Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1355

Nianwen froze and looked at Wan Wan in disbelief in disbelief: "What did you say? The master has also had an accident? My father and mother may have an accident? What the **** happened?"

Wan Yan frowned, intending to swallow these annoying things all by himself, but in front of him, it seemed that he couldn't hide it.

"Wen'er, you were injured this time. The officials from the Japanese government sent someone to do it. We suspect that Shangguan Tuo joined the queen and wants to rebel."

"We have been collecting evidence. I didn't expect that they moved so quickly and moved the emperor. This was unexpected. They caught us by surprise and we certainly can't go back to Kyoto."

Zheng Nianwen stayed where he was, and those palace changes that I have only heard in rumors have really been staged again? Her relatives are involved, but she can only watch at this moment?

Wan Yan grabbed Nianwen's arm and said in a deep voice, "Wen'er, don't worry, this is not settled yet, we still have a chance."

"What do we do now? What should we do now?" She never thought that she would encounter such a thing in her lifetime. She is now in chaos and doesn't know how her brain should work.

Wan Ye said: "Let's find a place to live in anonymously, and inquire about the situation in the palace and the palace. This is also what the princess arranged earlier. She was afraid that something would happen if she entered the palace today, so let me take your sister and brother early. The two left and let me wait for her letter. I left a secret sign along the way. If the princess and the prince are all right, he will send someone to come to us. Of course, we ca n’t wait. I will pretend to be in the city tomorrow morning to ask Happening."

At this point, the text has gradually calmed down, listening to Wan Yan's analysis, knowing that there is no other way now, only nodded: "Okay, all listen to you."

Wan Zheng glanced at the official road outside the woods and whispered: "At the moment, the inn and the station cannot be lived. We have to find a farmhouse or Zhuangzi to borrow."

There was no objection to the text. At this time, it was really inappropriate to enter the city, and it was uncertain how many enemies were waiting for them to throw themselves into the net.

After leaving the woods, they did not stay on the official road, but went directly through the official road and took a footpath. From this distance, there was a slight faint angle of the eaves of the house, and they smoked smoke.

After walking through a wild trail, they stood at a fork in the road. The road on the left was leading to a small village, and the road on the right was a village facing the water. It looked like a property owned by a large family. Zhuangzi It's not big, but the shape is elegant.

The two looked at each other and decided to go to Zhuangzi to stay at the same time. After all, the people in the village had many eyes and were not as quiet as Zhuangzi.

The woman who opened the door was a woman in her early thirties, wearing coarse clothes, holding a handful of vegetables in her hand, and glancing at them, asking, "Who are you looking for?"

Wan Ye busyly said, "This elder sister, we are here to stay. We originally had an appointment with a friend to meet on the official road in front of us, but we waited for a day and night without waiting for someone. Overnight, oh, we don't eat for nothing, we can give money. "

The woman took a closer look at both of them and said, "You wait, I'll go in and ask."

The woman turned and closed the door, and the quiet melody tuned out from the crack of the door, and everyone who listened was drunk.

Read the text: "This person's piano skills are very good, not worse than my mother." She thought that the music played by the mother must be the best in the world.

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