Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 1344: Waiting for the emperor

Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1343

The voice of Shangguan Tuo was raised several degrees, "Mo Darongen? It's ridiculous, are we Shangguanshi worse than their Chushi? Why do they sit on the big Chujiangshan, and we can only live in this little east? Why? ? "

Shangguan Jing has never seen such a son, greedy, his trembling with anger: "In short, I don't agree with this matter."

Shangguan Tuo spread his hand: "It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree. I'll leave it to that. You just have to wait to be the emperor."

Shangguan Jingqi pulled out the long sword worn around his waist for a long time. The sword pointed to Shangguan Tuo, "With me today, this cannot be done."

Shangguan Tuo already had a hard-hearted heart. How could he be threatened by his father's words, he snorted coldly: "Just as Tianwang Laozi, don't try to stop me."

Shangguanjing was stabbed with his sword. He did not use all his strength, only three points, but wanted to teach his son, but who knows that his son did not have this kind of thought, and he was red-eyed by the right. Man, where is his son.

After all, Shangguan Mirror is very old. Although he is agile, he is naturally weak and weak in front of the younger Shangguan Tuo.

Shangguan Tuo sideways avoided the sword front of Shangguan Mirror, and said angrily, "Old thing, you are almost stubborn. I said, no matter who it is, the one who blocks me will die." He reached out and pushed Shangguan Mirror into the palm of his hand, making eight Partial force, if this eight-component force is printed on a cow, the cow is half dead if it does not die, not to mention an old man with an old candle.

Shangguanjing did not expect that his son would hit him. This was an unthinkable thing. There was a severe pain in the chest. The body flew backwards like a kite with a broken wire, hit the wall severely, and fell down and fell. Suddenly, the back of his head slammed into the corner of the desk next to him, and blood splattered.

After sighing in Shangguanjing, there was no more sound. Shangguan Tuo frowned. After a moment of frowning, he went forward to look at his father's injury, but found that his father had died of anger, and he was even more upset. dead.

Outside, Shang Guannuo clenched his mouth and his eyes kept overflowing. He knew that his grandfather must have been hit by his father's poison. . .

He couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it.

That's grandfather, how did his father succeed?

What if you speak against it yourself? Would he also kill his son like he killed his grandfather?

Yes, definitely.

Although Xianguanghoufu had only one son, Keguanghou had more than one son. He also had many sons. If he died, there would be other sons to fill his vacancy immediately.

No, he can't die, Wener is still alive and dead at this time, he can't die.

He wiped his tears and turned to retreat.



Seeing that his father was going out in a new dress, Wan Xun got busy and asked, "Dad, where are you going?"

Mr. Wan frowned and said, "Your mother has been in the palace for half a month and hasn't returned yet. I'm really not assured that there are some goods to be delivered to the palace today. I'll follow it."

Wan Ye nodded: "Yeah, just go and see, or I'll go with you."

Mr. Wan shook his head: "No need, aren't you going to read the text today, you can just go and do it for you. I'll be back at night at the latest, and have dinner together."

When Wan Ye responded, he watched his father leave the house, and went to the royal palace side by side.

The chanting is getting better every day. Except that the body is still deficient, all the toxins have been cleaned up. You can restore it as long as you take some time to raise it.

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