Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1327

Zhong Wen frowned, glanced at the remaining hares on the ground, and said, "You can hunt so many wild animals, why not leave some for your mother to supplement her body?"

Miki Hong said with an eye: "I remember that my mother-in-law often became ill. I don't know what disease my mother-in-law got. When I learned to hunt, all the prey I got went to exchange money for my mother-in-law. Never left. "

Speaking of this, he sighed again and said, "If I knew my mother hadn't gotten sick, but just lacked nutritional supplements, why would I have to hunt hard to change the bitter and astringent medicine?"

Zhong Wen sighed: "It seems that you doctors in the southern Tibetan city are not very good in medicine."

Wan Yan said: "Maybe it's not that the medicine is not good, but just want to make more money."

Miki walked aside and picked up a pheasant: "I'll cook chicken soup for my mother."

Wan Ye quickly stopped him: "It must be, she has been out of balance for a long time, and suddenly eating chicken soup is not good. The chicken can be eaten, but the chicken soup has to wait another two days. In this way, you can buy a fish and steam some fish soup for She drank, and she had to make up for her step by step.

Miki should be out in a hurry, and it's not easy to get a fish. In the small river outside the village, if you are lucky, catching one or two is not a problem.

When Miki catches the fish and comes back, Zhong Wen has packed the roasted flower chicken, leaving half a chicken for Miki, so that she wo n’t have to work on dinner after they enter the mountain.

Miki knew that the two were rushing into the mountain, but they couldn't just leave the mother and leave, and told them a few words, hurriedly entered the kitchen, steamed the fish, cooked a pot of gruel, and stuffed the silver on their bodies. Under the pillow of my mother, this is the way to say: "Mother, I want to bring these two benefactors into the mountains to collect medicine. You take a good rest at home. The kitchen has porridge and fish soup cooked, and half a chicken. You are hungry. Just eat. "

Miki Miriam frowned. "Why did you cook fish and chicken? Didn't the doctor say that I can't get stinky?"

Miki sighed: "Mother, the doctors were quack doctors before. In order to make more money, they deliberately refused to let you be good. That's why you do n’t have to hang on to eat it."

Mimio gave a sigh, then quickly grasped his son's hand: "Mimu, you must be careful when you enter the mountain, do not do dangerous things, do not let yourself be hurt, remember?"

Miki Hong nodded his eyes: "Remember, my son remembers." He got up, wiped away the tears in the corner of his eyes secretly, turned and took the bow and arrow to leave.

On the way out of the village, Wan Ye asked: "Brother Miki, you said that you were the third child in your family, how could you not see your other two brothers?"

Miki sighed and said, "My father, my eldest brother, and my second brother, they all died in the Nanzang Mountains, so my mother always worried at home and didn't want me to go into the mountain again."

"We were born here. How can we live without relying on our food?"

It is utterly silent, that the Nanzang Mountains are really dangerous, and even experienced locals are hardly spared, let alone foreigners who do not know anything about them.

The three came to the back door of Nanzang City. The difference from the front door is that there are at least ten hunters who check in and out. They must do some work before going out, and they must do it when they come back. The way of life.

Miki found a cloth bag from her arms, containing dozens of copper plates, and took it to the gatekeeper's hands.

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