Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1563

This sentence should have been used to comfort his father, but now the father is using it to comfort him.

"The baby is not filial, and can't be filial with his father and mother."

Mr. Wan shook his head and reached out and stroked his scattered black hair: "Stupid child, father and mother never blame you. You are right, there is no country, how can there be a home? If you ca n’t keep Chu, let ’s Is n’t home just as secure? Your mother never blame you, just worrying about you, so you are injured and suffering. Now that you can wake up safely, it is the best reward for your mother. "

Mr. Wan is also here. Knowing Wan Wan ’s heart, he must still remember the danger of the text, saying: "You have already given your mother-in-law over the head, and you have to clean up and go to Hanling Lake. I do n’t know how Wener is now Now. "

Wan Yan shook his head: "I will leave the mother tomb for seven days." Wen'er will take care of the princess and the prince. It should be fine, but Dad is alone guarding the mother's tomb, and he can't bear to leave.

Why didn't Mr. Wan want to stay with his son for a few more days? When he saw his son raise the tomb, he was naturally happy and nodded quickly. "Okay, then keep it for seven days. Your mother is alive in heaven and will be pleased."



Prince Zhou Jiao led troops to confront the Longxi Army for many days, and finally waited for the news of Shangguan Tuo's defeat. He breathed a sigh of relief and did not know what the text was now, so he handed the army to the vice general and led him back to the camp. I was planning to bring a few trusted guards to the Chu Dynasty in Kyoto to find out.

But who knows, when entering the customs, they actually met the master and the father who hurriedly hit the horse, and each of them rode a horse. It seems that the father still has a person on his back.

He hurried forward and stopped: "Master, Dad, it's great that you are all right." Zhou Jiao was very happy, and couldn't immediately tell the news of the text in far-off Kyoto.

Seeing Zhou Yue is Zhou Jiao, and my heart is also a joy. After all, this is the boundary of the Zhou Dynasty. She and Zheng Zhongwen are both from the Chu Dynasty. They are in front of them. They hurried along all the way and did not get a customs clearance document. Breaking in hard, it's great to meet Zhou Jiao now.

"Jiaoer, hurry up, we're going to enter the customs, you quickly take us in." Qi Rongyue said to Zhou Jiao.

Zhou Jiao nodded hurriedly, his gaze turned towards the person tied to Zheng Zhongwen's back. She was a woman with a slender figure, her black hair covered her face, and she couldn't see clearly, but the back was clearly similar to Wen'er.

He panicked and pointed at the person behind Zheng Zhongwen and asked, "This, is this?"

Rongyue said: "It's Wener, I can't explain anything now, let's go first and then talk."

Zhou Jiao's complexion became very ugly. Wen'er's hands were hanging on the sides of Zheng Zhongwen's back, his arms were soft and weak, and a small section of skin exposed was very pale, which didn't look like the skin color of a living person.

What happened to Wener? How did this happen?

He saw that the master and the father had already hit the horse to the gate. He didn't have much time to think about it, and quickly followed him. With the presence of him, the guardians naturally did not dare to interrogate, and immediately let go.

Zhou Jiao overtook Qi Rongyue and asked urgently, "Master, what happened? What happened to Wen'er?"

Rongyue said: "The matter was not clear at one and a half. Now Wen'er is in danger. We must rush to the Hanyu Lake as soon as possible. Only in the Hanyu Lake, maybe we can find a chance for her. Jiaoer, Hanyu Lake. It's very dangerous. You don't have to go with us. As the only prince in the Zhou Dynasty, you shouldn't and shouldn't venture with us. "

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