Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1380

He didn't want this beauty to disappear like this, he hadn't sat down enough for the throne.

Anyway, they said that they didn't know the truth, so it was important to save their lives.

"I said, I really said." He panted, and saw that dagger moved away from his chest, and then he said again, "Master Hou said, he said he would not ascend to the throne and would keep me emperor, he That's what it says. "

Naturally, Wan Xi did not believe this and did not want to expose him. "Will the 200,000 troops from the east move?"

"Chu Tianqi" turned his eyes and said busyly: "No, no, Houye said, he will never move or move the army. He came to Beijing this time with only dozens of relatives. "

It seemed that nothing could be asked in his mouth, Wan Yan simply inserted a dagger into his other leg, cut off his arterial blood vessels, and blood poured out.

"Chu Tianqi" made a hoarse cry in the roar: "You, you don't keep your promise, and you will kill me if you say so."

Wan Yan said: "You're talking nonsense, when I'm so confused? If I want to survive, I don't blame my hand for poisoning." This sentence, although it was said in the face of 'Chu Tianqi', but It is said to be too listening to be questioned later.

Listening too much to this remark, my body was constantly trembling, and I naturally understood what Wan Wan meant.

The more blood swelled, the more ‘Chu Tianqi’ turned paler and whiter, except for twitching and trembling, his body could no longer make a sound.

Wan Ye slowly got up and turned to face the **** behind him. The murderousness of the whole body made him terrified: "I said, I say everything, don't kill me, please don't kill me, I ’m old and young, I ’m It ’s not the **** in this palace. I ’m Hou Ye sent from Dongli. He is responsible for sending a letter to A Si and reporting the love palace in real time to Hou Ye. "

Wan Yan frowned and asked, "How to report?"

Eunuch: "There are messengers who specialize between Dongli and Kyoto, and there are also flying pigeons."

Wan Min asked: "Hou Ye, your family has seen you?"

The **** quickly shook his head: "No, no, how did Hou Ye recognize a little person like me? I am under Cui Guanshi. Cui Guanshi is Hou's most effective assistant."

"Cui Guanshi also went to Beijing with Shangguan Tuo?" Wan Zheng asked.

Eunuch: "Cui Guanshi has always been in Kyoto. Last time Hou Ye returned to the east, Cui Guanshi left the layout. He always lived in Shangguanfu and never left."

Wan Yan sneered: "Yes, you have begun layout since then."

After hearing the words, Chu Tianqi behind Wan Min could not help sighing: "Sister Huang reminded me, but I didn't care too much, I didn't expect--"

Seeing him blame him, he quickly enlightened: "The common saying is good. Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, you're afraid of thieves. You are caught by them. They will always have a way to act, and they can't prevent it."

It may not be impossible to prevent, but he cares too much about the feelings, especially the Shangguan family was still the founding father of the year. In the end, it is necessary to take into account the sentiments of some ancestors. In addition, he married Shangguan Yao as the queen, and he did not guard them too much.

This has caused today's woes!

"Mr. Prince, the emperor, the villain has said everything, begging the two to do well, leaving the villain a mean life." The **** begged.

Wan Yan glanced at him coldly: "Are you saying everything? Are you sure you have nothing to say?"

The **** stared at Wan Ye with a blank expression; "Please also ask Wan Gongzi to remind me one or two."

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