Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1322

Rongyue sighed and shook her head: "I can only wait now for the Lord Wang to bring the antidote back. There is no other way."

Yin Shuwei took a slap in his face. If that **** didn't say those things to his grandfather and grandmother, the grandmother would not suddenly get sick, and he would not send the essay back to Wenchanghou House for medical treatment, it was already late at night But let her go home by herself.

Rongyue grabbed his hand. "You don't have to blame yourself. It doesn't matter to you. Even if they don't succeed that day, they will find another opportunity. As the saying goes, not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves forgetting. Since we are shoulder to shoulder with the palace It's been remembered, and something will happen sooner or later. "

Yin Shuwei gritted his teeth and said, "Who is so cruel, and what is wrong with the text, why do they treat her like this?"

What's wrong? The mistake is that she is the owner of Changle County, the child of her and Zhongwen, and Tianqi ’s most beloved niece. The Shangguan family naturally wants to have her first surgery, and she will never spare them.

"Well, you have seen it. Go back, don't come again. If she is lucky enough to survive, I will send someone to inform you." When she said that, her heart seemed to be pierced with a sharp blade, Blood dripped and shattered.


It is said that after Zhongwen and Wanxun left Kyoto, they rushed all the way to Nanzang. Although they were anxious, the road in the north was not easy to walk, either snow or ice, and the horses dared not run fast, especially those Inaccessible trails are even more difficult.

After rushing for two days in a row, the two were very tired. It was dark, and they just passed a city, and then they went to the city to eat and rest for a night.

As soon as they entered the city, the two felt that something was wrong. Several people seemed to be following them at the gate of the city, followed them all the way into the restaurant for dinner, and followed them all the way to the hotel.

The two pretended not to find out. After handing the horse to their buddies, they opened the room and went upstairs.

The two asked for a large room with two beds. After entering the door, they closed the doors and windows to death. When they were sure that there was no one outside, Wan Ye said, "Master, it seems that someone has been waiting for us."

Zhong Wen nodded: "Before I suspected that the killer intentionally left the trail of Mi Tuo San to lead us to Nanzang. Now it seems correct. They already knew we would come, so they set up an ambush in advance."

Wan Ye coldly coughed. "I want to make them come and go."

Zhong Wen said: "Stay alive."

There were footsteps outside, and the two were silent.

"Two guest officers, the younger brought you water."

Zhong Wenchao Wanxian winked and motioned for him to enter, then said: "Come in."

The door was opened, and the two young men carrying the hot water bucket came in one after the other, walking directly in front of the bucket and went to the bathroom. Later, the young man looked up at Zheng Zhongwen first, and saw Zheng Zhongwen also watching He immediately lowered his eyes again and followed the youth in front to the bathroom.

After the pour of the pouring water stopped, the two youths came out with empty buckets again, and the man in front said, "Guest, the water is poured. If you have any more needs, please tell me."

Zhong Wen nodded: "Thank you, there is nothing else for the time being, you go down."

The guy nodded and turned to leave. The guy behind him walked a few steps towards the door and suddenly turned around. He threw his hands and fired several hidden weapons from his sleeve.

Zhong Wen guarded him, how could he succeed, his body was light, and he avoided the attack of the hidden weapon.

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