." Xu Tianbang happily patted Xu Tiansheng on the shoulder. He thought it would be difficult for their brothers to see each other again after leaving the capital. He didn't expect them to come to the Tianyue Continent, and they would be immortal. This is simply

It's like a dream.

Xu Tiansheng nodded happily, "When Jinyue said to pick you up, I was worried that you would not come." He was really satisfied to live with his brother.

"We thought we were going abroad, but we didn't expect it to be such a magical place." Xu Tianqi smiled. After coming here, he saw the flying sword. On the road, he also saw a lot of spirit beasts, animal vehicles, and the prosperous city. Jinyue said that the city is called Dancheng, and they can go shopping in Dancheng in the future.

"Natural, I heard Jinyue said that you can also refine alchemy now." Xu Tianbang asked enviably.

"Only the first-level pill will be refined, and there will be no countertops. Let's go and sit in the house." Xu Tiansheng pointed to his yard.

"The three of you brothers go, I will chat with Sister Zhan and others." Jiang Xiujuan said. She and Wang Meizhen have also met. Although they are not very familiar, she can see that Wang Meizhen is a good person, and she should get along with them.

Lin Junman closed the door, hesitated and said to Su Jinyue: "Jinyue, do you want me to get back with your master?"

Su Jinyue turned to look at Lin Junman, "I have this idea, but it depends on whether Aunt Lin is willing or not, and I will not force you if you don't want it, as long as Aunt Lin is happy." She took She came here, in addition to hoping that she could reconcile with Master, but also wanted to compensate her for Master.

"It's impossible for Xu Tiansheng and I." Lin Junman said sadly. She can't forget the past, can't forget his abandoning her on the day of his wedding, and can't forget the ridicule of everyone.

Su Jinyue stepped forward, reached out and took Lin Junman's hand, and walked to the side of the stone table with her and sat down, "I'll tell you a story."

Lin Junman nodded. No matter what story Su Jinyue is telling, it is impossible for her and Xu Tiansheng to go back to the past.

"There used to be a man who loved a woman very, very much, but he never told him about his love for her. Until one day, the woman told him that she already had someone she liked. The man silently shared his love He kept it in his heart, but he was still waiting for the woman. As long as the woman was in trouble, he would help as soon as possible. It was not until the woman announced that she was going to get married that the man left in distress. When we met, the woman had already become a death row prisoner, and the man who harmed her was the man she liked. At the last moment, the woman realized that the man she loved turned out to be the man, but it was too late. "Thinking of the various things in her previous life, Su Jinyue couldn't help but shed tears.

Lin Junman sucked on his slightly sour nose, "What happened then?"

"The man avenged the woman and lost his life in the end." Su Jinyue raised her hand and wiped her tears. She was so stupid in her previous life, and Yihan was even more stupid. Is it really worth it for her? Fortunately, she has a chance to be born again, which can give her a chance to make up.

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