Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1368

Nianwen was anxious. She didn't expect that she would be ambushed here. Can't she even enter the city gate?

She stood up, leaped from the horse's back, plunged into the circle of war, and smashed all the way to the gate of the city. She had only one idea in her heart, entering the city and entering the palace.

Min Hengzhi saw this and hurriedly dismounted his horse and chased Nianwen's side while guarding her and persuading her to leave with him.

Unwilling to read, if she leaves at this time, when can she come back again?

Suddenly dozens of dark shadows descended from the tower. They held Xueliang's sharp blade and rushed towards Nianwen and Min Hengzhi.

Min Hengzhi's guards rushed up to protect Min Hengzhi.

Min Hengzhi shouted, "Don't worry about me, protect the county owner."

Before the words fell, Zheng Nianwen had already turned into the black suit. After only one move, Zheng Nianwen felt the strength of the other party, and her kung fu was absolutely above her. To be defeated.

"Are you from Shangguan Tuo?" She stepped back and paused the attack.

The headed man in black sneered: "What's the matter? Changle County Lord, this world has changed hands. I advise you to surrender and obey, maybe there is still a chance."

These people dare to stop her and Uncle Min outside the palace door, so it seems that the father and mother must be in an accident, otherwise, there are father and mother who are afraid to borrow ten of them.

"Now that you know that I am the Lord of Changle County, you should know that my father is a side-by-side king and my mother is a princess protecting the country. Have you ever thought about the consequences to me?" After getting the whereabouts of father and mother, maybe one can see one or two from the mouths of these people.

The man in black smiled arrogantly and exclaimed: "Side by side? Princess Protector? I'm afraid there are no two people in this world."

Nianwen was so nervous that he asked, "What do you mean by that? Don't let your mouth open."

The man in black said: "I have a good mouth? Who else in this Kyoto city doesn't know, the princess protecting the country and the king side by side, and the little prince in the palace, the family of three fell together on the cliff and broke their bones."

The expression changed dramatically, and he quickly shook his head: "No, it's impossible, you talk nonsense."

"I'm bullshit? Well, you have to think that I'm **** is not okay, then I'm bullshit, Changle County Lord, if you surrender now, you may be less affected by flesh and bones."

The reading was so shocked that the words of the man in black just echoed in her ears. She didn't believe it, but could not help but flustered. What happened to her father, mother and younger brother?

Seeing she was distracted, the man in black reached out to capture, read the text and dodged, and defended himself with a horizontal knife, but he drew a few rounds.

Min Hengzhi rushed forward to save her, but was pulled down by his own hands, trying to forcibly take him away, and hesitated, they could not go.

The light-colored sweater on Nianwen's body was soon dyed red, and the black man clasped her arms and tied her in a big flower: "Well, if it wasn't for the queen mother to have us catch you, you girl would be dead. How many times. "

"You continue to surround them, killing them all, leaving no one left." The man in black ordered coldly to the Overseer, and turned around and walked into the city with a small chicken like Zheng Nianwen.

She finally entered the city, but in this way.

She looked up at the deserted street in the city, thinking of her being in the middle of Zhuangzi, how was he? Five thousand soldiers and horses were on the way to Beijing. He couldn't possibly wonder, where was the others?

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