Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1358

Locke's eyes swept through her thin white wrists, wearing a string of sapphire beads on her wrist. The sapphire beads were ordinary at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that this string of beads is extraordinary.

Each sapphire bead is engraved with dark lines, and the pattern on each engraved is different. It cannot be seen without careful look.

The bead string Luo Ji is very familiar, this is a gift she gave to Qi Rongyuebai herself, thanking her for curing her mother's illness. Although her mother is gone now, she will always remember Qi Rongyue's kindness to her.

Luo Ji clasped Nianwen's hand and pulled her hand in front of herself to take a closer look, confirming that the bead was given to Qi Rongyue that year.

"Where did this come from?" She asked, looking up at Nianwen.

Nianwen quickly drew back his hand and frowned, "This is my mother's gift, have you seen it?"

Luo Ji laughed suddenly, no wonder she looked like Qi Rongyue. It turned out to be her daughter. It turned out to be the naughty little girl of the year.

Luo Ji said to Wu Yan: "You go down first, I talk to Miss Xu."

Wu Yan hurriedly retreated, and Luo Ji got up and closed the door. Then she said, "You should not be Xu, but Zheng!"

Wan Yan's face changed slightly, and he sank in silence: "Who the **** are you?"

Locke waved her hand: "You don't have to panic. I'm not a bad person. Since you changed your name and changed your name to stay here, it seems to be in trouble, rest assured, I will help you."

I don't know why, although it was only the first time I met, but the text was willing to believe her and believe every word she said.

"Thank you, it seems you know my mother."

Locke nodded: "It ’s more than just knowing you and I have a deep relationship with you. This string of beads on your hand is a thank you gift to your mother that year. I never expected that I would have a chance to see it after all these years. . "

The three sat back at the table, and Locke asked, "What the **** happened? Why hide my name?"

Nianwen said: "Girl Luo, this matter is very important, you still don't know well, so as not to cause you trouble."

Luo Ji sighed: "You girl, you have the same temperament as your mother, do n’t say it without saying, I have limited ability, and even if it ’s for me, I ca n’t help you, sister Rongyue is not an ordinary person, I I believe there is nothing she can't do in this world, and no one can threaten her. "

Nianwen looked down, "Hope, hope so."

Chu Palace

After Shangguan Yao was rescued and returned to the palace, she immediately declared a doctor to treat her. Except for some minor traumas, there was nothing serious about her.

Pearl ginseng soup was delivered to Shangguan Yao: "Madam, you must first dissipate. The slave has just received the news. The three families of the king and the family have all fallen to the cliff with their car. It is estimated that they have broken their bodies." Zhuer's face was covered. Unstoppable joy, she has always been clever at this time but did not notice that the master is wrong.

Shangguan Yao heard the words "Fen Shen broken bones", and his body suddenly shook. He looked up at Zhu Er: "See their bodies?"

Zhu Er shook her head: "No, but the emperor has sent someone to find it, I believe it will be found."

Shangguan Yao breathed a sigh of relief, as long as no corpse was found, maybe there is still the possibility of surviving.

Before being awakened by Qi Rongyue, she hated Qi Rongyue's bones and wanted to kill her with her own hands, but now she woke up and realized how ridiculous her hate was. Qi Rongyue never did anything to hurt her. Instead, in front of the emperor, she often praised her, and even persuaded the emperor to come to her palace many times, otherwise, how could she give birth to two children in a row.

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