Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1345

God knows how long she waited for this day, Qi Rongyue, Zheng Nianwen, all of you will die.

At this time, the emperor was going up. Qi Rongyue didn't go to the Royal Study Room or the Royal Palace, but first came to the Queen's palace.

This is also expected by Shangguan Yao. She will go to the palace. It is impossible to see the emperor. Since she is here, she will come to her.

"I heard the magpie in the morning, and there will be nobles."

Qi Rongyue laughed after the ceremony: "The queen really laughs, what kind of person is such a person like me?"

Shangguan Yao laughed perfunctoryly and ordered people to serve tea.

"It's the so-called no-go shop in Sambo, so the princess Su Ri rarely comes to this palace. Why is it today?"

Qi Rongyue chuckled: "The queen said and laughed, but I went into the palace today and there was something wrong. I hope the queen can solve my doubts."

Shangguan Yao put down the tea cup in his hand and smiled, "Ask."

Rongyue said: "Half a month ago, my master entered the palace to visit the emperor, and then sent a letter back to the house, saying that the emperor was ill and needed her to be treated and looked after. A half-moon passed, the master never returned home, yesterday Mr. Wan By reason of delivery into the palace, he specifically sought to see the emperor and wanted to see his wife, but as a result, Mr. Wan did not return to his house and had no news at all. "

Shangguan Yao's complexion remained unchanged, his smile was still light, and it was obviously as gentle and elegant as before, but today, in Rongyue's eyes, he had a different taste.

The old **** is here, as if everything is in the palm of his hand.

"It turned out that the principal asked them, but the palace knew something about it."

She looked up at Rongyue, and the smirk on her face deepened instantaneously, with a hint of pride: "Master Jian Xu is old and made an error for the emperor's treatment. He went to prison as early as half a month ago. You do not know?"

Sure enough, since she said so, Qi must have also happened that day. According to Tian Qi's temper, even if the master really made a mistake when he diagnosed and treated him, it was absolutely impossible for him to go to jail.

She suppressed the anxiety in her heart and gritted her teeth, "What about Mr. Wan? What about Mr. Wan?"

Shangguan Yao shrugged: "Mr. Wan is terrible. He has no official or job, and has no emperor to see him. He dared to break into the forbidden palace privately. This is a crime of beheading. Fortunately, the guards in the palace recognized him and did not execute him on the spot. The emperor's kindness, opened his eyes, and locked him with Master Jian, and when they were executed together, they were all married. "

Rongyue looked coldly at Shangguan Ballad and finally understood what she was proud of in her smile today.

She knew that it was not stubborn time. She had to confirm what happened to Tian Qi. Is Tian Qi still Tian Qi?

She barely smiled and got up and said, "Since this is the case, then I have nothing to say, thank you Queen Queen." She stood up and said to Shangguanyao: "I will retreat first, and see you later."

The smile on Shangguan Yao's face faded gradually, and the coldness of his eyes condensed: "Since it's here, stay a little longer and walk away."

Rongyue said: "No, I have some things to wait for, and it will be late."

Shangguan Yao stood up and walked slowly to Rongyue's side, her cold eyes fixed on her face. God is really unfair. He is already forty people, but still so beautiful and pressing.

If she was half forty when she was forty years old? Obviously not, otherwise why would the emperor not even look at her more?

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