Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Reference 1699

He hadn't looked carefully at the people in the garden, maybe he knew him, but he didn't want to force himself to entertain, which was not what he was good at.

He now only thought of a place without people, quietly survived the banquet, and left here early.

Zhao Suying watched the man he was walking towards her step by step, and watched him walk past her without squinting, watching him go to the lotus pond without even seeing her.

How could this happen, did he really not see her?

The girl next to Zhao Suying was also embarrassed. What happened to Yin Gongzi? Is there an eye disease? Miss is such a big living person, he didn't even see it?

Zhao Suying settled down and smiled slightly: "He looks serious, Xu really didn't see me." Just give up, she was unwilling to wait for the opportunity, she couldn't just give up.

I looked around and saw that no one noticed her side, so I raised the skirt corner and went to the lotus pond.

The girl followed her, with a pale face: "Miss, wouldn't it be nice if we passed like this? If anyone sees it, I'm afraid to gossip."

Such a banquet, if the man actively seeks to speak, is an honor and the girl is attractive, but if the girl chases the man, the gossip will be overwhelming.

Zhao Suying said: "Let's just go to appreciate the lotus and chanced to meet Yin Gongzi."

During the conversation, she had already reached the edge of the lotus pond. Yin Shuwei was still slowly moving along the stone path along the edge of the lotus pond, and slowly walked up the arch bridge.

Today, he wore a jade-colored jade robe with black pigmentation and a moiré ribbon on his waist. A warmly carved jade pendant on one side wore his body. The long hair behind his head was black and bright. As clear as the lake, he just stepped out of the painting. No, where he is, it is a painting.

"Yin Gongzi." She quickened her pace and caught up behind him.

Yin Shuwei turned, and her eyes fell lightly on her: "Is there something wrong with the lady?"

Looking at his indifferent eyes, without a wave of gaze, her heart sank suddenly, and he did not recognize her, he did not recognize her.

"Gong Yin doesn't recognize me?" She didn't give up.

Yin Shuwei raised an eyebrow: "Should I recognize you?"

Zhao Suying suddenly felt a little aggrieved, no, it was aggrieved, she thought of him with all her heart, but he didn't even remember who she was.

"My son is so precious!" She looked dull and wondered how to introduce herself.

The girl next to me looked like this, and was very distressed. She hurried to Yin Shuwei and said, "Yin Gongzi, at the Hejia banquet last year, my lady also released the siege for you. Do you really remember?"

Speaking of this, Yin Shuwei still had some impressions, and said busyly, "Are you Miss Zhao?"

Zhao Suying's eyes brightened, and it turned out that he hadn't completely forgotten her, because Xu hadn't seen her for a year, and he couldn't remember her appearance.

Zhao Suying blessed him: "Su Ying has seen the son."

Yin Shuwei arched his hands: "Miss Zhao is polite."

Zhao Suying blushed and looked up, looking at this dreamy face close to her eyes, the small heart banged faster and faster: "I didn't expect to meet my son here today. It seems that the son rarely attended such a banquet."

Yin Shuwei nodded: "Yes, I don't really like it."

Zhao Suying asked again, "What happened to the boy today? Could it be that the elders in the house forced the boy to come?"

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