Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 1451: Will never let him succeed

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Chapter 1450

Zhengzhou was busy: "I'm not worried. I'm not worried at all. My mother is a divine doctor. Why is there something wrong? I'm not afraid."

Zhong Wen nodded: "Well, you are here to accompany your mother-in-law. Uncle Yuanbao and I go out and talk."

Zhengzhou responded, sitting obediently in front of his mother's bed.

Zhong Wen pulled Yuanbao out, and the two came to the stone table in the courtyard and sat down.

"Yuanbao, what news can you get in the camp recently?"

Yuanbao thought about it and shook his head: "No news, but Hou Ye received a letter from Beiyu a few days ago. After reading the letter, Hou Ye didn't seem to be in a good mood, but he didn't say much, just said Check back in Kyoto for a while. "

Zhong Wen nodded: "It seems that news from Kyoto has not passed here."

Yuanbao busy asked: "Master, what happened, why did you and the princess come here suddenly? It looks so embarrassed."

Zhong Wen sighed, thinking of the situation in Kyoto at this time, his brows were tightened: "Kyoto has an accident, I am not sure what is happening in Kyoto now."

He briefly talked about the change of Kyoto, and the suffering he and Rong Yue had suffered for more than a month, and he heard Yuanbao stunned.

"How could the emperor, but that is the emperor, how could he do this to you and the princess, this this--"

Zhong Wen said: "He is not the emperor, and the emperor will never do such a thing. That person is not the emperor. He is the puppet of Shangguan Tuo. He is a fake."

Yuanbao was dumbfounded, this is almost like a nightmare, isn't the emperor the emperor?

"After my accident, he decided to take back Longxi's military power. Although he can still relocate north with the command of the commander, if I do, I will be charged with treason by Shangguan Tuo and lead to uncontrollable charges. The civil war gives opportunities to those enemies who have always looked down upon us. I will not be so selfish, and I will not be so selfish. What's more, if I lead my troops northward, I will give Shangguan the opportunity to rebelliously. I He will never succeed. "

Yuanbao understood about the beginning and end of the matter and asked, "What are you going to do now?"

Zheng Zhongwen looked at Yuanbao. "You also came out of the Black Desert. It must have been very clear that the emperor was reset. Although the situation is not the same as the original, it is also similar in six points. If you use the original method again, you Do you think it works? "

Yuanbao thought about it and shook his head: "It is not feasible. At first, the Black Cavalry came out of the Black Desert and entered the customs from the north of the desert, and because the generals in the frontiers pretended to be deaf and dumb to us. However, the situation today is very different from the original. The position of the Black Cavalry is no longer mysterious. Now that this happens, I do n’t know how many eyes are staring at us. As long as we have a slight change, we will be detained by the rebel party. Charges. "

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "This is also something I have been worried about, and I haven't thought of a better way now. I can only wait for Tianhu to wake up."

Yuanbao said: "Anyway, just say a word from Lord Wang, heaven and earth, my Yuanbao will swear to die."

Zheng Zhongwen patted Yuanbao's shoulder: "Good brother, thank you."

Yuan Bao was also born and died with Zheng Zhongwen at the beginning. The love between the two is also very deep. Now Zheng Zhongwen is in trouble, and in public and private, he will not stand by. As a general in the Black Cavalry, he is destined to be in his life. Spending on the battlefield, this is the road he has chosen since joining the army.

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