Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 537: Spring and Autumn Dream

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Chapter 536

Qi Yongchun glared at the mother and daughter, and snorted coldly, "I know what you think of in my heart, dream big in spring and autumn, just do it occasionally, don't take it seriously, the house door of the Yin family, don't think about it in your life. Step in. "

Qi Rongxue refused: "Why is this a big dream of Spring and Autumn? Yin Gongzi was not married, neither was I married. He and I had a chance."

Qi Yongchun glared at Liang Shi: "You said, is there any chance for her?"

Liang didn't say a word, dropped his head, full of remorse. If there was no such thing, it was really not a big dream of spring and autumn, but it happened, and it became a big dream of spring and autumn.

Qi Yongchun looked at Qi Rongxue in front of him, with a beautiful face, although not as beautiful as Qi Rongyue, but also a very good look. In the past, he always had no words in front of him, and his words were speechless. He only said that she was naive. Jiaojiao, a child who is not yet wise, but now she thinks about it, she is stupid, extremely stupid: "In Yin Yixuan's eyes, you ca n’t even break a shoe, and you still expect him to marry you? Burned out? "

"Master, what are you talking about?" Liang cried at Qi Yongchun, rushed forward to hold her daughter, and patted her hand continuously: "Don't listen to him nonsense, not like this, not like this . "

Qi Rongyue said that he was a bit heavy, and he coughed, and said to Qi Rongxue: "Xueer, listen to Dad's advice, Yin Gongzi is not suitable for us, you know that he wants to marry Qi Rongyue That evil barrier, there is never anyone else in your eyes, what use is it for you to catch up? "

How Qi Rongxue didn't understand this, but she just loved Yin Yixuan and wanted to forget it. She hasn't seen a man who is better than Yin Yixuan and can make her feel better after going to Beijing for so long. What can she do? Would she want her to marry a man she didn't despise at all? Wasn't her life ruined?

She yelled, "I don't care, even if I can't marry Yin Gongzi as a wife, it's OK to be a widow. I don't care, as long as I can stay with Yin Gongzi, I'll be satisfied."

Qi Yongchun's hand was raised high, and I really wanted to slam this indisputable thing, but when I thought of waiting for the meeting, I still had to meet with Sun. It was not good to swell this face, so I took a sigh of relief and said: "Useless things, you shameless, I still want Qi Yongchun, anyway, is also a Sipin Beijing official, my daughter is a puppet, and where is my old face left?"

Regardless of Qi Rongxue, she inherited her father's worries, selfishness, self-interest, and only doing things that felt good for her, and ignored everything else.

Qi Yongchun was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and straightforwardly said, "Cook up and dress up, go out with me after half an hour, don't play tricks, otherwise, I will send you to the heart of peace outside the city. Hey, companionship. "

Both mother and daughter are shameless. Qi Yongchun has always been able to do it, and it is ruthless. He said that he must have thought about it in his heart. If he ca n’t follow his words, the consequences will be worse than sending him away. I'm worse.

Think about it, Qi Rongyue was first sent to Zhuangzi, and then she was kicked out of Zhuangzi on a snowy night. She made it clear that she was going to die. Now, this kind of end is on Xueer?

Liang's eyes are so sad, why did she marry such a ruthless person?

"Mother, help me. I don't want to marry Master Sun. I feel sick when I look at his face. How can I live with him?" Qi Rongxue was out of breath.

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