Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1377

Pearl entered the temple and saluted ‘Chu Tianqi’: “Slave see the emperor.”

‘Chu Tianqi’ raised her eyes and glanced at Pearl. The pride and complacency in her eyes were very clear, “No courtesy.”

In Zhuer's heart, she scorned the fake product in front of her, even if she put on a big show in front of others, and she dared to be so arrogant in front of her. This kind of person thought that she climbed high, but did not know. If he falls, he will also fall very painfully. He doesn't know how to put himself in the right place. One day he falls from this throne.

"But the queen asked you to come?" ‘Chu Tianqi’ asked.

Zhu Er nodded: "It was the Queen's maiden who brought her slaves." She looked around, and there were several eunuchs in the palace who stood there.

Chu Tianqi winked at the **** next to him. The **** knew, and immediately pointed his throat and said, "Let's all step back."

Everyone was gone, and the temple door was closed. Zhuer said: "The emperor, the queen's maiden's slave, came to preach, and asked the emperor to go to the Buddhist temple in Zhaoyuan Palace to deal with the prisoner. The emperor will do it. "

"Chu Tianqi" looked happy, "Does she really say that?"

Zhu Er nodded: "Slave did not dare to make a fuss, the queen's maiden said, please the emperor must go as soon as possible, so as not to miss the time, so that Hou Ye will not blame him after entering the palace."

"Chu Tianqi" waited for this day, day and night, and finally waited. How could he miss the hour, he wanted to resolve that person as soon as possible, then in this world, he became the real Chu Tianqi And never have to worry about it.

He immediately got up, and said to Zhu Er: "Here go, you take the key, go inside and change clothes and pass." The dragon robe was newly made according to his size, but it could not be stained with the man's Blood stains, naturally have to put on and go again.

Zhuer took the key from her arms and handed it to the **** who came forward: "The slave has resigned."

After returning to Zhaoyuan Palace, Zhuer went back to Shangguan Yao to confess the matter. Shangguan Yao nodded, got up and went into the inner hall, and said that he had a headache. He would use the special cooling oil made by Sanhe Puli outside the palace and let Zhuer buy it himself.

The queen also sent her in this way, which meant that she was not assured that others bought it, and every time she went out, the queen lady would give her twelve silver. This cooling oil can be bought for only one or two silver. She made a net profit of nine or two. Such a good thing, naturally she will not shirk, but also want to drop by and buy some fashionable and beautiful jewelry.

After waiting for Shangguanyao to lie down, Pearl took the silver and hurried out of the palace. Shangguanyao quickly got up, turned out the window, and went to the Buddhist temple.

As soon as she entered the Buddhist temple with her forefoot, ‘Chu Tianqi’ followed and came in.

Seeing that Shangguan Yao was also there, he raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Is the queen also here? Isn't Pearl saying that you are inconvenient to come?"

The queen glanced at the two guards behind him, and frowned, and waved at him, leading him to a corner, lowered his voice: "There are things you can do yourself, so don't bother others to do it, know The more people there are, the worse it is for you. Do you still use this palace to teach you? "

‘Chu Tianqi’ thought about it, Shen made her very reasonable. This kind of thing, the fewer people who know, the better. If you take these people in, he will be better after a while.

Besides, Chu Tianqi's body was poisoned by cartilage, and he was hungry for several days. It is estimated that he has no strength to speak, but is he not allowed to slaughter him?

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