Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1514

"Thank you, Miss." Nian Wen whispered.

Shangguan Yu'er glanced at him, and those eyes were still so captivating. Is the big brother so special to him because of these eyes?

She quickly shook her head: "No, Brother is not like this, never."

At this time, the door that was closed for a long time was finally opened, and Shangguan Nuo walked out with a happy face, and said to the people in the courtyard: "Daddy wakes up, Daddy wakes up."

He was very happy, the smile on his face became brighter, and he casually glanced at the crowd. He didn't intend to see who he was, but when his eyes saw the familiar figure, his smile froze. Already.

Wener, she's back.

It seems she already knows what he took of Bodhidan.

When he left the Huaqi Banner firm, he learned that the old shopkeeper with the highest bid was actually a member of Wanjia, and he felt guilty. If this Bodhidan had not used his private means to force it at a low price of 400,000 gold Buy.

It should actually be concise.

The smile on his face disappeared instantly. He looked at Zheng Nianwen remotely, his eyes, his eyes cold and without temperature.

He didn't know what to say to her. What he did was either right or wrong, but he couldn't tell now. He just wanted to save his father, and he couldn't care less.

He retracted his gaze and turned into the room. Although Shangguan Tuo was awake, his mind was still a little confused, and he was not fully awake. Liao was feeding him medicine.

Seeing Shang Guannuo enter the room, Liao asked: "Nuoer, Fang Taiyi just came, why did you let him go?"

Shangguan Nuo laughed, "Nothing. With this medicine, he is no longer needed. Besides, hasn't Dad always disliked that side doctor?"

Liao said: "Also, don't talk about your father, I don't like the Fang Taiyi too much. I always think he's weird. It gives people a grotesque feeling. He laughs, but he seems to have a knife in his smile . "

Shangguan Nuo said: "Since you don't like him, don't invite him again. There are many other doctors in the Royal Hospital. Now that Dad has taken Bodhidan, he only needs to take good care of him to heal his illness."

Liao nodded with a smile: "Thanks to you and Cui, I don't know what to do without you."

Shangguan Tuo took the medicine with a sip, and his mind gradually recovered. He looked at his wife and son in front of him and asked, "How long have I slept?"

Seeing him awake, Liao immediately reddened his eyes and choked, "Houye, you slept for three full days, you can scare us to death, I thought, thought-"

Shangguan Tuo's eyes narrowed, "I thought I couldn't live? I can't wake up?"

Liao's busy: "No, no, no, Hou Yeji has his own godsend, how can he not live without waking up?"

"Dad, how do you feel now?" Shang Guannuo stepped forward to make a clearance for his mother.

Shangguan Tuo took a deep breath. The pain in his chest was not felt at all now, and his breathing was much smoother. This feeling was really wonderful.

"I feel good. What medicine did you give me?"

Liao's busy: "Thanks to Nuo Er, he and Cui Guanshi inquired that Bodhidan would be auctioned in Kyoto, and it took nine cattle and two tigers to get this Bodhidan, otherwise-"

It goes without saying that Shangguan Tuo can also understand that the pain before that coma was especially new in his memory. He thought he could never wake up again, but he never thought that he would never stop.

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