Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 495: Little tail growing on you

Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 494

Chu Tianqi looked stunned and smiled: "You went out with Mr. Wan Jian the other day, did you go to find a ship?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "Yes, we are indeed looking for a boat. There are many fishing villages on the banks of the Huaijiang River outside Changlin. We wanted to enter the fishing village to buy a few larger ships. Who knows that the boats in the fishing village have recently gone out? The fishermen haven't returned, and they won't be able to return until tomorrow at the earliest. We plan to go again tomorrow. "

Chu Tianqi looked excited: "I'll go too, take me too." Nestled in this Changlin for several days, he has always wanted to go out and walk, how can I miss this opportunity.

Zheng Zhongwen laughed, couldn't help but rubbed the black hair above Tianqi's head, smiled and spoiled: "Okay, come with us tomorrow, but you have to promise me that you must not run around, you must follow me Do you understand? "

Chu Tianqi nodded hurriedly, warming his big hand so warmly and reassuringly: "I know, I will never run around, I will follow you like a little tail growing on you."

Tian Qi ’s obedient Zheng Zhongwen smiled and closed his mouth. He felt more and more that Tian Qi and Rongyue were similar, not only their temperament, but also their dispositions. They can be cold and indifferent to those who do n’t care. You are kind and estranged, but you can also be obedient like a kitten to people who are close to you.

Thinking of the previous doubts, he turned his head and looked at Jian Yun's tent, depressed his desire to find out, and turned to walk in his account. He believed that Rongyue would not lie to him, even if It was a lie to him, and it was kind.

In the middle of the night, the wind rises through the forest, chilling through the bones, and the cold wind passing through the forest is screaming, as if a group of fierce ghosts from **** are horrifying.

A loud noise awakened all the people who fell asleep, followed by the roar of beasts and the scream of men in horror.

Zheng Zhongwen quickly turned up, reached out and picked up the long sword by the pillow, and strode out of the military account.

A guard hurriedly approached Zheng Zhongwen and said, "Sir, it's a black bear."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned. The bonfire was burning here, and the black bear was afraid of fire. How could it come?

The guard said, "Not only one, but many black bears."

At this time Jian Yun stepped out of another military account. She heard Zheng Zhongwen's conversation with the guard and said, "Hurry up, everyone will light the torch. The black bear must be here to avenge his companions. Don't panic, hold your ground. . "

Zheng Zhongwen walked to the bonfire and pulled out a burning firewood, pulled out his sword in one hand, and said to Jian Yun: "Master, Tian Qi will give it to you, look at him, don't let him come over."

Jian Yun nodded: "I know, you need to be more careful. The black bear is afraid of light. You take a torch and illuminate its eyes, and pierce its neck while it is inadvertently. Remember, don't hit it hard."

Zheng Zhongwen flew away, Jian Yun went to another army account to find Chu Tianqi, opened the army account, there was no one in it, she secretly broke, and met Mr. Wan who came in a hurry when he turned around.

She grabbed Mr. Wan's sleeves: "What about Xiaotian?"

Mr. Wan was also anxious and busy: "I was still just in front of him. As soon as I turned around, he disappeared. I was in a hurry to find him."

Jian Yun stared at Mr. Wan fiercely, angrily: "Even a child can't see it. If he has a good wife, I can never spare you."

Mr. Wan was very upset. Why didn't he just watch Xiaotian just now, he was right there!

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