Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 567

Jian Yun walked over quickly, took Chu Tianqi by one hand, and pushed him to Mr. Wan's side: "Be optimistic about him, don't let him pass."

Mr. Wan got the order of Jian Yun and thought of the dangerous situation in Changlin before. He couldn't go wrong any more. He hugged Tianqi and refused to let him go, no matter how he struggled.

At this time, two people had been bitten by sand scorpions. Zheng Zhongwen's eyes were quick and he helped one of them catch a sand scorpion, and the other was not so lucky. The sand scorpion immediately bit the person and crawled back to the group of sand scorpions. In the group, the black sand scorpion couldn't tell which one had just bitten.

Dina exclaimed: "Don't panic, take out the food on your body. The sand scorpion has a very good sense of smell. They smell it. Whoever has a special fragrance on them will chase and bite."

A fine riding guard found a small piece of wolf meat in his arms, and threw it into the sand scorpion group. The sand scorpion swarmed up, but in the blink of an eye, it ate all the wolf meat.

After feeling the taste of wolf meat, the sand scorpion group became more and more irritable, no longer gathered in one place, but scattered around, and quickly climbed towards people around.

The sand scorpion is not that big, but it is only five inches in length, but in this sandy land, it crawls very fast, and several elite horsebacks who can't back up win again. Some people were bitten by several sand scorpions at the same time. Anguish fell and rolled in the sand.

Jian Yunchao Zheng Zhongwen said, "Is there any drug you gave me before?"

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly found a porcelain bottle in his arms, which was the drug that Jian Yun had given him before: "Half a bottle is left. Is it useful to deal with Sand Scorpion?"

Jian Yun shook her head: "I don't know, try it."

She took out the last wolf jerky on her body, sprinkled the drug on the wolf jerky, and then tore the wolf jerky into four pieces and cast it in four directions.

The sand scorpion's sense of smell was indeed very sensitive. As soon as the wolf flesh was thrown out, the sand scorpions who were chasing humans in all directions turned around and rushed to the wolf flesh with a scent of fragrance.

As before, the hard meat could be eaten by the sand scorpion without blinking.

Everyone stared at those sand scorpions who had just eaten wolf meat jerky. I saw those sand scorpions turned around and rushed towards the people after eating, almost as fast as before the election, just when everyone thought that the drug could not treat the sand. When the scorpion came into effect, the speed of those sand scorpions rushing forward suddenly slowed down a lot, and then slowly slowed down like a snail crawling, and finally stopped and stood still.

Zheng Zhongwen smiled: "It seems useful, I still have meat." He handed the two pieces of body to Jian Yun.

At this time, someone sent the wolf jerks with him, and all the jerky wolf jerks were torn into small pieces, the powder was evenly scattered, and all were thrown to the sand scorpion crawling around to eat.

A large number of sand scorpions were originally black. At this time, there were only a few sporadic ones who did not eat wolf meat. Without their companions, they seemed to be flustered, and they did not dare to provoke humans anymore, and soon disappeared. In the hidden sand caves all over the dunes.

Five people were bitten by the sand scorpion, of which only two were rescued and three died.

Jian Yun put all the unconscious sand scorpions into a cloth bag, and then sprinkled a lot of ridiculous medicine powder into the cloth bag, shaking it with the cloth bag and shaking it a few times, just like mixing food with seasoning.

"Master Jian, this sand scorpion is very powerful. I'm afraid they can't hold them, just kill them now." Dina said.

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