Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 1447: Why didn't you kill him?

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Reference 1446

"Say, where is the Zhenxi Hou?" Zheng Zhongwen's cold voice sounded in Zhang Wei's ear. Zhang Wei's body shivered more and more. He was afraid. Zheng Zhongwen's reputation had been heard countless times. On the battlefield, it is also called double killing cold evil. In the Chu Dynasty, the power is superb. It is above the court. Except for the emperor, he has the most weight to speak. His relationship with Tianhu is not a brother, but he is better than a brother. .

Zhang Wei kept thinking in his heart that if he said the whereabouts of Tian Hu, his value would be gone, and he would definitely not be able to survive. If he didn't say that, they would have some scruples, and they might still survive.

Qi Rongyue, who had not spoken, turned around to face Zhang Wei after examining the wound on Dina's neck, and she said in a deep voice: "I urge you to tell the truth earlier, if you break off one arm, the blood flow will not stop, if not faster Hemostasis, without us, you will lose too much blood and die. "

Zhang Wei looked at the blood flowing endlessly. The pain caused the broken arm with no strength. He was afraid and hated. He broke his arm and became a wasteful man. Even if he survived, he would never be able to survive again. Once upon a time.

However, he still wanted to live.

"I can tell you where Tianhu is, but you have to bandage me first."

Hu Haidao: "Don't believe him, this person is so cunning."

Rongyue said: "Anyway, if he dares not to keep his promise, I have at least a hundred ways to make him unable to survive and death."

Zhang Wei's body trembled, and his heart was filled with strong fear. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Zheng Zhongwen or Qi Rongyue again. All kinds of calculations in his heart, until his broken arm was bandaged, he still didn't think of a trick to get out. .

Qi Rongyue dropped the cut bandage and stared coldly at Zhang Wei: "Say, where is Hou Ye?"

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and said, "Tell you all right, but I have one condition."

Qi Rongyue Lengheng: "I don't think you are qualified to talk to us about the conditions. No matter what the conditions are, I won't agree. Let me be clear. If Hou Ye lived in peace, you may still have a life on the front line Opportunity, if Hou Ye had a good deal, you would n’t even die if you wanted to, understand? "

Zhang Wei was busy: "Live, Hou Ye is still alive, I can swear."

Qi Rongyue waved his hand: "I do n’t need you to swear, your companion Li Dan has already explained some things. He had already been recruited. Who knows that you have this sudden situation, we left him here, you think, If Li Dan speaks out first, will you still have a chance? "

Zhang Wei froze. Although Li Dan had a tougher temper than him, he had the same human nature. He didn't want to die, he wanted to live. If he opened his mouth first, I really don't have a chance.

"I said, I said--"

Zhang Wei was discouraged. He no longer had the courage to resist it. The pain of broken arms and the power of intimidation could not bear it anymore.

Dina breathed a sigh of relief, and before she knew it, the parchment in her hand had been smashed. When she heard Zhang Weisong's mouth, she relieved her sigh.

"Where is he? Where is he?" Dina ignored the pain in her neck and rushed forward to ask Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei bowed his head, like a bereavement dog. "There is a cave under the Baiyan **** north of Xipan Mountain. Hou Ye is in that cave. He is poisoned but alive."

Qi Rongyue asked: "Why is he still alive? Why didn't you kill him?"

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