Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 1314: Your own life and choices

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Chapter 1313

Jian Yun and his wife sent their son and Zhongwen outside the city gate. Although there were tens of thousands of perseverance, there were always times when the son was older. He had his own life and choices.

Seeing the disappearance of the two in the flying dust, Mr. Wan sighed, "Nangzang is dangerous. I claim that business is everywhere, but only Nanzang has never been involved. Several guys sent to Nanzang for inspection that year. No one came back alive. Later, I didn't have the idea of ​​going to Nanzang to open a business. "

Jian Yun looked at him side by side and said: "I and Zhongwen escorted Tianqi to Mobei in search of the black cavalry. You know that the journey is dangerous and you may even lose your life. Why do you want to go?"

Mr. Wan froze, immediately understood what she meant, and smiled: "I understand."

He can give his life for the woman he likes, and so can his son.

If it is possible to bring back the black armored snake smoothly, it is naturally the best. If not, it is also his life.

Just like at the beginning, who could have imagined that he was an unarmed merchant who could survive from the extremely dangerous Black Desert, and after many lives and deaths, he finally won the beauty.

Jian Yun's expression that had just been stretched was relieved, and she said, "Don't you have business in Dongli? Don't hesitate to pass a word and ask about Shangguan Tuo's Dongli, the more detailed the better. It must not be easy. "

It ’s not that she is suspicious. The more she thinks about it, the more suspicious it is. There cannot be so many coincidences in the world. So coincidentally, after the person hurt his reading, he just said the three words of Mido San, A girl listened to it, and so coincidentally, on a dead killer, she found a letter that could tell her identity.

The other party knew she had Jian Yun and Rongyue's medical skills. As long as she knew that it was Mi Tuo San, she would be able to find the detoxification method. Then someone would go to Nanzang to find the antidote. Zhong Wen was obviously the most suitable candidate.

The more she thought about her, the more upset she felt, but at the moment, there seemed to be no other way to go.

Chu Palace, Jingyang Temple.

"Niangniang, this is the letter I just received." After Zili Qing retired from the palace maid and eunuch, she passed the bamboo tube hidden in her sleeve into the hands of Shangguan Yao.

As soon as Shangguanya saw the bamboo tube, his dim eyebrows suddenly lighted up. He quickly opened the bamboo tube and took out the paper roll to unfold it. The more he smiled on the face, the stronger the smile.

"Zheng Nianwen, do you have today? Hahaha, hahahaha—" She laughed tears straight down, how many years, she has cursed Zheng Nianwen countless times for something unexpected, but she has been living well, three no At two o'clock, she dangled in front of her eyes. In front of everyone, she was close to the emperor, who did not know that she was the most noble princess in the Chu palace. The daughter she gave birth to was even the emperor's righteous eyes. Can't get it.

She hated Zheng Nianwen and hated getting into the bone marrow.

But she is a queen, no matter how she hates a person, she can't be superficial. She always plays a kind and noble queen in front of the emperor, but she has not been happy for a day until today.

Until today she was really happy. She turned out to be a bad woman, so happy.

She lifted her eyes and looked at Zili in front of her. "Send someone to inquire about whether the king is side by side today."

Zili said: "Slave just heard two eunuchs who were waiting for ink and tea in the royal garden to chat, saying that it was the king who hadn't come to the court for several days, and the emperor sent someone to the palace to inquire."

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