
Really grouper!

Zhao Dahai looked at it, and what was pulled out of the water was a green spot weighing about ten to twenty catties. He immediately pulled the line and pulled it to the side of the speedboat. No, if the weather is normal, there is no need to worry, but the waves are relatively big now, and the blue spots are constantly fluctuating on the sea surface with the rolling waves. It is safe to pull on the speedboat early.

Zhao Dahai copied the net and picked up the blue spot, and got on the speedboat. The waves were a bit big, so he immediately controlled the speedboat. .


"I didn't expect there to be such a big blue spot here."

Zhao Dahai was a little surprised. This is an important place for bass fishing. Almost all speedboats come to this place to fish for sea bass. Unexpectedly, I just tried bottom jumping and caught a pretty good-sized bluefish.

But if you think about it carefully, this is not surprising. In a place like Haijiao, the bottom of the sea is full of large and small rocks.

Where there are stones, there may certainly be groupers such as green spots. It’s just that I usually fish for sea bass with floating shrimp here, or there are more sea bass here. Everyone is used to fishing for sea bass here, but very few people fish for grouper here.

Zhao Dahai decided not to catch sea bass and try to see if he could catch grouper here again. The price of grouper was much higher than that of sea bass.

Zhao Dahai threw the pole out without taking up the line. After a while, the lead hook sank to the bottom of the sea, pulled it lightly, and knocked it on the rock, and the feeling of thumping and thumping was very obvious.

Zhao Dahai lifted the tip of the pole, pulled the lead hook away from the seabed, slowly lowered the pole, and the lead hook began to fall to the bottom of the sea.

Zhao Dahai waited for the lead hook to fall into the seabed and there was no movement for a while. Then he immediately continued to raise the tip of the pole. The spinning wheel took in two turns of line and slowly lowered the pole.


This kind of fishing method is really very good.

It is difficult for traditional fishing methods to cover such a large area. They usually fish at a specific point in one place.

Bottom-dwelling fish such as groupers have their own chassis.

If there is a fish in this place, especially a relatively large fish, there cannot be other groupers within a certain range around it. Groupers all move within a relatively narrow range.

With traditional fishing methods, it is possible to attract attention only by hitting the bottom just inside the small area where groupers are active. It must be very precise, even within a range of one meter or two or three meters, to be able to catch it.

The biggest advantage of lure bottom jumping is that it can search or catch fish in a wider range, throw the pole out for 50 to 60 meters, fall into the sea, and return to the line while jumping to the bottom, you can "knock the bottom" many times ”, all positions on a line are fully covered.

Traditional fishing methods require moving fishing boats to achieve this goal.



Zhao Dahai suddenly felt that something was caught on the hook, and he raised the pole to stab the fish. The tip of the pole bent sharply into a big bow, but he did not move.


"All right!"

"There are advantages and disadvantages!"

Zhao Dahai smiled helplessly.

Lures are indeed more flexible than traditional fishing methods and can cover a larger area by jumping to the bottom. But this means that the lead-head hook has a greater chance of getting stuck in the cracks of rocks or on things like rotten fishing nets or even sunken ships on the seabed.

The other one is that the shape of the soft bait hanging on the lead hook even shakes when it is dragged in the sea water, which really looks like a small fish. But a fake is a fake and cannot be compared with the real thing. The fish in the sea are not really fools. Sometimes they are deceived, but sometimes they will definitely not be fooled.

Zhao Dahai tore off the line hanging on the bottom with force, and the lead-head hook and the soft bait on the lead-head hook remained on the seabed forever.

Zhao Dahai retied the lead hook and soft bait and continued fishing.


Hanged again!


Shi Jiugong.

A pound of Shi Jiugong!


Hanged again!

Zhao Dahai was drenched all over and couldn't tell whether it was sweat or sea water. He took his water bottle and drank heavily. He looked down at the deck at his feet and the living water tank next to him. In about two hours, quite a few fish were caught, but no more groupers were caught. They were all big Shi Jiugongs of about eight taels to one catty. I counted them, and there were seven in total.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. If he fished for sea bass for more than an hour, he could catch more and make more money. Jumping to the bottom was not particularly cost-effective.

Zhao Dahai raised his head and looked at the sea in front of him. The depth of the sea was tens of meters, and he couldn’t see the bottom when the visibility was the highest, but now he was very clear about where there were stones and where there were fishing nets. .

At the beginning, Zhao Dahai didn't know how to deal with such places, but he quickly gained experience. After knowing the location of the reefs or rotten fishing nets where the lead hooks will be caught, the lead hooks will be caught in these places on the next trip. Some distance in front of the place, raise the pole tip and take up the line significantly, pull the lead hook up from the bottom of the sea, and then fall down after crossing the rocks or rotten fishing nets.

Zhao Dahai carefully looked at the sea surface in front of him and carefully recalled the specific location on the seabed where the lead-headed hook would be hung.


"Try it once!"

"Challenge and never give up!"

Zhao Dahai threw the pole out and waited for a while. The lead hook dropped to the bottom of the sea. He knocked on a rock, took in the line, picked up the tip of the pole, slowly lowered the pole, and felt the lead hook fall to the bottom of the sea again. , there is no clicking feeling. This is the bottom of the sand or sea mud.

Zhao Dahai shook the spinning wheel to take up the line, pressed the rod tip down, and dragged the lead-tipped hook against the seabed to retrieve it.

Ten meters!

Seven meters!

Five meters!

Three meters!


There is a big reef!

Zhao Dahai paused for a moment. He had fished in this place three times. He was so impressed that he pressed down the rod, pointed at the water surface, and suddenly lifted the rod up. The lead head hook was pulled up sharply, and he immediately shook it when it reached the highest point. The spinning wheel took in three or four meters of line and pulled the lead hook over the reef.

Zhao Dahai frowned.

The lead hook was falling downwards. It didn't hit anything at first, but when it dropped about half a meter, it started to hit the rocks. A very obvious thumping vibration came from the tightened line.


No way?

Such a big reef?

This is clearly because the rock is too big, the tip of the pole is raised enough, the lead hook flies high enough, but the distance of the line is not enough, and it does not cross the entire reef.


Zhao Dahai was a little depressed. He knew there were rocks here, but he didn't expect them to be so big.

Do you want to pick the tip of the pole again?

Zhao Dahai was thinking about whether to pick the tip of the pole again and tighten the line.

No way?

Hanging up?

This is down again! ?

Zhao Dahai felt a headache.

You should pick up the tip of the pole the first time!

The lead head hook got stuck and hung up again!

Zhao Dahai regretted it but it was too late. He shook his head. Just as he was about to pull out the cord, he realized that something was not right.

Isn't it bottom hanging?

Could it be that it is a fish?

Zhao Dahai felt a little strange. At this moment, the fishing line was pulled out, and the tip of the fishing rod suddenly bent down, directly forming a big curved bow.

Not hanging bottom!

Medium fish!

Zhao Dahai raised the rod violently, and a fish was hooked. However, the fish's mouth was lighter just now, so he thought it was hooked to the bottom.


"This fish is really big! It must weigh at least thirty pounds!"

"What kind of fish is this?"

"It's not grouper!"

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod hard, kept reeling in the line, and pulled the fish forcefully.

At first I thought it would be a grouper, but I soon discovered that it was not a grouper at all. The hooked fish did not dive into the seabed.

Sea bass?

Is it possible that there are sea bass in such a deep water? And it's close to the reef?

It doesn't look like a sea bass. If it were a sea bass, it would swim to the surface of the water very quickly.

Zhao Dahai was very curious about what kind of fish this was. While spinning the spinning wheel to reel in the line, he stared at the undulating sea with wide eyes.

The fish is coming!


It's really big!

Zhao Dahai saw a big fish and pulled it up from the bottom of the sea.


Sea bass?

Is it horse friend fish?

Zhao Dahai soon discovered that it was not these three kinds of fish at all, but a fish that he did not expect to be able to catch here.

Anchovy? !

How could there be such a big owl here?

Zhao Dahai was very surprised. He didn't expect to catch a big catfish weighing 20 to 30 pounds here.


This is truly an amazing and amazing place.

The fishing net that Zhao Dahai took picked up the big owl.

Today I not only caught a blue spot here, but also a big owl.

Fishermen have always come here to catch big bass, or big horse fish, but they didn't expect there to be such a big grouper and such a big big squid in this place.

Zhao Dahai thought about it carefully just now, when he picked up the tip of the rod, and when the lead hook fell down, it was just touching the edge of the reef, and the sound of rattling from the fishing rod was the result of the lead hook falling. It is emitted when sliding down the surface of the reef.

This big owl should be staying close to the edge of the reef.

The first few times I hung the bottom here by myself, I didn’t attract the fish’s attention at all, but this time it was different. When the lead head hook slid down, it attracted attention and immediately bit the hook.

Zhao Dahai took the pliers and took off the hook hooked by the mouth of the big catfish. The fish pushed it into the live cabin and found that the soft bait had been bitten off, so he replaced it with a new one. The wind blowing from everywhere is stronger, and the waves are bigger and denser, one after another, one after another.

Zhao Dahai immediately packed up his things. Fishing was no longer possible in this weather, so he left in a speedboat and returned to the village dock in almost two hours.

Zhao Dahai parked the speedboat and let out a sigh of relief. He underestimated the wind and waves. When the speedboat was moving, it couldn't pick up the speed.

"The sea!"

"No way?"

"Going to sea in such weather!?"

Zhong Shizhu stood on his fishing boat and was very surprised to see Zhao Dahai's speedboat returning from overseas.

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"When I went out to sea in the morning, the waves were not so big."

"If it's this big, I definitely won't go to sea."

Zhao Dahai wiped the seawater from his face. His whole body was soaked, and his trousers were dripping with water.

"Are there any fish? You can't catch fish in this weather, right?"

"How many fishing boats are going out to sea at this time? Even the fishing boats in the village cannot catch fish in this weather, right? They are all hiding at home!"

Zhong Shizhu went to the pier and walked to Zhao Dahai's speedboat. There were indeed waves on the sea. People who fished in this weather would not go to sea, and those who fished basically would not go to sea. You can't catch any fish even when you go out to sea.


"I ran to fish for sea bass. Although the weather is not so good, I caught a lot of fish!"

Zhao Dahai opened the lid of the refrigerator while talking.


"Can you catch fish in this weather, and can you catch so many fish?"

Zhong Shizhu got on Zhao Dahai's speedboat and looked at the lid of the open refrigerator. There must be at least twenty or thirty seabass inside, all of good size. The small ones weighed seven or eight kilograms, and the big ones weighed more than ten kilograms. These sea bass alone weigh one to two hundred kilograms, and there is also a pretty good-sized owl weighing twenty to thirty kilograms.

"You didn't expect it, did you? The weather today was not very good, so I didn't go too far. I fished for a while in the reef area where I fish for sea bass, but I didn't expect that I could actually catch fish, and the size of these fish was really huge. Not bad.”

Zhao Dahai is very happy today.


"How can you catch sea bass in that place in such weather? I've never heard of anyone catching squid in that place, right?"

Zhong Shizhu was very surprised.

The sea bass fishing islands and reefs that Zhao Dahai mentioned must have sea bass when the weather is high and the waves are strong, and there are a lot of sea bass. However, the islands and reefs in this kind of weather are very dangerous, and the currents are strong and the waves are strong. Fishing boats and speedboats, big or small, cannot get close. It’s not that there are no fish but that there are no fish to catch.


"Uncle Shizhu!"

"I know you think it's incredible, but that's exactly where the sea bass was caught."

Zhao Dahai picked up his lure rod and explained in detail the fishing method he had just learned and how he caught the sea bass.


"How can something catch fish?"

Zhong Shizhu's eyes widened and he didn't believe what Zhao Dahai said at all.

The lead head hook is a hook with a round piece of lead on it, and the soft bait is something soft and a bit like a small fish.

How can we catch fish?

Zhong Shizhu held it in his hand and looked at it over and over for a while, not believing that something like this could catch fish.

Zhao Dahai took a lead-tipped hook and tied it to the line, hung up the soft bait, put it in the sea water next to the speedboat, and dragged it back and forth.

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"did you see that!?"

"This is what this thing looks like when it's in the sea."

"Don't big fish eat small fish? When a bass or other big fish sees this thing, it thinks it's a small fish and takes a bite!"

"Isn't this the one who took the bait?"

Zhao Dahai explained.

"If there is a live shrimp hanging on your hook, I believe the sea bass will bite it in one bite!"

"Sea bass is not stupid, how could it bite such a fake?"

Zhong Shizhu kept shaking his head, not believing it at all.

Zhao Dahai was a little dumbfounded. No matter what he said, Zhong Shizhu just didn't believe it.

"Come on!"

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"You can go out to sea with me another day, and I will fish for you, and then you will know that what I say is true!"

“If I can’t catch any fish, where did the fish come from that I bought my refrigerator from?”


“Only caught sea bass, caught some dolphin and also caught a big greenback that was quite uncatchable.”

Zhao Dahai took the net and grabbed a blue spot from the living cabin.

Zhong Shizhu's eyes suddenly widened, and the big green spot weighed almost thirty pounds.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Is this really true?"

Zhong Shizhu really couldn't believe that Zhao Dahai could catch fish with this lead-head hook and some soft bait, but Zhao Dahai had no reason to lie to himself.


"Uncle Shizhu!"

"It's not like you don't know the reefs where you can fish for sea bass."

"With weather like this, speedboats or fishing boats can't get close at all."

“How is it possible to catch traditional floating shrimps!”

“Or if I had used the traditional floating shrimp fishing method, I wouldn’t have been able to catch so many fish.”

“The biggest advantage of this fishing method with lures is that I can throw the rod out forty, fifty or even sixty or seventy meters away.”

"Speed ​​boats or fishing boats can fish away from dangerous areas."

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, picked up the lure rod, looked in front of him, found a place without fishing boats and obstacles, and swung it out with all his strength.

Zhong Shizhu was startled, raised his head and looked forward, and vaguely saw a small splash of water exploding about sixty meters away.


"Can it be thrown so far? If it's really that far, it's really like what you said. Speedboats or fishing boats can stop in a safe place to catch those sea bass in the islands and reefs!"

Zhong Shizhu couldn't help but nodded, he really didn't expect to be able to throw it so far.

"The lead hook has now sunk to the bottom of the sea."

"If the seabed is made of rocks, there will be a clicking feeling, especially when the line is pulled back and the lead hook slides over the rocks on the seabed."

"The vibration was very obvious. It was completely different from the feeling of mud on the bottom of the sea!"

"You can't catch fish if you don't move. You have to keep reeling in the line, so that the soft bait on the lead hook will swim like a small fish with its tail swaying to attract the fish's attention."

"Isn't there a big stone two or three meters high next to the pier in our village?"

"It's about twenty meters directly in front of us."

"Now the lead-head hook is almost in front of the big rock!"

"If the lead hook continues to reel in the line on the seabed, it is very likely to hook on the stone!"

"What can we do at this time?"

"Jump up."

"The lead-headed hook can jump on the bottom of the sea!"

"You can get over this rock!"

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he suddenly raised the tip of the pole and reached the highest point. He quickly turned the spinning wheel and took in five or six meters of thread.


"Uncle Shizhu!"

"did you see that!?"

"Isn't this the lead hook that has already crossed the big rock?"

Zhao Dahai put down the pole and turned to look at Zhong Shizhu, who was standing next to him in stunned silence, feeling a little proud.


"It's really like this."

Zhong Shizhu knew very well where the stone Zhao Dahai was talking about was and how big it was. Zhao Dahai really did this, and the lead hook had already flown over the stone.


"Does this even need to be said? It must be like this!"

As Zhao Dahai talked, he waited for the lead hook to slowly float downward, thinking that he would wait until it reached the bottom of the sea before taking up the line and drag it back close to the bottom.


"No way!"

"Are there any fish?"

A very violent vibration came from Zhao Dahai or the fishing rod's hand, and the feeling of electric shock was very obvious.

Zhao Dahai reacted very quickly and immediately raised his hand to stab the fish.


"This fish is so honorable!"

Zhao Dahai laughed loudly. Not only was a fish actually bitten, but the fish was not too small, weighing at least five or six pounds.

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