Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Reference 1686

Wan Ye is very rich, very rich, and to what extent he is rich, I am afraid he does not even know it.

Although Yuntian did not know how rich Wan Wan was, he had been to Wan Fu and had seen the luxury of Wan Fu.

He was thinking, maybe he should also buy a decent mansion, otherwise, what should he compete with Wan Ye?

"Yuntian, Manchu? Why are you here?" Nianwen ran over, his face flushed.

Wan Yan's indifferent face softened momentarily, and smiled, "I just came here, and happened to meet Brother Yun here, so I said a few words."

Wenwen asked him, "Have you ever eaten?"

Wan Yan shook his head and frowned slightly: "There was an entertainment last night. I drank too much, let alone lunch, and did not eat breakfast."

After reading the text, he quickly grabbed Wan Ye ’s hand: “Let ’s go, my mother made a few special dishes today, all of you love you.” She pulled Wan Ye and twisted her face toward Yuntian: "Let's go, you haven't tasted my mother's craft."

Yuntian's eyes were dim, and her eyes fell involuntarily on the hands that she and Wanji pulled together. The smile on the face was faint, and no emotion was seen, "OK!"

Nianwen pulled Wanyu in front of him, Yuntian followed in silence, his eyes were always in the hands they were holding together, and he wanted to pull them away.

He didn't do it. If he would do it a year ago, but not now. In a year, he learned a lot, such as being a man, and winning the heart of a girl, anytime Keep your grace in front of her, and show your best side in front of her, don't make her feel like a man with a small belly.

In the side hall of Baoyueju, Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen were already sitting at the table, and the table was full of dishes full of color and fragrance.

Nianwen let go of Wan Ye's hand, ran to Zheng Zhongwen's side, and sat down next to his father: "Dad, I haven't seen you for a few days, you can be considered home."

Zheng Zhongwen reached out and rubbed the top of Nianwen's hair, and smiled, "Daddy has been busy with the case of the little Mo blacksmith for a few days, and the case was closed today."

Speaking of this case, Nian Wen immediately became interested: "Dad, please tell me, is that the little Mo blacksmith, is that the flower picker we are looking for?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Yes, neither."

Wan Xun and Yun Tian sat down in the vacant seat, Wan Xun asked, "What do you say? How and why not?"

Zheng Zhongwen sighed: "You must not have thought of it, when we opened the smithy, we found something in it."

Rong Yuebai gave him a glance, and he was not so angry: "You don't have to sell anything. Do you want to die?"

Nianwen also pouted: "Yes, Dad clearly did it on purpose, and we appetite our appetite, but he just refused to say it."

Zheng Zhongwen laughed: "Okay, I said, can I say it's not okay? I just want to make you play, but you were attacked by the group."

After breaking the smithy that day, they found one person in the smithy. No, it was two people, one alive and one dead.

The two lives are exactly the same, one is the owner of the blacksmith shop, Mo blacksmith, and the other is a twin brother of Mo blacksmith's mother and a compatriot.

Mo Blacksmith is dead, but his brother kept Mo Blacksmith's body with a special medicine powder and put it in the back room of the smithy. In that room, there are many women's pants stacked. Women's pants and skirts killed by them.

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