"If the weather is like this again tomorrow and we can't go out to sea, we can go to the island to hook blue crabs! No more snails!"

Zhong Shizhu looked at the people watching the excitement and took a few steps away. He whispered that if the wind and waves were too strong tomorrow and he couldn't go fishing, he would go to the island to hook blue crabs.

Zhao Dahai took a big gulp of water and immediately shook his head when he heard Zhong Shizhu's words.


"The sea!"

"Isn't it possible?"

"Can't you hook blue crabs tomorrow? The tide is wrong, so blue crabs won't come to the island?"

Zhong Shizhu didn't understand why Zhao Dahai shook his head.

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou both looked at Zhao Dahai. They both had this idea in their hearts, but they didn't expect Zhao Dahai to say no.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the other people picking up snails around him.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da suddenly realized that so many people saw Zhao Dahai hooking blue crabs. Who doesn't know that blue crabs are more valuable than snails? The news will definitely spread soon after we go back, and there will definitely be a lot of people hooking blue crabs on the surrounding islands tomorrow.

Zhao Dahai saw Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da acting like this, and knew that they understood what was going on. He whispered that if he continued to the island tomorrow, he could bring tools for hooking blue crabs, but he could only pick up snails. When I saw the cracks in the rocks, I looked to see if there were any cracks. I couldn't specifically hook blue crabs. It is indeed a bit harder to pick up snails, but the harvest is guaranteed during droughts and floods, and with diligent hands and feet, you can basically pick up snails. A little more or less won't be too far off.

Zhao Dahai saw very clearly that he was able to hook so many blue crabs today. It was not that his skill in hooking blue crabs was better than others. The key point was that everyone else was picking up snails and he was the only one hooking blue crabs. If everyone on the island today These people are all hooking blue crabs, and I estimate that I can only hook five or six to survive, but only eight out of ten. This is not as cost-effective as picking up snails.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all nodded. Zhao Dahai was right. You can bring tools for hooking blue crabs, but there is no need to go for the blue crabs.

It's getting late.

The flat fishing boat arrived at the island.

Zhao Dahai carried his blue crabs off the fishing boat and helped Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou move the spicy snails they picked up today to the pier. There were already seafood traders waiting to buy the spicy snails.

Zhao Dahai left the dock first carrying a net bag of blue crabs. His blue crabs would not be sold here. The prices offered by these seafood sellers were far inferior to those of Liu Gang and Wu Weimin.

The Luo Pier that Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou picked up was sold here. This is seafood sold in quantity. The price at the village wharf is not too different from the purchase price in other places in the town.

Zhao Dahai returned home and took out the blue crabs from the net bag one by one. The wind and waves were strong but the sun was very strong. Under the high temperature, blue crabs are easy to dehydrate and die. He checked them one by one. They were all jumping around and the ropes were not tied properly and untied. Come and retie it.

Zhao Dahai took a large basket, put all the green crabs in, sprinkled a little water and placed them in a cool place. Blue crabs can live for many days as long as they are kept moist, so there is no need to worry about dying from fishing.

After Zhao Dahai finished his work, he ate, took a shower, and went to bed early. He climbed up and down the islands all day long and was very tired.


"Such a big sea bass, wouldn't it cost about fifty kilograms?"

"How much does this yellow bonito weigh? Based on its size, it must be seventy or eighty pounds, right?"

"Can we catch such a big yellow bonito in the sea here?"

Lin Zuhua's eyes widened as he looked at the two big fish contained in the two foam boxes at his feet in front of him, especially the seventy or eighty kilogram yellow bonito, which was very incredible.

"What's the point? Why can't we have such a big fish? Whether it's sea bass or bonito, isn't it all in front of you now?"

"What's all the fuss about?"

Ding Chongshan glanced at the two fish in the foam box. Although he said it very calmly, he still thought it was a bit incredible that Zhao Dahai caught two such big fish.

The two fish sent by Zhao Dahai had been sold by himself and were being packed for transportation. Lin Zuhua had nothing to do at night, so he ran to his company and happened to see them.


"Ding Chongshan."

"Why do you look down on two fish like this? Not to mention the sea bass, such a big fish is rare. The key is that this yellow bonito is really rare!"

"You have been buying seafood for so many years, and you have been fishing for so many years. When have you ever heard or seen someone catch such a big yellow bonito?"

"The important thing is that we caught it in this sea area here!"

"In other places, such as the South China Sea, it is not easy to catch fish like this, but it is not impossible."

"It would be too difficult for us to catch it here!"

Lin Zuhua said harshly.

Ding Chongshan couldn't refute.


"Who on earth has such ability and such luck?"

Lin Zuhua walked to the sofa and sat down. He poured a cup of brewed tea from the teapot and took a sip. He was very curious about who caught the two fish. If you want to catch such a big fish, you need skills. In addition, the sea is vast and big fish are rare, so you really need a bit of luck to catch one.

Ding Chongshan hesitated for a moment, but still said that this was the fish caught by Zhao Dahai.

"The fish caught by Zhao Dahai?"


"It's no wonder, other people really don't have the ability or the luck to do this."

"Not to mention the yellow bonito! Even if it is this sea bass, other people who go out to sea to catch sea fish will not be able to catch it even if they encounter it."

"It's too big, and the thread set is too small, so it'll be torn off."

When Lin Zuhua heard about the fish caught by Zhao Dahai, he immediately felt that it was not surprising at all.

"Where did Zhao Dahai catch the yellow bonito? Why didn't he see and hear about this when he went fishing two days ago?"

"I have never caught yellow bonito? I heard that this fish is very fast and has a very strong pull."

"I can't even bear the Ghost Head Sword!"

Lin Zuhua suddenly became excited.

Ding Chongshan kept talking and told Lin Zuhua that when Zhao Dahai went out to sea, he accidentally encountered a group of ghost-headed knives jumping out of the sea and found that it was yellow bonito chasing and biting them, so he caught them.

Lin Zuhua was very envious after hearing this. This is really a good thing that only people who are lucky can encounter.

"Gao Zhicheng."

"Where do you think I am now?"

"What's the matter?"

"It's nothing important. I just want to tell you that Zhao Dahai caught yellow bonito!"

"Seven or eighty pounds of rhubarb bonito."


"Is this fish right in front of me now? How could I fool you!"

"Forget it!"

"If you say you want to lie, just lie! If you don't believe it, don't believe it!"

Ding Chongshan picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea.

When Lin Zuhua heard that the yellow bonito was caught by Zhao Dahai, he immediately called Gao Zhicheng. Which fisherman doesn’t want to catch yellow bonito, especially big yellow bonito? Gao Zhicheng is a professional fisherman, but he still can't resist the temptation of such a big fish.

Lin Zuhua called Gao Zhicheng deliberately.

"Lin Zuhua."

"This is so unkind of you!"

Ding Chongshan saw the sneaky and proud Lin Zuhua and cursed with a smile.

"How can this be called unauthentic?"

"Alone Better Together!"

"Zhao Dahai caught such a big yellow bonito, he must tell Gao Zhicheng, and everyone will be happy together."


"Gao Zhicheng has to thank me for telling him such good news."

"Otherwise, even if he wants to catch bonito, he won't know where to go or who to look for!"

Lin Zuhua sat opposite Ding Chongshan.

Ding Chongshan looked at Lin Zuhua with great disdain. What he said so nicely actually made Gao Zhicheng restless. He thought about coming here to catch Zhao Dahai to catch rhubarb bonito all day long. He was very evil-minded.


"I'll go look for Zhao Dahai tomorrow and see if I can go fishing."

"Yellow bonito!"

"I must catch yellow bonito!"

Lin Zuhua was very excited and waved his hands vigorously.

"Lin Zuhua."

"Can you calm down a little bit?"

"How is it possible to go fishing in this weather? It's so windy and choppy outside!"

Ding Chongshan pointed to the opposite side of the open door of the office. Not far away was the vast sea, and the sound of wind and waves could now be heard.

Only then did Lin Zuhua remember that the weather had been very bad these past few days, the sun was very strong, but the waves in the sea were very strong. Can't go fishing.

Ding Chongshan reminded Lin Zuhua that the yellow bonito caught by Zhao Dahai were just passing fish, and it would be very difficult to catch them again.

Lin Zuhua frowned, this is a big problem.



"How can you collect these fish caught by Zhao Dahai? Didn't he sell them to Liu Gang or Wu Weimin?"

Lin Zuhua suddenly thought of a very important thing. How could Ding Chongshan have Zhao Dahai catch these two big fish?

Ding Chongshan's heart skipped a beat. This is indeed a problem. I don't want to tell Lin Zuhua about Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai for the time being.


"I am not a first-hand source of goods. I did not receive them directly from Zhao Dahai. I received them from others."

"How other people collected it, I don't know!"

Ding Chongshan reacted very quickly and immediately found an excuse.


"I have to find Zhao Dahai to see what is going on."

"It's unlikely that I caught just one yellow bonito."

Lin Zuhua stood up and walked out as he spoke.

Ding Chongshan was stunned for a moment. It was already almost twelve o'clock in the evening. Lin Zuhua ran to find Zhao Dahai at this time?

Ding Chongshan watched helplessly as Lin Zuhua opened the door and got into the car, started the car and stepped on the accelerator. He drove out. After a while, he couldn't even see the taillights.

"This old boy is so crazy!"

Ding Chongshan shook his head, Lin Zuhua went to find Zhao Dahai right now.


"When will we be able to go fishing?"

Ding Chongshan had a headache. The relationship between Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai is not really confirmed now, and it is inconvenient not to disclose herself. When she goes fishing on Zhao Dahai's speedboat, she can only watch Lin Zuhua catch one big fish after another and run up to him and scream.

Ding Chongshan packed up the things in the store and took a bag, which contained the two fishes sent by Zhao Dahai in cash, and would go back to give them to Ding Xiaoxiang later.

One o'clock.

Lin Zuhua drove his car to the door of Zhao Dahai's house. It was too late and he didn't call the door. He opened the car door a crack and fell asleep.

early morning.

The sun had just risen. Zhao Dahai opened the courtyard door and walked out. He saw an off-road vehicle parked at the door.

Lin Zuhua?

How did you get here?

Zhao Dahai was very surprised. Lin Zuhua's car was covered with dew. He knew he had arrived last night, so he walked over and knocked on the car window.

"Boss Lin!"

"What's going on? Why did you come to me in the middle of the night? Why didn't you call me?"

Zhao Dahai was very curious and looked at Lin Zuhua who drove out of the car with sleepy eyes.

"Did you catch the yellow bonito?"

"How many did you catch?"

"Is it still possible to catch it?"

Lin Zuhua asked a series of questions.

Zhao Dahai was a little dumbfounded. He ran to his door and waited in the middle of the night just because he wanted to know this. He explained in detail the process of catching Huang Jianzi.

"So even if you go to that place now, you may not be able to catch bonito?"

Lin Zuhua was very disappointed.

Zhao Dahai nodded with certainty. It was really his luck to catch the yellow bonito. Ghost Toudao and Huangjizi are both passing fish.

"Boss Lin."

"At first, the place where I found the yellow bonito was just an open sea. I made coordinates, but it doesn't make much sense in a place like this. It's really impossible to catch it there again, at least the probability is not high."

"in addition."

“I caught yellow bonito while chasing the school of fish from Guitou Dao. Finally, I caught one and it all went to the windmill foot fishing spot, which is a grouper fishing spot.”

"When fishing for these yellow bonito, the distance traveled must be thirty nautical miles if not forty!"

When Zhao Dahai was fishing for yellow bonito, he was chasing the school of fish in Guitou Dao. The sea was very wide and not in a fixed place.

Lin Zuhua turned around, looked at the slowly brightening sea surface, and asked a little reluctantly if he could go fishing today.

Zhao Dahai shook his head directly.

The wind and waves in the sea have been very strong these days. When I just walked out of the courtyard, I could already see that the waves on the sea were no different from yesterday.

Going to the island to pick up snails involves taking certain risks, let alone going out to sea for fishing.

Lin Zuhua was very disappointed, but he had no choice. The weather was really bad. Going to sea was dangerous, and he might not be able to catch fish.

Lin Zuhua told Zhao Dahai to call him when the weather is good and there are fish in the sea.

Zhao Dahai agreed and sent Lin Zuhua away. Just as he was walking back to the yard, he heard the phone ringing and walked over immediately.

Zhao Dahai picked up the phone and said it would last half an hour. When he put it down, his ears were burning. The caller was Gao Zhicheng, who said he wanted to come over for fishing, but he refused directly.

"Why are you all so anxious?"

"Do you have to come over this afternoon?"

"Don't you want to see what the weather is like?"

Zhao Dahai shook his head. These fishermen are really crazy. They only think about fish and nothing else.

Asking for a monthly ticket. Thanks!

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