Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Reference 1726

Yuntian heard that Nianwen mentioned him, and seemed to be worried about his safety. He immediately rejoiced and came to Wen'er's side with a leisurely step: "I live in your yard today and don't go anywhere."

Wen'er frowned, his eyes quickly glanced at Wanye, but he saw Wanye said: "I planned the same way. I live in Wen'er Yuan with me today, and there is just a cleaned up room."

Seeing Wan Zheng have no objection, Wen'er naturally would not say much. At present, this situation does not seem to be the time to discuss avoiding suspicion.

Everyone is better than being scattered.

After a while, people from Wanjia brought things over. There were four boxes in total, and eight people carried them in.

Wan Zheng looked at those who carried the box, his eyebrows frowned suddenly, and he said to the two humans in front of him: "Where is the money manager? Why didn't he come?"

The young man who carried the box shook his head blankly: "I don't know the little one. This is what Xiao Qiang, who is next to Mr. Qian, sent us."

Mrs. Qian, who is next to you?

Mr. Qian has no siblings beside him, and he has been with him for many years. There is only one accountant, and no one else.

"Do you recognize me, then?"

The young man shook his head. "I don't know. He said that he was Mr. Qian's uncle, called Alai."

Wen'er approached Wan Yan and said, "Four boxes, the two at the back are obviously heavy, but the person carrying the box is light-footed and has some problems."

Wan Ye naturally also saw it, otherwise he would not question a subordinate like this.

He nodded, and then pointed at the eight people who carried the box: "You all come here with rewards."

Eight people stood in a row, Wan Wan's sharp eyes swept one by one, and the four people standing on the far right had apparently different expressions than the first six people. The expression seemed unnatural. When they heard the reward, they didn't see their faces. Showing a half-happy look, the four were not tall, but their skin was extremely dark, standing with the other four, with a sharp contrast in color, like mountain people who have been in the sun for four years.

Wan Ye pointed at the guy who had just asked: "Do you know everyone else?"

The guy looked at the four on the right and said, "I don't know. They came from behind, saying that it was something added by Mr. Qian, so that they would be taken up together with them to enter the government."

Lingxue people have a strong accent, like they are talking with their tongues rolled, and when they hear it, they have an accent in the south.

Wan Ye pointed at the four on the right and asked, "You guys in that shop?"

The dark-skinned young man raised his originally half-dropped head slowly, staring at Wan Wan with a pair of eyes, the original respectful color on his face disappeared instantly, revealing a trace of cruelty and bloodthirsty.

"It seems that we don't have to pretend anymore. Now that you have doubted our identity, why don't you just move us? What do you say so much nonsense?" The youth led by the four of them said wanly and ruthlessly.

When the other four guys heard this, they rushed back in a hurry, and Wener waved to them: "Not ready yet? What should I do?"

The four nodded quickly: "Know, I know." They ran away, and after just a few steps they wanted to shout assassins, trying to attract the expert guards in the house.

However, at the moment they opened their mouths, tiny silver needles pierced into their back hearts, so that all of their words caught in their throats.

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