Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1718

Chu Tianqi Jun's eyes rose with anger, and he stared coldly at those collectively silent ministers, "Why? I can't speak on a daily basis, do you have any words? Are you dumb today? You have nothing to say?"

The emperor was furious, all officials were kneeling on the ground, shouting in horror.

"I'm afraid? You also know that I'm afraid? Side by side, the king is exhausting his energy, thinking about the safety of the people in the city, guarding the city day and night. Yes, what do you have in mind? "

The daughters and sisters-in-law of several ministers' homes were robbed, and even the storerooms were ransacked. At this time, their intestines were green, but what else can be said?

Zheng Zhongwen said: "The emperor, at this time is not the time to convict. Before coming to the court, the minister looked at several crime scenes and found some clues. Not all the cases were committed by the same group. They thought that someone was robbing while on fire. Take the opportunity to cause trouble and push the dirty water onto the head of the spirit blood tribe. "

No matter what Zheng Zhongwen said in the temple today, there was a large number of votes in favor, and there was not even a voice of opposition.

Back at the palace, Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue listened to their subordinates' reports on the victims in the city. When speaking about the situation in General Jiang Shen ’s home, the subordinate said: "Master Wang, this general Jiang Shen is really strange. Xiaoxiong was taken away, and the warehouse was ransacked, but he was just like a okay person, not worried at all, and asked him everything was right, as if he knew what we were going to ask. "

Zheng Zhongwen snorted, slowly put down the tea cup in his hand, and searched in his head for information about the general Jiang Shen.

Qi Rongyue said: "I seem to remember that Jiang Shen will be from Dongli, and his wife is a cousin of Shangguan."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "Yes, the impeachers I saw in the Imperial Palace the day before yesterday were all the ministers whom I had dealt with, but he didn't give me any bullets, wouldn't it be surprising? "

Qi Rongyue said: "It's really strange. The more he wants to get rid of the relationship, the easier it is to expose his feet. In this way, he will send someone to stare at him. No matter what happens, don't make a fuss and see what he is doing . "

Zheng Zhongwen turned to the guard and said, "Are you clear?"

The guard stepped down and Zheng Zhongwen asked Qi Rongyue: "Do you doubt this General Jiang?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I suspect anyone, everyone has suspicion, but this Jiang Sen is more suspect."

Zheng Zhongwen said: "If he really has a problem, then the incident that happened in the Longxi camp before will not be related to him."

The couple immediately met their gaze, and their faces were all a joy. The army officer arrested last time was still locked in the cell for a long time, and it should be thought out for a year. If he is brought to trial now, let him have some sweetness. Maybe you can catch a big fish.

With this clue, Zheng Zhongwen could sit still, and immediately set off for the prison.

Zheng Zhongwen reviewed the military divisions of the East Vietnam State overnight. The guy was not as proud as a year ago, humble and miserable, and was no different from the other prisoners in the cell.

He stared blankly at Zheng Zhongwen in front of him. He couldn't recognize who he was, only he knew it well, and seemed to have tried him before.

"A year, what do you remember?"

For a year, he was kept in that dark cell, and for a whole year, no one had tried him again, no one had seen him, and no one had come to save him.

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