Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 362

Min Hengzhi looked slightly anxious and said, "After all, the emperor is still a child. If you do this, the risk is too great. Are you not afraid that he accidentally offered you?"

She stared at him like a torch, straight toward him, and said coldly: "The children of the Chu family are not as fragile as you think."

He suddenly, yeah, the children of the Chu family, Chu Tianyu and Chu Tianqi, are the best people he has ever met. They are never vulnerable, neither afraid of hardship nor death. What they want to do is not done. No way.

"So, you want to help Tianqi regain the imperial power?" He frowned, and this kind of thing was not something he could do without fear of death.

She didn't say a word, and neither denied nor accepted.

He added: "You are with Zheng Zhongwen also to use him, use his identity as a son, and use his father's 200,000 troops, right?"

She sneered: "Don't think the world is as embarrassing as you. Zhongwen and I are together without any interest relationship. I just like it and love each other. It's that simple!"

Just like she liked Min Hengzhi in the first place, she simply liked it, liked his thoughtful and meticulous care, his soft and affectionate eyes, and the voice that he always followed her and called her Yuer.

Even if she had been deceived once, the heart that had been frozen and frozen was still melted by Zhong Wen's warm emotions. She still did not lose her love for life. She still believed that in this world, there is still a person who is purely persistent. Holding her.

"Really?" Min Hengzhi didn't believe it. What is wrong for a person to use some means in order to achieve his goal?

"Min Hengzhi, if you want to kill me, just take advantage of it now, if you don't kill me, please leave!" She coldly ordered a guest.

Min Hengzhi looked at her for a while, then suddenly turned towards the window, but didn't go out immediately, stood by the window for a while, and asked, "Is she good, master?"

Qi Rongyue felt a pain in her heart, is the master OK? She also wanted to know, what would happen to a master who was as close as her parents to learning that she died in Chu Palace?

Seeing her unanswered, he said again, "Don't act lightly, I will help you!"

"What do you help me?" She sneered, "help me kill Chu Lian, or help me kill yourself?"

He closed his eyes, his heartache was unbearable. Since the death of Tian Yu, he has been living like a walking dead. What is the difference between life and death? Alive, just don't want to let more innocent people die for him.

"I'll help you, when you need me!" He said, looking out the window, and the shadow disappeared into her sight.

She stood for a long time until tears drenched her placket.

The next morning, she woke up early, or she didn't sleep all night.

Rong Yutang still didn't open the door, she and Xueer took the two guards out of the back door and headed straight for Manwutang.

After a few months, the golden dragon fruit finally arrived, and Mr. Wan's illness finally had a chance to be cured.

Fan Treasurer carefully handed a peach box to Qi Rongyue's hands.

Open the half-lid box lid. Inside the box lies a fruit shaped like a peach, golden fruit with a smooth skin, and the skin is slightly dry and wrinkled, exuding a special fruity aroma, not particularly sweet, but it smells amazing Shen Qing Yi Shuang.

"Is the thing right?" Fan Treasurer asked.

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Yes, it is a golden dragon fruit, a good golden dragon fruit!"

She added: "I'm afraid such a golden dragon fruit has cost a lot of money!"

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