Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 327

"It's a coincidence that the lady is here. The one-day master who is not in charge of cooking at Xianhelou today is so excited that he will make a table full of ten tables. You happen to be the last table."

Qi Rongyue chuckled: "Okay, there is work."

She walked towards the stairs and asked, "Is there a guest on the top?"

The second child was busy: "There are two seats on the top floor, one has guests, and the other is empty. You are here!"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "OK, go to the top!"

Xiao Er led the way, leading everyone to the top floor.

Five-story high-rises, Xiao Er often get up and down, so easily arrived, and Qi Rongyue and Xueer and others climbed such a high building for the first time, all of them turned red, breathless.

Xueer held the wooden handrail. "It's really high enough. I'm sitting in such a high place to eat for the first time."

Two of the four guards were afraid of heights. Standing on the side of the escalator and looking down, they immediately became weak and rushed away from the escalator to the middle of the booth.

Qi Rongyue whispered indifferently: "Look at the dishes!" Qi Rongyue's words fell, and Xueer put a piece of broken silver into Xiao Er's hand: "Go, pick some delicious ones!" "

Xiao Er was rewarded and went down happily.

Qi Rongyue turned, walked to the window step by step, pushed open the lacquered carved window, and looked at the glazed roof bathed in the sun in the distance, overflowing with light, gorgeous and noble, yet elegant.

When the wind blows, she seems to hear the tinkling of the bell in the eaves, crisp and sweet, with all the memories of her childhood!

"Miss, what are you looking at?" Xueer got behind her, followed her gaze, looked at the golden glazed roof, and immediately uttered an admiration: "Wow, this is a big yard, this yard is comparable to Wenchang Most of Hou's house is covered with glazed tiles on the roof. How much wealth is this family! "

Qi Rongyue chuckled, with a slight sorrow in his smile: "That's Chu Palace!"

"Royal Palace? Here, this is the Royal Palace? The house we are seeing now is the one in the Royal Palace?" Xueer was surprised, staring at it with a rounded eye and looking again, except that she could see a roof. See nothing.

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Yes, this is the Royal Palace. It's close at hand, and it's far away!"

The four guards put down the things in their hands. When they heard the conversation between the master and Xueer, they went to the window and looked outside. They were all young people with ideals, all had the same dream, dreaming that one day they could become a ban The master of the palace, can show his strengths, and can also have official positions, very prestigious!

This dream is still far away from them. It may not be achieved in a lifetime, but now I can see Chu Palace with my own eyes. Although it is incomplete, I have also calculated a wish and at least I have seen it.

There was only one person in the private room next to him. He heard the movement here, raised his eyebrows slightly, got up to the window, pushed the window open, he probed out, and looked at another window a few feet away from him. It was her. .

Her dark eyes were staring closely at Chu Palace in the distance, her eyes were very complicated, with joy, pain, tangles, and a touch of sorrow!

He hooked his lips, and a smile appeared deep in his eyes. Obviously, she wanted to go to Chu Palace, because there were people she knew. If she knew Tianyu, then she must know Tianqi, and Tianyu was gone. However, Tianqi is still there. She wants to meet Tianqi instead of Tianyu, to see if he is OK, but she ca n’t enter. After all, Chu Palace is no longer the former Chu Palace. Although Chu Tianqi is the emperor, But it was just a puppet emperor who couldn't even decide what to eat for lunch.

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