Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1454

Shu'er was lying in bed shouting that he had a stomachache. The ten-year-old child was just at the age of chanting.

Yuanbao stepped forward and touched his forehead. His face was covered with sweat, and his clothes were soaked. If he went on like this, his stomach hurt, and he would catch cold due to sweat.

Yuanbao turned to Lianxiang and reprimanded: "How do you take care of the young man? I don't know if he was soaked and cleaned up?"

Lianxiang said busyly: "The general has been wronged by the slaves. The slaves had just replaced the little boys. It didn't take long for them to get wet again."

Yuanbao was displeased, and after hearing her excuse, her heart became more and more angry: "You still have reason? Madam asked you to take care of the little boy, that's how you take care of it? Knowing that the little boy is uncomfortable, it hurts like this, you still write Is it the right thing for you to go under the younger son? If you really want to find a wife, who should you go to? No one else in this house? "

Lianxiang was aggrieved, but she did not dare to discern, so she had to lower her head and not speak.

Yuanbao didn't want to care about her either, she leaned over and picked up Zhuer, turned around and left Shuju. Just a few steps out, she folded back again, and said to Xiang Qi who was in a daze at the door of the room, "What are you still doing? Follow me with clean clothes. "

Yuanbao is not stupid. Thinking of his wife's face, she knew that she must have doubts about Lianxiang. Since she was the object of suspicion, let her stay under their eyelids, so as not to cause anything else.

Although Lianxiang was reluctant, she did not dare to say a word to General Yuanbao. These generals were the masters who killed and did not blink, annoyed them and cut her head with one stroke. Whom would she ask for?

At the other end, Hu Hai took Zhier to the main house.

Zhier is thirteen years old this year, and she is slender and sturdy. She is a fan of every lady's act, but her bright eyes always reveal Xu Xu's cunning wisdom.

"Mother, what happened?" Zhier had just visited his father in the morning. Then the mother suddenly sent Uncle Hu to bring her over. There must be something, and Hu Hai's expression and eyes made her feel afraid, as if Something extraordinary happened.

Dina shook her head: "It's nothing, it's just that I'm too tired to take care of your father by myself, thinking about letting you handle it."

Zhier has always been clever, and her mother ’s words are a bit unreasonable, but since she said it, she naturally has her truth again. In front of outsiders, she does n’t ask much, and only responds lightly.

After a while, Yuanbao came to her with the painful groaning in her mouth.

When Dina saw her son, she rushed forward, "How can this happen? What the **** is going on?"

Wubao shook his head: "This can be said to be bad, as soon as it will let the public-oh no, let Mrs. Guan see, Mrs. Guan has done a good job of healing, there will be nothing wrong with her."

Mrs. Guan?

Dina raised an eyebrow at Yuanbao, who nodded slightly at her.

Dina would understand. It seems that the identities of the princess and the prince cannot be revealed for the time being, especially in front of these people who do not know the roots.

Dina said: "Let ’s put it down first, Mrs. Guan should be out soon."

When they were talking outside, they did not deliberately lower the volume. The people inside listened to the dialogue between them very clearly. Qi Rongyue pulled out the last silver needle on Tianhu. Although his body was extremely tired, He still shouted, "Bring me in and show me."

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