Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Reference 1747

Master Peng suddenly came to be interested. "What joke is so funny? Let me listen and let me have fun with you."

Peng Linlang doesn't matter. Anyone in Kyoto knows about it anyway, and it's not a big deal to say it again, but naturally, she can't say this.

She looked at Peng Linlan. "This is the joke that Sister Five told me, let Sister Five tell everyone."

Master Peng nodded and said to Peng Linlan: "Look to you mysterious, Laner, you say it."

Peng Linlan told Master Peng the rumors heard in the room in fifteen and ten, and everyone listened during the meeting, with different looks, but most of them were smiling.

Mr. Peng is no exception: "I didn't expect that there would be such rumors in the workshop. If the Changle County master knew it, it would be a big storm."

Peng Linlang said: "As the saying goes, there is no wind but no waves. If there is no such thing, who would make such boring rumors and troubles? Besides, she is the county owner, who dares to make rumors without evidence?"

Master Peng shook his head: "You can't say that, because she is the county's owner, and behind her are the royal palace and the emperor. Beside telling whether this is true or not, even if it is true, that cannot be passed on at will."

Peng Linlang said: "Now the people in the city are spreading, and no one knows who passed them on. They can stand side by side with the palace to fight the crimes of the people in the city?"

Mr. Peng chuckled, took up the half of the wine left on the table, and drank it: "You, it's too simple, and don't want to think about where the royal palace is, besides, besides the royal palace, there are thousands of people. Wanjia is now working for the emperor, what is it doing? Collecting information for the emperor, their intelligence informants are all over the streets and lanes, as long as they want to find the person who made the rumor, as long as they want, that matter, It's a breeze. "

Peng Linlang's complexion changed slightly, and her heart burst into chaos: "What if they find this person?"

Master Peng laughed: "How? Natural punishment is severe. The county representative is not only the face of the royal palace, but also the face of the royal family. It is also a matter of time to give her a princess title. Now that happens, no matter It is impossible to spare the side by side of the palace or the emperor. The rumorer still prays that his luck is good enough not to be found by them. Otherwise, I am afraid the end will be miserable. "

Peng Linlang shook her hand, and the jug placed on the table was knocked over by her, and the wine spilled on her newly made clothes, and she was unaware of it.

Mrs. Peng busyly said, "You girl, you are all going to be married, so shabby, and married to your in-laws in the future. Wouldn't it be a joke if you still did?"

Peng Linlang turned pale and hid her shaking hands in her sleeves, and said with a smile: "Look at my mother, I'm just careless. I just drank two cups and got dizzy."

Seeing that her face was not very good, Master Peng said to the girl next to her, "What are you still doing? Are you ready to help Miss return to the room?"

The two girls were also pale and shocked, and they could hardly stand still. After listening to Lord Peng's words, if they were pardoned, they hurriedly missed the girl and walked back to their hospital.

As soon as Peng Linlang entered the door, he closed the door deadly, and pacing back and forth in the room with a white face.

"What to do? What to do now?" Peng Linlang kept thinking.

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