Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Reference 1494

Shangguan Nuo smiled bitterly and nodded helplessly.

He knew that Nianwen had never blamed him, but after all, his surname was Shangguan, and how the Shangguan family had done harm to her, how could he say that it had nothing to do with it?

Either leave or leave.

He didn't keep or ask her again, in the dark corner, watching her step by step away from his sight.

This parting, maybe farewell, or maybe goodbye, their relationship will never return to the past.


As an ordinary eunuch, Wan Xun slipped out of the palace on the grounds of helping the director to buy. He remembered the essay in his heart and the mother who was seriously ill, and rushed to the palace in Shangguannuo immediately after leaving the palace.

When I first arrived at Bieyuan, I saw Nianwen helping her mother to step out from the gate, while Dad was carrying two baggage bags and seemed to be leaving the Bieyuan.

He rolled over and dismounted, hurried forward, holding his mother's other arm: "Where are you going?"

Wan Ye changed his appearance today. If it wasn't for him to speak, they would just pass by as ordinary passers-by.

"Yeah, you are here in a timely manner." Jian Yun held back the cough and smiled lightly.

Mr. Wan on the side seemed to be a lot older. On a different day, a lot of white hair appeared every day. The black hair that was full of head was almost half white. When he saw his son came, his face was heavy. There was also a hint of smile: "We are thinking about how to notify you, but I did not expect you to come in such a timely manner."

Wan Yan swallowed the pain in his heart and turned to look at the text. His familiar face was covered with tears and his eyes were flushed, apparently just a short while ago.

"What's going on? Is something happening?" Wan Yan asked tightly, nervously.

Nianwen shook his head: "It's okay, I'm okay, but I left Shangguan's house, and now Shangguan Tuo is seriously ill. Shangguan Nuo has an intolerance. I don't know how long he will keep a secret for us. I thought I would leave earlier. The man at the city gate is a friend I saved in the bazaar. I have already done some work and will send them out of the city now. "

Kyoto is still under the influence of the Shangguan family. It is always unsafe to stay in the city. It may be better to leave.

Jian Yun is now ill and cannot help them by staying. When Nianwen proposed to send her out of the city, she had no objection. As long as the children decided what to do, she had no opinion.

Wan Zheng asked, "How did you cry? What else happened?" He frowned, thinking that the Shangguan Nuo bullied her? Thinking of this, he became extremely nervous.

Nianwen shook his head and glanced at the Master next to him, but eventually said nothing. Wan Ye knew the situation of Master, and now it was undoubtedly another piercing in his heart, she could not bear it.

"It's nothing, just think of my father and mother, let's go, don't delay the time." She took Master and got on the carriage. The carriage was very small. Four people sitting together seemed extremely crowded, but it was also very rare warmth. How good would it be to stay together like this?

Getting out of the city was smooth, and the soldiers who had been fooled by Huhuweiwei got out of the car for inspection. The brother who promised to help her was obviously talkable among the soldiers. He waved and immediately let go.

"Where are we going?" Wan Ye asked.

The text pointed to the east direction: "Remember the farm we took refuge in?"

Wan Min nodded: "Remember, Locke's Farm, where are you going?"

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