"How about going to sea these days?"

"It's passable! From this place of twenty nautical miles, we can catch twenty or thirty kilograms of fish a day, which is good enough."

“Those who want to catch more fish should go farther!”

“This fishing moratorium, there weren’t many fish at first, but now there are really more fish.”

The small pier is getting more and more lively.

Liu Bin saw Zhao Dahai sitting on the speedboat and shouted hello.

Zhao Dahai stood up, chatted for a few words, looked at the time, and saw that it was almost nine o'clock in the evening. He sat there for almost an hour without realizing it, and hurried home.

Zhao Dahai saw his grandma Zhong Cuihua standing at the door of the yard from a distance. He honked the horn and drove past at a faster speed.

"Why are you so late today?"

Zhong Cuihua asked immediately.

Zhao Dahai said that he had returned to the dock early. He sat on the speedboat for a while and chatted with a few people for a while. He forgot about the time and came back late.

After Zhao Dahai finished eating, he received a call from Wu Weimin. When he came, he drove a seafood truck. When he left, all the fish caught today were taken away. After weighing them, they weighed a total of 315 kilograms and 60 kilograms. Five yuan, a total of 20,475 yuan. The money will be transferred to the bank tomorrow.

Zhao Dahai hung up the phone. After dinner, grandma Zhong Cuihua had already gone out with Xiao Naihei to the village drying yard to chat with her old sisters. She was the only one at home, took a bath, walked out of the yard and stood at the door.

Zhao Dahai carefully calculated an account and found that taking people out to sea for fishing really affects making money. Yesterday and today, he took Lin Zuhua, Gao Zhicheng and Wu Weimin out to sea.

Yesterday, I stayed at the reef where I fished for sea bass for a long time, and I caught more fish, which together cost more than 50,000 yuan.

Today's stay was relatively short. Even if I stayed at the reef, I was mainly trolling. I spent most of the next day looking for where the Ghost Tou Dao was. The fish caught were a little short of the mark and only sold for a little over 20,000 yuan.

Zhao Dahai made up his mind to take as few people as possible out to sea for fishing. If he did, he could not fish with the people on the boat. He had to make his own decision.

Zhao Dahai looked down at the sea in the distance. Wherever he could see, there were fishing boats out to sea, and the distance further away was pitch black.

A sea fishing boat?

Do you really want to buy a fishing boat?

Zhao Dahai remembered what Gao Zhicheng said about the large fishing boats that could go fishing in the South China Sea.

Zhao Dahai stood at the door of the yard, blowing the sea breeze, thinking about this matter.

"The sea!"

"What are you doing? Why are you standing here at the door?"

Zhao Dahai looked back. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't notice that his grandma Zhong Cuihua was back.

Zhao Dahai did not hide anything and directly talked about the fishing boat.

"When we go out to sea to fish, in fact, no matter what we do, there is only one reason."

"Can it be more profitable than it is now? If it can be more profitable, then you must give it a try and do it."

“If you can’t make more money, or if the little money you make is not worthwhile, then don’t do it.”

Zhong Cuihua expressed her opinion directly.


"Grandma, you are right!"

"There are only two things to consider if you don't do this."

"One is whether you can do it and whether you have the ability to do it. The other is whether you can make money and make more money by doing this."

Zhao Dahai was happy for a moment, and he was a bit over the top.

Sea fishing boats are larger and can travel farther, and there are more and bigger fish in the South China Sea. This is for sure. But buying a big fishing boat and traveling to the South China Sea does not mean that you will be able to catch more fish and make more money.

Now he drives a speedboat to the outer sea and makes a lot of money.

Buying a large fishing boat that can travel in the South China Sea will cost at least several million. With such a large investment, is it really possible to make more money than you can on a speedboat now?

It doesn't make much sense to consider whether to buy a fishing boat now. The most important thing is to understand the situation clearly and see if you can make more money.

In addition, the South China Sea is a new environment. Whether you can catch more fish somewhere and how long it will take to become familiar with the fishing spots and find fish schools are all unknown.

"If you don't know it yourself, just go to Grandpa Er tomorrow and ask, or ask someone else."

"Let's find out what's going on before we talk about anything else."

"Don't think too much now. It's getting late. It's been a busy day. Go to bed early."

Zhong Cuihua walked towards the yard as she spoke.



"You still have a clear mind."

"I've been very busy these days. I'll have a rest tomorrow. I need to buy something in town. Come back and ask Grandpa Er about this matter. Whether you want to buy it or not, it won't be a matter of time. Such a big boat is not cheap."

Zhao Dahai flattered him and walked into the yard together. After a busy day, he was really tired and went to bed immediately.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai woke up and wanted to sleep a little longer but couldn't. He simply got up and cooked breakfast. After finishing breakfast, his grandma Zhong Cuihua had already gotten up. She said that she would go to the pier for a walk and go shopping in the town later and then left the house. .

Zhao Dahai parked the tricycle and went to the pier.

It's getting late.

The fishing boats that went out to sea for fishing have returned in droves, buying and selling fish and haggling over prices, which is very lively.

Zhao Dahai walked around and found that the fish, shrimps and crabs caught by the fishing boats returning from the sea were not much different from usual ones. They were mainly black sea bream, sand pointed fish and some shrimps including orchid crabs and so on.

Zhao Dahai inquired about the price and found that the fishing moratorium had ended for a while and everything had returned to normal.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Aren't you going to go fishing today?"

When Zhao Dahai saw that Lei Dayou's fishing boat had just returned, he immediately walked over to lend a hand and carried two large baskets of fish, shrimps and crabs onto the pier.

"Why are you alone today? Didn't Uncle Shi Zhu and Uncle Liu Bin go to sea with you?"

Zhao Dahai did not see Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin's fishing boat.


"How can it be possible not to go out to sea? If you stay at home in such a good weather, you will be scolded by your wife! I'll come back first and the two of them later!"

Lei Dayou smiled and pointed behind Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai looked back and saw several fishmongers who were buying fish, shrimp and crab were walking over quickly.


"Uncle You!"

"You are really cunning!"

Zhao Dahai suppressed his voice and made a joke in a low voice.

If Lei Dayou, Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin came back together, they would catch more fish, shrimps and crabs, which would not be very convenient when bargaining. If they come back one after another, they will definitely be able to sell more money.

"Lei Dayou. You got rich today, why are these two big baskets full of good fish, shrimp and crab?"

"It just happened to be a little bit more when the tide caught up. You only saw thieves eating meat but not being beaten. You didn't see anything a few days ago,"

"These orchid crabs are pretty good, and they cost 60 yuan a catty, so I'll take them all!"

"Sixty yuan per catty? Don't even think about it. If it doesn't cost eighty yuan per catty, I won't sell it. I'd rather take it to the town and sell it to food stalls or seafood restaurants."

"The price of these mackerel, sand tip fish and other currencies is forty yuan a catty!"

"Stop dreaming, right? Forty yuan a catty? There are indeed small fish, but there are more big fish. Sixty yuan a catty."

Lei Dayou and the fishmonger went back and forth to negotiate the price. Zhao Dahai stood beside him and said a word or two from time to time. It took about ten minutes to reach an agreement on the price. Orchid crabs cost seventy-five yuan per catty. The fish costs fifty yuan a catty.

"Orchid crab thirty-five catties and two taels, two thousand six hundred and forty yuan."

"Twenty-three catties and seven taels of fish, one thousand one hundred and eighty-five yuan."

"The total is three thousand eight hundred and twenty-five yuan."

After Zhou Liyang finished the scale, he settled the account, took the money out of the bag, and handed it to Lei Dayou after counting.


"Why didn't Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin come back without seeing these two old boys?"

Zhou Liyang looked around, but he didn't see Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin's fishing boat.

"They're all behind me!"

"It will be there in ten minutes or half an hour! Today my boat runs a little faster."

Lei Da has a lot of good money in his pocket. Today he earned almost 4,000 yuan, which is quite good, and he is in a very good mood.


"Is this intentional? Do you want to sell it at a higher price?"

Zhou Liyang laughed and cursed.


"So what? Can't such a good fish, shrimp and crab be charged a higher price?"

Lei Dayou replied with a smile, took out a cigarette from his pocket, handed one to Zhou Liyang, lit one himself and took a puff.

"It's a bad day today!"

"I made hundreds less."

Zhou Liyang complained half-heartedly. This was not a lie. If the three of them came back together, the price would have to be lowered. They would definitely suffer a loss today.


"Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin caught more fish, shrimps and crabs than me, and they were a little bigger. If you have the ability, you won't take it."

"The other people are all watching from the side!"

Lei Da smiled a little proudly. One is a person who often goes out to sea to fish, and the other is a person who often collects fish, shrimps and crabs here. They have to battle wits and courage every day. One wants to sell for more money, and the other wants to ask for a lower price.


"As long as the fish, shrimp and crab are big enough and fresh enough."

"The price must be higher!"

Zhou Liyang said this, but he felt a little helpless in his heart. He didn't think much about it when he raised the price just now. He felt that only Lei Dayou's batch of fish, shrimp and crab was better today, and the price offered was a little higher. Unexpectedly, Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin were still waiting behind, and they would return to the dock later. If it was really bigger, it would have to be priced higher, at least it would have to be exactly the same as Lei Dayou's. I made hundreds of dollars less every time I went back and forth, which was a bit heartbreaking.

"Captain Zhao!"

"When did you sell those fish you caught to me?"

Seeing Zhao Dahai standing beside him, Zhou Liyang spoke seriously and half-jokingly.


"When will it not work? As long as the price you offer is acceptable, how can I not sell it to you?"

"Selling fish depends on who can offer a higher price!"

Zhao Dahai was not joking, if Zhou Liyang offered a higher price than Liu Gang and Wu Weimin, he would definitely sell it.

"Forget it!"

"I can't afford the fish you caught! I don't have the capital!"

Zhou Liyang immediately shook his head.

Zhao Dahai's speedboat always stops at the pier of Langtou Village every time it goes out to sea. Everyone can see how many fish are caught and what kind of fish are caught. Who doesn't want to accept the hundreds of catties of sea bass that was caught yesterday? But he definitely couldn't offer a price that Zhao Dahai was satisfied with.

If the drive is too high, those who do business like themselves will not do this kind of thing if they can't make money.

Zhao Dahai chatted with Lei Dayou and Zhou Liyang for a few words. From a distance, he saw his second grandfather, Zhao Shi, holding a hookah in his hand and slowly walking towards the pier. He thought about the fishing boat and originally wanted to find one. It was time to go to the house, just in time, and immediately walked over quickly.

Zhao Shi was a little strange seeing Zhao Dahai. Today's weather is good, so why didn't he go fishing at this time.

Zhao Dahai said that he has been a little busy and tired these days. He rested today and didn't go to sea. The other is to go to the town to buy something later.

"Second Grandpa!"

"Do you know about the fishing boat?"

Zhao Dahai started directly.


"Are you going to buy a fishing boat? Go to the South China Sea?"

Zhao Shi immediately turned around and looked at Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai said that he took several guests out to sea for fishing yesterday. One person suggested that he should consider buying a fishing boat. There are more valuable fish in the South China Sea, and there are fish with bigger heads.

"Second Grandpa!"

"To be honest, I'm really tempted. But I can't make up my mind."

"I talked to my grandma last night, and she thought I should ask your opinion to understand the situation."

Zhao Dahai was really moved.


"Why do you want to buy a fishing boat?"

Zhao Shi took a sip of the hookah, left the pier, and found a place where no one was around. This was a big deal, and he needed to have a good chat with Zhao Dahai.

"Second Grandpa."

"A lot of fish were actually caught during this period, and the money earned was really a lot."

"If you fish in this area, you can definitely support your family and even make a lot of money."

"However, there are only a few fishing spots around here. Even though there are endless fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, as long as the fish are in the water, they are all caught today, and there will be more tomorrow."

"But no matter what, the more people there are, the less fish they catch and the less money they make."

"I have been able to catch fish and make money in the past two or three years. Who knows if I will be able to catch so many fish and make so much money in ten years?"

Zhao Dahai frowned.

I did catch a lot of fish and made a lot of money. Otherwise, how could I afford a big speedboat worth 600,000 to 700,000 yuan? Moreover, after buying a big speedboat, I made more money. But these fishing spots where the fish are caught are not only known by themselves. Even if I am better than others, but there are too many speedboats, I will definitely steal some of the fish.

Zhao Shi was silent for a while, then nodded, Zhao Dahai's worry was very reasonable. In recent years, the number of fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea has been quite a bit less than when I was younger.

What about another five years?

What about another ten years?

If Zhao Dahai had been fishing in a place like this, would he still be able to catch so many fish?

It is almost impossible. Even in a year or two, Zhao Dahai will no longer be able to catch fish in the places where he can catch fish now.

The South China Sea is wider, has more fish, more big fish and more valuable fish. Only larger fishing boats can reach it and catch the fish, shrimp and crabs there. It is very normal for Zhao Dahai to have such an idea.

"Second Grandpa!"

"The fish in this nearby area, especially the area that my speedboat can reach, will only become less and less."

"We can't wait until we are desperate and wait until there are really no fish to be caught in these places where we fish now before we start preparations. By then it will be too late and the pressure will be too great."

"It's not that I have to buy a fishing boat like this now. For example, I have to buy it next year, and then I have to go fishing in the South China Sea. But now I definitely have to think about it, understand the situation, and see if there is such a thing A necessity of the child."


"Even if I want to buy a fishing boat now or travel to the South China Sea, I can't do it without the money!"

Zhao Dahai laughed. This is no joke. A fishing boat costs several million, and I really can't afford it now.

"The sea."

"Your concerns are justified."

"If you are already forty or fifty years old, you don't need to worry about it. Just drive this speedboat out to sea for fishing. Not only can you make money, you can really make a lot of money."

"You are only in your early twenties now, and you will have to work for at least forty years."

“The competition in these places you visit must be getting more and more intense now, and there must be fewer and fewer fish. You really need to prepare early.”

Zhao Shi sighed. People who go fishing at sea are very stressed.

The fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea are not produced from any raw materials, but are raised by nature. It depends on God’s will. If there are no fish in the sea, no matter how hard fishermen spend their time and no matter how hard they work, they will never be able to catch fish. What Zhao Dahai is worried about now is that there are no fish in the sea.

"There are definitely fish in the South China Sea, and you can catch fish in a hundred or two hundred years. It's okay if you want to buy a fishing boat and travel to the South China Sea. But there are a few things you have to consider carefully."

Zhao Shi took two puffs of water pipe and looked at the vast sea in front of him. There was no smile on his old face and he was very serious.

"Second Grandpa!"

"you say."

"I'm listening!"

Zhao Dahai concentrated his attention. Every word Zhao Shi said was very important. He should listen carefully and think carefully.

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