Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 1489: Which house is strong

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Chapter 1488

"Brother Jiao, if my father, mother and brother can still come back alive, I will never leave them again. If they can't come back alive, I will always stay side by side with the palace and never go anywhere."

Seeing that her expression was gradually starting to get excited, Zhou Jiao knew that her words had triggered her sadness and reminded her of a family whose life was unknown. He was upset and said quickly: "Wen'er, don't you be sad, I will just ask you, you If you don't want to go, then don't go, I will never force you. "

Nianwen wiped the wet corners of his eyes, looked at the sky, and said, "It's not early, you go back, be careful on the road."

Despite all kinds of perseverance, after all, there will still be a parting moment at this moment. Zhou Jiao no longer said anything, nodded at her, and led the followers to leave Bieyuan.

The Shangguan Nuo outside the hospital saw them all gone, and then entered the courtyard, and said redly to his eyes: "What happened to you? He bullied you?"

Nianwen shook his head: "No, why would he bully me? I grew up with him, and he is as good as my brother and sister. He treats me well."

"Then why are you crying?" He took the parcel out of his arms and handed it to her.

She pushed Papa back and laughed, "I'm fine, I just remembered some sad things, now I'm fine, all right."

She crossed him and headed for Master's residence. He suppressed the loss in his heart and followed.

When Chu Tianqi returned to the palace, Shangguan Tuo hadn't even returned yet. He was still lying in the apse of Jinyu, and there were many memorials by the bed. It seems that Shangguan Tuo was not busy during the time he and Wan Li left. Ah, do you want to get started so soon?

Chu Tianqi returned the soldiers to Shangguan Tuo. Shangguan Tuo didn't care too much, and took it into his arms.

Chu Tianqi sat down in front of Shangguan Tuo's bed, took a handbook and looked at it. After watching for a while, he suddenly asked, "Where is this Nanwei?"

Shangguan Tuo raised his eyes and glanced at him, full of sarcasm: "Nan Wei is the fortress of the Chu Dynasty, haven't you heard of it?"

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "I haven't heard it, maybe I have heard it, but I didn't remember it carefully."

Shangguan Tuoleng snorted coldly: "Of course you can't remember these. Which one of the blue houses in Kyoto is strong, you are very clear."

Sure enough, Shangguan Tuo sent people to follow him all the way. Where he went and what he did, Shangguan Tuo would know exactly.

Chu Tianqi laughed twice: "This is not, this is not too long, uncomfortable, I saw it on the road, how can I bear it, go play for a while."

Shangguan Tuo was too lazy to care about him. The more he looked like this, the more reassured he was.

He glanced at the discount in Chu Tianqi's hands, and suddenly asked: "Nan Wei's Ruan Song has always been a neutral faction, and he can be called a veteran of the Three Dynasties. He is also considered to have high moral standing in Nan Wei. I don't know if people can do it. "

Chu Tianqi secretly looked at Shangguan Tuo. What he said was that he didn't trust Ruan Song and wanted to send another general to replace Ruan Song. In this way, the military power would not be sidelined, and Nan Wei could be more firmly controlled afterwards. .

It must not be allowed to happen, otherwise, all my previous efforts will be wasted.

Chu Tianqi seemed to be inadvertently saying, "I do n’t understand these things, but if I heard of war, I still need someone who can shake the three armies. Otherwise, I will be replaced by a general who cannot deter the three armies. Before you start, your power is reduced by half, greatly increasing the risk of losing the battle. "

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