Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 1472: It doesn't matter who we are

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Chapter 1471

"They really aren't." Qi Rongyue entered from behind, followed by a tense expression of Lianxiang. Lianxiang saw the two arrested, and the two of them fell to the ground. There was joy in their eyes. The door was closed so that no one would break in.

"What kind of people are you?" Qian Treasurer looked at these people in horror, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

"It's not important who we are. What's important is that we are the ones who can control your life and death." Qi Rongyue walked in front of the two, staring at them coldly, expressionless.

The two money shopkeepers exchanged their eyes, and they saw the color of horror in the eyes of the other party, "Are you the princess of the country who disappeared more than a month ago?" The legend of the princess of the country is beautiful, extraordinary, and exquisite, Good at strategy, this woman now seems to fit these rumors.

Qi Rongyue did not deny it, only asked: "I said, it doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that your next choice can directly determine your own life and death."

"What on earth do you want? Do you know who is behind us? Are you not afraid of causing the killing?" Qian treasurer was shocked in his heart, his mind was confused, and what he said was no longer logical.

Qi Rongyue sneered: "I'm already dead. What is terrible to me? No matter how terrible the people behind you are, they can now appear in front of you and save you in a safe place?"

Obviously not.

The two money dispensers are middle-aged people. There is an old man and a young man. There is a wife and a beautiful wife at home waiting for him to enjoy it. Who can bear to die?

This kind of hard work is sold with anyone. The important thing is that at the same time, you can survive well and live a good life.

This is an important reason why they can climb to the position of stewardship. They are very clever, understand the situation, and know when and what decisions to make.

After they were silent for a while, they finally spoke: "Just forgive us not to die and let us do anything."

Qi Rongyue actually admired the two men's minds. It turned out to be unexpected when the direction of the wind changed.

"As the saying goes, the current affairs expert is Junjie. You two are very clever and know how to choose. This is very good." Then, she took out a white porcelain bottle from her arms and poured out two red color pill from the porcelain bottle.

She passed Dan Wan into Zheng Zhongwen's hands: "Let them serve."

The two looked at the pill in horror, gritted their teeth and refused to take it.

How do the prisoners under the ranks have a choice?

Zheng Zhongwen and Yuanbao pried open the mouths of the two directly, and threw the red color pill into it.

"You, what did you give us?" Qian Treasurer wanted to vomit, but he couldn't vomit it. Dan Wan had slid down his throat into his belly, and everything he passed was as painful as burning fire.

"This is Chiyan Dan. The person serving the Dan is like swallowing a fireball. After the fireball enters the abdomen, it will not erupt immediately. It will only make you feel uncomfortable, but not fatal, but, no The fatality is only temporary. After taking this dan, you must swallow the detoxification dan every three days, otherwise, you will die from the pain of burning the heart. No one in this world except me has this antidote. "

"You, what exactly do you want to do?" Qian the shopkeeper asked with a blank face.

"What do you want? Now that you know who I am as the princess of protecting the country, what do you think I want to do?" Qi Rongyue sneered.

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