Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 308

Zheng Zhongwen almost roared three times with joy. He suddenly rushed forward and hugged Qi Rongyue's waist, holding her to spin a dozen or so laps before stopping, turning straight to Qi Rongyue's dizziness, only He dared not move in his arms.

And this scene happened to be seen by Wang Yunyan, and she almost hated to smash the handkerchief in her hand.

The little green around Wang Yunyan was also very angry: "I never expected that Zheng Shizi turned out to be such a person. He was still posing in front of me as a gentleman, saying what kind of men and women are not acceptable, and not suitable to meet in private. What is it now? On the street and in the eyes, it turned out-- "

"Don't say any more!" Wang Yunyan frowned, interrupting Xiao Lu's words with anger, and turned and ran.

Although Xiao Lu wanted to rush up and scold Zheng Zhongwen severely, she didn't worry about Miss, she could only chase Miss to leave.

And Zheng Zhongwen was still immersed in the overwhelming ecstasy. He did not see Wang Yunyan and Xiaolu who had just run away. Even if he saw them, at this moment, he was afraid he would not recognize who they were! In his eyes, apart from Rongyue, he couldn't let go of anyone else.

Looking at the girl in her arms like a human girl, a thin layer of pink floated on that white face. In the sun, she looked so beautiful that it almost made him hard to hold herself. I wanted to be beautiful and tender Kiss on the little face.

If this place was not on the broad street at this time, he would certainly have done so.

"Go, eat!" Zheng Zhongwen ignored her push and still hugged her waist tightly, letting go.

Qi Rongyue's face became more and more red: "You hold me like this, how do you go?"

Zheng Zhongwen chuckled his eyebrows and smiled, and the corners of his eyebrows could not hide his joy: "I'll take you!"

Qi Rongyue bit her lip and stomped his foot with a raised foot. He quickly let go of his pain and jumped off with one leg for several steps.

"Your girl, she looks thin and has a lot of strength!"

She smiled, her eyebrows crooked, her eyes twinkled with shattered stars, and Little Pear on the cheek drew her soul intently: "Don't think I'm a bully, I've trained."

The guys in Rongyutang were hiding by the door and peeking, and they were glad to see the pair of wallmen finally walking together, especially Cher, who was sobbing with tears.

Seeing Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue go far, the man Sanqing asked: "Xue Xueer, Miss and Master Zheng, we should be happy. Are you crying?"

Xue Er choked and said, "What do you know, Miss, it's too uncomfortable for me to go this way, me, I--" Some things, she couldn't say.

Zheng Zhongwen likes Miss, and sincerely loves it. For Miss, he can even disregard his own life. He is the son of Hou Fu, and his life is so expensive. The dream of all women.

The lady has always been very different to him. She has always looked in her eyes. She also thinks that if the lady can have such a good match as Zheng Shizi, her life must be perfect.

But she couldn't ignore an important question, the identity of the lady!

Zheng Shizi is the only son of Yongping Houfu. The woman he wants to marry must be a noble girl who can match his identity. In his capacity, he is even eligible to marry a princess.

And will never be a helpless woman like a lady.

The lady now agreed to Zheng Shizi's intentions and formally established a relationship with him. However, in the eyes of the world, in the elders of Yongping Houfu, it is private life, which is ultimately not recognized and blessed. .

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