Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 325 Two old men bickering! Honest and honest Zhao Dahai!

Zhao Dahai stopped the speedboat and tied the cable. Wu Weimin and Du Dazhong couldn't wait to get on the speedboat.

Wu Weimin was not polite at all. He immediately opened the refrigerator on Zhao Dahai's speedboat and pulled off the ice on the top lid, revealing the fish underneath.

"Yellow bonito?"

"No way, Zhao Dahai, did you catch so many yellow bonitos when you went out to sea today? Are they all of this size?"

Wu Weimin's eyes suddenly widened.


"It's really a yellow bonito, and the head is really big!"

"Three hundred and fifty yuan a pound, I got it all!"

Du Dazhong was not polite at all and directly opened the price.

Yellow bonito, whose official name is yellow striped amberjack, has very delicate and smooth meat with a unique taste. It is a fish that plays a very important role in "raw" cooking and can be sold at a very high price.

Du Dazhong almost salivated when he saw these yellow bonitos caught by Zhao Dahai.

Wu Weimin was a little dumbfounded. Du Dazhong was afraid that he would snatch the fish away, so he immediately asked for a price.

"What the hell!"

"I will definitely not come with you on my next trip to Zhao Dahai!"

"This is obviously my fish, how did it become your fish!"

Wu Weimin laughed and cursed.

"Your shabby restaurant is a Chinese restaurant. It is a Chinese private restaurant."

“Isn’t this fish a waste when it comes to you?”

Du Dazhong said something back.


"Who said I bought these fish and sold them in my private restaurant?"

"Isn't it okay to buy it and then sell it to you?"

"I gave Zhao Dahai three hundred and fifty yuan per catty. When I sold it to you, it sold for three hundred and eighty yuan, or even four hundred yuan per catty. I asked you whether you want it or not?"

Wu Weimin was not polite at all.

Du Dazhong's eyes widened. If Wu Weimin really took it and sold it to him, he would have no temper at all. Not to mention four hundred yuan, even if it was four hundred and twenty yuan, he would have to hold his nose to admit it.


"It's really bad luck to know a friend like you."

"Four hundred yuan a pound!"

Du Dazhong directly offered four hundred yuan.

Zhao Dahai nodded with a smile and agreed to the price. All the fish were put on the tricycle and brought back to the house. He took the scale and weighed it. The total was two hundred and forty-one kilograms, ninety-six thousand four hundred yuan. .

Du Dazhong looked at a foam box placed in the corner and felt a little regretful. Inside was the largest yellow bonito, which weighed about seventy or eighty pounds. Zhao Dahai just said that this fish would not be sold, and the remaining ones would be given away. Yellow bonito The bigger it is, the more delicious it is, the more valuable it is, and the higher the price, this one costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

"Boss Wu."

"Why are you here today?"

Only then did Zhao Dahai remember to ask Wu Weimin and Du Dazhong what they were doing here.

Wu Weimin pointed at Du Dazhong. He had been busy with business these days. Today he happened to be a little free and Du Dazhong happened to be coming from somewhere else. Since he had nothing else to do, he came to the dock to see what fish he had caught.

"Originally I was thinking about Zhao Dahai. What you were fishing for when you went out to sea should be groupers or other fish. That's what I took. Now that I caught yellow bonito, it was a bargain for Du Dazhong. If I had known better, I wouldn't have brought him here. .”

Wu Weimin really didn't expect Zhao Dahai to catch yellow bonito.


"Zhao Dahai."

"How did you catch so many yellow bonitos? There aren't many fish like this in the sea near us, right?"

Wu Weimin was very surprised, how did Zhao Dahai find these yellow bonitos.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. This statement is wrong. It is not that there are no yellow bonito in the nearby sea. In fact, there are many yellow bonito. However, this kind of fish swims very fast and is elusive. It is very difficult to catch it. Generally, only fishermen can do it. It's possible to catch it, but it's very difficult to catch it.

"Why is this? Why is this fish so difficult to catch? Is it more difficult than Mayou fish?"

Du Dazhong is very strange. As the owner of a private restaurant, he only knows the delicious part of yellow bonito, but he doesn't know how to catch it.

Zhao Dahai told Du Dazhong. The amount of pure wild yellow bonito in the open sea is not small, but definitely not many. The sea is so wide that it is not easy to reach it.

General fishing nets are designed for relatively small fish. Once the fish weighs more than 20 kilograms, it is not easy to handle. Even if the fish gets caught in the net, it may break free.

Yellow bonito swims very fast and packs a punch. These smaller fishing boats from the surrounding villages go out to sea to fish, and the fishing nets they put out are basically unable to deal with them. This is why it is extremely difficult for ordinary fishing boats, especially small fishing boats, and fishing boats that go fishing in inland seas and offshore to catch big yellow bonito. The most important reason for the child.

In addition, the number of yellow bonito is relatively small, and generally people who go fishing at sea will not go out of their way to catch this kind of fish.

When fishing for black sea bream or even sea bass, the line set is not particularly large. Both the hook and the line can handle the small yellow bonito. Even if you are hooked, the line will easily break and the fish will be detached.

It is not easy for fishermen to catch fishermen who actually take the bait and the fish will break off and run away. The number of bonito that can be landed on the pier is not large, and it is easy to mistakenly think that there are no bonito in the sea.

Wu Weimin nodded. Zhao Dahai was right. There are indeed yellow bonito in the nearby sea area, but it is not easy to catch or fish these yellow bonito.

Wu Weimin looked at the 20 to 30 kilograms of rhubarb bonito in the refrigerator and was eager to try it. This fish was not only delicious, it swam very fast and was very powerful. No one who likes fishing would not like to catch this kind of fish.

Zhao Dahai smiled and talked about the whole process of catching these fish today.

Neither Wu Weimin nor Du Dazhong expected this to be the case.


"Isn't this amazing? But then again, are these bonitos really so ferocious? Can they bite off a fish as powerful as the Ghost Head Sword in one bite?"

Du Dazhong was very surprised and found it unbelievable that Ghost Toudao was not an ordinary fish and it swam very fast. The one-meter-long big fish is even more incredible, but it is the food in Huang Jinzi's mouth. Zhao Dahai was originally going to go somewhere else to catch big fish, but he encountered a school of fish from Ghost Toudao on the way. Then he found that there were yellow bonitos chasing these ghost-headed knives, and then he caught these yellow bonitos.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Lin Zuhua and especially Gao Zhicheng will be very depressed when they hear about this!"

Wu Weimin felt a little regretful. Zhao Dahai only encountered a school of fish on the way and did not know the sea area where yellow bonito gathered. Typical passing fish. It will be useless for Zhao Dahai to take himself and Du Dazhong to the place where they fished bonito today. There is a 100% chance that they will not find any fish.

Wu Weimin immediately remembered that Zhao Dahai took him, Lin Zuhua, and especially Gao Zhicheng to look for the Ghost Tou Dao two days ago but could not find it. Today, Zhao Dahai encountered it immediately when he went to sea.

"There's no big problem with the Ghost Head Sword. If you can't find it this time, there's a good chance you can find it next time, but it's really hard to find the yellow bonito."

Zhao Dahai laughed.

Lin Zuhua and especially Gao Zhicheng would definitely feel a little depressed if they knew that they had encountered a ghost-headed sword again today, especially a school of fish that was more than one meter long, but they would not feel regretful. But knowing that I caught so many bonito today would really make me very depressed.

The economic value of the ghost machete is not high, and there are relatively few people catching it. It is easy to form a huge school of fish, but it is more difficult to find a truly huge ghost machete.

What is different about yellow bonito is that its economic value is very high. There are many people who catch it and fish for it, but the quantity is relatively rare. It is truly something that can be encountered but not sought.

Wu Weimin and Du Dazhong sat for a while, chatted, and left in a hurry. They came here just for a walk and nothing else.

Zhao Dahai sent Wu Weimin and Du Dazhong away, took a bath, and just finished eating, when he heard his second grandfather Zhao Shi calling him outside the yard, and immediately opened the door and walked out.

"Second Grandpa."

"What's the matter so late?"

Zhao Dahai called Zhao Shi to go into the yard and asked what was going on.

Zhao Shi shook his head and refused to go in and sit down. He came here because there will be a fishing boat coming back from the village next door tomorrow. It is the fishing boat at his old friend’s house. If he does not go fishing tomorrow or if he has time, he can go and take a look. .

Zhao Dahai immediately said that he was going to take a look tomorrow. Seeing is better than hearing. What does a sea fishing boat look like? If you go on the boat and take a look, you will have a rough idea of ​​what is going on.

Zhao Shi agreed to go out together at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, picked up his hookah and turned around to leave.

Zhao Dahai turned back to the yard and saw his grandma Zhong Cuihua walking out of the house.

Zhong Cuihua looked at the open courtyard door. She heard Zhao Shi's words just now, but saw no one when she came out.


"Didn't I ask Grandpa Second about the fishing boat two days ago?"

"Second Grandpa said that he would come with me tomorrow to take a look at the fishing boats."

"After finishing this matter, we will go back."

Zhao Dahai talked about what happened when Zhao Shi came here just now.

"Aren't you going to go to sea tomorrow?"

Zhong Cuihua asked.

Zhao Dahai nodded. The fishing boat matter was more important. He had to seize the time to understand it and see if he should make an effort to buy a fishing boat like this next.

Zhong Cuihua didn't ask much about this matter. Zhao Dahai just made up his mind. Seeing that it was quite late, he immediately called Zhao Dahai to go to bed.

Zhao Dahai agreed. I packed up my things and went to bed immediately. I was really tired after a day of fishing, especially after a whole day of fishing today.

Zhao Dahai woke up, opened his eyes and looked at the window. The sky outside had begun to get brighter. He immediately got up and went into the kitchen. He made breakfast. After eating, he saw that it was already broad daylight and it was almost time. He rode a tricycle and arrived at Zhao Dahai. Stone's home.

Zhao Shi was already waiting. He got on the tricycle and the two of them rushed to Shijiao Village.

Zhao Dahai parked the tricycle and followed Zhao Shi to the dock of Shijiao Village.

Zhao Dahai found that the pier here was larger than the piers in Langtou Village and other surrounding villages. He took a look and found that the water here was deeper.

"This is really the foresight of our ancestors!"

Zhao Dahai made a joke. A good pier must have sufficient water depth, and the advantage is that it can accommodate larger fishing boats.

Zhao Shi told Zhao Dahai that Shijiao Village has a much longer history than Dashi Village and Langtou Village, almost a thousand years, while Langtou Village only has a history of less than 400 years and less than 500 years.

Only then did Zhao Dahai understand what was going on. It wasn't that the ancestors from his village had no vision, but that the ancestors from Shijiao Village came earlier, and those who came earlier must occupy a better position.

Zhao Dahai immediately thought of Paiwan Village and asked Zhao Shi if it was earlier than Langtou Village.

Zhao Shi nodded. The history of Paiwan Village is almost two hundred years earlier than that of Langtou Village.

Zhao Dahai was a little depressed. It seemed that the ancestors from other surrounding villages came earlier and occupied better places. Langtou Village had no choice but to pick a bad one.

Zhao Dahai and Zhao Shi stood on the dock and waited for almost half an hour. From a distance, they saw a large fishing boat slowly approaching at the end of the sea.

"You old man, why did you come to my place again?"

Zhao Dahai heard the shouting like thunder and turned around to see a short, thick, seventy-year-old man with all white hair on his head walking over quickly and yelling at Zhao Shi.

"We are about the same age. If I am immortal, what are you? Are you immortal?"

Zhao Shi took a puff of the hookah he was carrying in his hand, and puffed out the smoke.

"Shi Guangming."

"You can call me Grandpa Shi!"

"Old man Shi."

"This is my eldest brother's grandson."

Zhao Shi introduced it.

"Grandpa Shi."

"I am Zhao Dahai."

Zhao Dahai immediately greeted him, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one, and took out a lighter at the same time.


"I can't get used to smoking something like this!"

"No energy at all!"

Shi Guangming shook his head directly.

"You are Zhao Dahai? The guy who bought a speedboat worth six or seven million yuan, and I heard that he caught a lot of fish recently?"


"Zhao Shi."

"I didn't expect such a talented person to come from your family!"

Shi Guangming looked Zhao Dahai up and down.

"It happened!"

"Is it possible that your family's fishing talents are amazing?"

"When it comes to fishing, I dare not mention it in other places. If we just go out to sea here, those boys in your family will definitely be 100% inferior to Zhao Dahai."

Satisfied, Zhao Shi took a sip of the hookah he was carrying in his hand.

Shi Guangming was a little unconvinced and wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he swallowed the words he heard about the fish caught by Zhao Dahai recently.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Did you go fishing yesterday? What fish did you catch?"

Shi Guangming changed the question.

Zhao Dahai found it a bit funny.

Shi Guangming estimated that he knew that he had caught a lot of fish. If he had to say that his own people were better at fishing than him, his second grandfather Zhao Shi would definitely refute him. He made a careful move and pretended not to hear what his second grandfather said and just asked himself Did you catch any fish yesterday? If you didn’t catch any fish or caught relatively few fish, the second grandfather would brag about how good he is at fishing and break through without attacking.

Zhao Dahai honestly said that he went out to sea yesterday and caught eleven bonitos, each of which weighed more than twenty or thirty kilograms. The fish had been sold for four hundred yuan per kilogram, which was more than ninety thousand yuan.

The smile on Shi Guangming's face suddenly condensed, and it took a while before it returned to normal.

Shi Guangming looked at Zhao Dahai, who looked extremely honest and honest, and shook his head in his heart. This boy must have seen what he had just planned, and deliberately made it clear, especially how much he sold it for. , just want to slap myself in the face.

Shi Guangming complained in his heart that today's young people really don't respect their elders at all, and they show off everywhere they make some money.


"Old man Shi!"

"If Zhao Dahai didn't catch any fish yesterday, would you just want to laugh at me?"

"You must be deflated now!"

Zhao Shi was even more proud.


"You two are both wilted and bad!"

"Especially this kid like you. You look so honest, you're so mean-spirited!"

"Forget it, my lord has a lot, so I won't argue with you about this matter."


"What the hell!"

"Are there so many fish in the open sea now? Did you really catch bonito? Eleven of them. Isn't there a fish weighing three to four hundred kilograms?"

Shi Fangming and Zhao Shi have known each other for many years, and they bickered non-stop when they met. This time, there was nothing they could do. Zhao Dahai caught so many fish, which was really impressive.

If Zhao Dahai came to see Shi Guangming alone, he would definitely not deliberately say how many fish he caught, especially how much he sold for. But when Second Grandpa and Shi Guangming were bickering, he could not lose. He had to show off. This was about Second Grandpa. Zhao Shi's face.

Zhao Dahai talked in detail about yesterday’s fishing for bonito.

Shi Guangming shook his head while listening. He was really lucky. He encountered the yellow bonito preying on the ghost head knife. At this time, the yellow bonito was hungry and very easy to catch. But this is a one-time deal. When the fish in Guitou Dao are scattered, the yellow bonito are also scattered. If you go to the same place again, you won't be able to catch fish.

"Old man Zhao."

"What are you doing here today?"

Shi Guangming lit his hookah, took a long puff, and made a gurgling sound.

Zhao Shi pointed at Zhao Dahai, then pointed at the large fishing boat that was slowly approaching the dock, and said that he wanted to go up and take a look.

Qishi and Shi Guangming have a very good relationship and they tell the truth directly.

Shi Guangming knew as soon as he heard that it was Zhao Dahai who wanted to buy a fishing boat. He didn't know much about the situation, so Zhao Shi brought him over to have a practical look.

Shi Guangming nodded and agreed.

Zhao Dahai watched the fishing boats coming towards the pier getting bigger and bigger, and couldn't help but get a little excited. This was a fishing boat that could fish in the South China Sea or even further. He was very curious about what it was like on it. After a while, he got acquainted with it. The fishing boat must take a closer look. This is related to its next big plan and cannot be careless.

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