Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 532: The most satisfied son-in-law

Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 531

Min Hengzhi is preparing to go out. He has not heard from Qi Rongyue for several days, and plans to go out and look around to see if he can meet her near Xianhelou or Xingyuan Street. As soon as he walked to the gate, there was an **** in the palace. Come to preach, let him enter the palace immediately, the emperor has something to discuss.

Imperial Study Room

"See the emperor, long live my emperor!" He knelt down on one knee, respectfully saluting, watching the emperor's embroidered golden dragon brocade walking to his eyes, his heart angina was endless, this pair of shoes, this robe How does he fit on him?

Chu Lian lifted him up and said with a smile: "Get up, we will soon be a family, so we don't have to be so polite."

Min Hengzhi's head was slowly raised, the haze on his face was gone, his smile was just right, and he lifted up along Chu Lian's imagination, saying, "Thank you, Emperor."

After Chu Lian turned around and paced back to the imperial table, he approached the **** on the side and said, "Give me a seat."

The **** waved his hand, and the two eunuchs on the side hurriedly moved Fang Heinan's gold armrest and gold seat to Min Heng.

Min Hengzhi was also not polite, and after thanking him, he sat down generously.

Chu Lian asked with a smile, "Is there anyone visiting the palace recently to see my heart?"

"I was here yesterday, and I was planning to enter the palace just now. I happened to meet the father-in-law who was sent by the emperor, and it happened that he happened." He chuckled.

Chu Lian nodded: "I was going to let you get married next month, but now you are serving the country and you are royal people. This marriage will be changed to next year and you will be wronged."

Min Hengzhi sneered, hum, I couldn't ask for it.

"The emperor's words are heavy, and the country's funeral is a big event, and you can't be lazy. As a prince and a princess, Heng Zhihe Xiner should set an example."

Chu Lian was not too satisfied with Min Hengzhi in the past, but in the near future, he is more and more satisfied. He is tall and handsome, has a good manner, and behaves well.

If it hadn't happened before, he would be his most satisfactory son-in-law candidate.

But it doesn't matter. He has sent all the evidence about the previous incident to be destroyed, and those who know the truth of the incident have also left Huang Quan. In this world, no one except him knows the truth.

Chu Lian asked with a seemingly casual smile: "Is there any news from those who sent out the bandits last time?"

Min Hengzhi's mind was faint. He knew Chu Lian. The more he asked such seemingly casual questions, it proved that he was very concerned about the answer to this matter.

Is he already suspicious?

He did not dare to have too many hesitations, lest Chu Lian became more suspicious: "Return to the emperor. Since receiving a letter from Zheng Shizi half a month ago, no letter has been sent. I heard that they met in northern Jiangsu. A group of fierce bandits fought fiercely. After the fierce bandits fled into the north park's forest, Zheng Shizi led someone to chase them in, and never saw them again afterwards. Heng's doubts— "

He didn't say anything, looking at Chu Lian.

Chu Lian frowned: "Do you mean that they are likely to have been completely buried in the North Park Chief Forest?"

Min Hengzhi nodded: "Yes, I heard that the beast in the North Park was raging and the surrounding people suffered a lot, and Zheng Shizi's experience of fighting in the forest without a person has been hiding in the forest for years. It ’s unavoidable to lose together, so that ’s why— ”

Chu Lian thoughtfully. He thought of Zheng Hou's abnormal behavior in Longxi. Could he have known that his son was dead? He wanted to get revenge on him, so he passed the fake war report back to Beijing?

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