Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 1544: I wish you all the best

Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1543

Mr. Cui also subconsciously glanced at the closed door, and whispered: "It's something, Shizi, you follow me."

Shangguan Nuo didn't move, and Mr. Cui pulled his arm with a smile and pulled him aside. "Shizi, his subordinates are here to give you something good."

"What a good thing?" Shang Guannuo frowned, glancing naturally at the tray in his hand. Is this the good thing he said?

The follower Cui Guanshi ordered the lantern to move forward, and made the tray clear in his hand. He opened the lid of the porcelain candle, and inside it was a red tan pill: "Look at Shizi."

Shangguan Nuo took a look and immediately asked, "What is this?"

"This is fascination Dan, I wonder if Shizi heard of it?"

Shangguan Nuo grew up in Dongli. How could he have never heard of something unique to Dongli?

"How can you have such a banned drug?" Shangguan Nuo's complexion changed slightly. The drug was banned by the court for more than a decade ago, and it was not allowed to be manufactured or sold.

"Shizi doesn't care how I got it, it will be useful to Shizi."

"I don't need it, you take it." He reached out and pushed the tray Cui Guanshi handed away, his face disgusted.

"Seiko, why are you doing this, don't you want to marry the county master? Don't you want the county master to really fall in love with you and stay with you forever?"

Think, he certainly thinks, he dreams all the time.

But even if you think so, you can't use this method to treat the inscriptions, you can't.

"You don't have to say these words to seduce me, I won't be fooled by you, you go, this kind of thing, I don't need it."

Cui Guanshi was unsuccessful, but he refused to stop. He stopped Shangguan Nuo who was about to turn around: "Shizi, if you think about it, if you do nothing, you will never get the heart of the county master. How about using cartilage to imprison her for life? She still won't have you in her heart. "

Zheng Nianwen behind the door heard the words, shaking with anger. It turned out that it was not Shangguan Tuo who poisoned her, but Shangguan Nuo she had always trusted.

"You shut up." He looked slightly changed, and looked nervously at the door. The door was still closed, but he wasn't sure if the people inside were awake or asleep, and whether they could hear them.

Cui Guanshi said: "The son of peace, rest assured, his subordinates have already explored the atmosphere in the house and should not have awoken."

Shangguan Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Cui Guan: "It's okay not to come here, let alone nonsense here."

Cui Guanshi smiled: "My subordinates really didn't expect that Shizi cares about the county master so much. In this case, why didn't Shizi listen to his subordinate's advice and use this fascinating dan? Are you afraid that there will be no sweet days in the future?"

Shangguan Nuo was very resistant, but looking at the tray in the hand of Cui Guanshi, and looking at the small sapphire, as long as Wen'er took the fascinating Dan in this one, Wen'er would fall in love with him, and forever and forever Stay with him.

Thinking of this, he actually sent the **** out of his hand and took the tray in the hand of Mr. Cui.

He knew it was wrong, he knew it was not, but he—

Cui Guanshi laughed and said, "I wish Shizi wish everything is done, and his subordinates will retreat."

He stood at the door with a tray, and didn't know how long he stood there, until Xiaoxiong behind him whispered, "Shizi, it's late."

He looked back and looked at the closed door. The room was dark. Didn't she wake up yet? What if she wakes up? What would he say to her? How to continue weaving lies in front of her?

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