It was just dark.

The lights on the small pier came on.

There are people on fishing boats of all sizes busy preparing to go out to sea.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat slowly towards the pier.

Are there more and more boats parked here?

Zhao Dahai didn't know if it was his imagination, but there were many more fishing boats docked at the small pier in the village.

"Zhao Dahai!"

Zhao Dahai looked in the direction where the sound came from. Liu Gang was standing on the pier waving to him. There happened to be a free seat. The speedboat drove over and just stopped. Liu Gang couldn't wait to get on the fishing boat.

"Boss Liu!"

"Shouldn't you be at the restaurant when you order this?"

Zhao Dahai pointed to the large refrigerator and live cabin in front of the speedboat's cockpit. Liu Gang was not greeting business in the restaurant. He must have come here because of the fish he had caught in the sea.


"Other people are taking care of the restaurant's business, so don't worry too much. I have to come here to see what kind of fish you caught on this trip!"

Liu Gang smiled. The weather is getting better today. Zhao Dahai will definitely go fishing and wait here specifically to prevent others, especially Wu Weimin, from intercepting the fish caught by Zhao Dahai. Zhao Dahai's reputation for catching a lot of fish every time he goes out to sea spreads wider and wider. Someone else will definitely come to Zhao Dahai to buy the fish caught by Zhao Dahai. Wu Weimin is definitely not the only one of his competitors.

Liu Gang opened the refrigerator and saw one big-eyed chicken weighing two to three kilograms one after another inside.


"This is a good fish!"

Liu Gang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Fish such as big-eye chicken can often be caught by fishing boats, but if the fish is small, it will not taste good. One is that the scales are thicker, and the other is that the meat is thicker. It is completely different from black sea bream, especially yellow sea bream, which is a relatively delicate fish.

If it's two, three, three, or five taels of big-eyed chicken, it won't fetch much. These big-eyed chickens in the refrigerator weigh two to three pounds, which are very good.

“Is everything in the refrigerator full of big-eyed chickens?”

Liu Gang raised his head and looked at Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai took a kettle to drink water and nodded. It weighed about three hundred kilograms.


"One or two other fishing boats set out three to five kilometers of fishing nets, but they couldn't catch as many fish as you."

Liu Gang, this is no joke. There are many fishing boats going out to sea to fish at Langtou Village Pier. There are only a few fishing boats that can catch three hundred kilograms of fish a day. In fact, you can already make a lot of money by catching a hundred pounds of miscellaneous fish in a day.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the lid of the living cabin that Liu Gang was stepping on. The life of this blue spot is really very hard. It was dying when it was first caught, but after an hour or two it was full of life. This is a good thing. The price of live blueberries is much higher than that of dead blueberries.

Liu Gang immediately bent down and opened it.



"There is a good product like this!"

Liu Gang thought that Zhao Dahai only caught big-eyed pheasant on this trip, but he didn't expect that there was a big blue spot weighing 70 to 80 pounds in the live cabin. This was a real good product.

"Big-eyed chicken costs one hundred yuan a pound."

"Blue spots cost four hundred and twenty yuan per pound!"

Liu Gang opened the price.


“The price is good!”

Zhao Dahai nodded in agreement.

Big-eyed chickens weigh about two to three pounds, and the market price is about eighty to ninety yuan per pound. The green spots caught this time did not exceed 100 pounds, but weighed 70 to 80 pounds. The market price is about 380 to 400 yuan per pound.

The prices Liu Gang offered were all higher than the market price.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"Did you catch so many fish again?"

"Is this grouper really too big?"

"You can't get away with 70 to 80 kilograms! Doesn't this cost another 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per fish?"

When Zhao Dahai packed up the fish and put it on the dock, he attracted the attention of the people around him. They all gathered around to watch the fun, chatted for a few words, and then rode the tricycle to pull the fish home. Liu Gang followed behind in a small truck.

Zhao Dahai returned home, took out a scale, and started weighing. The big-eyed chicken weighs three hundred and twelve pounds and seven taels, and the green spot weighs seventy-eight pounds and five taels.

"The big-eyed chicken is 31,270 yuan. The blue spot is 32,970 yuan."

"That adds up to sixty-four thousand two hundred and forty yuan."

Liu Gang had already prepared enough cash when he came over, settled the accounts and gave the money to Zhao Dahai.

Liu Gang packed the fish and left immediately. The business in the restaurant is very good at this time. Even though it is already dark, there are people eating until nine or ten o'clock in the evening. This batch of fish is brought back and sold in time. part.

Zhao Dahai sent Liu Gang off and saw that it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Grandma Zhong Cuihua had already cooked the rice, but now it was too late to eat. He returned to the dock. Just now, Liu Gang was waiting to collect the fish, but before he could do so, he got on Speedboat, pack all your stuff.

Zhao Dahai checked for the last time whether the things on the speedboat and whether the cables and anchors had been tied and tightened before boarding the pier. Just after taking two steps, he saw Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou striding with fishing nets. Come over here.

"Going to sea so early?"

Zhao Dahai was a little surprised. The fishing boats of Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were not very big. They did not go very far to put fishing nets. They usually only went out to sea after twelve o'clock.

Zhong Shizhu pointed to the fishing boats around the pier.

Zhao Dahai turned around and looked over. People on almost every fishing boat were preparing to go out to sea, and a dozen fishing boats had already begun to leave the dock.

"No way?"

"Are there so many fish in the sea now? Are everyone eager to go fishing?"

Zhao Dahai was very surprised.

Liu Bin smiled bitterly. It was not that there were a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, but that there were relatively few fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea. Everyone had to go out to sea in advance. At first, it was just a few fishing boats doing this, and gradually everyone followed. Do it like this.

Zhao Dahai originally thought that there were a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, and everyone was rushing to go out to catch fish, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou went to sea so early out of necessity. If you don’t go out to sea in advance, let alone fishing, you won’t even be able to find a place to put fishing nets. Others have already taken away all the places to put fishing nets.


"Why do I feel that there are more and more fishing boats docked here in our village?"

"Is this really the case?"

Zhao Dahai thought of this.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all nodded, and more and more fishing boats docked in the village.

"There are more this month than in previous months, almost forty ships."

Liu Bin pointed at the surrounding sea. A few months ago, there were only a few fishing boats here, but now they feel densely packed.

Zhao Dahai was startled.

Forty ships?

It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's actually a lot.

Dalang Village is just a small fishing village, not a big wharf, nor any deep-water port. There are twenty or thirty fishing boats in the village, and if there are forty more fishing boats, there will be seventy or eighty fishing boats of various sizes parked here.

No wonder I felt that there were a lot more fishing boats here. The number of fishing boats parked in other places exceeded the number of fishing boats in the village.

"Where did so many fishing boats come from? Why are these fishing boats parked in our village?"

Zhao Dahai was even more surprised. Fishing boats are particular about where to park, and they also have habits. Generally speaking, as long as there is a pier in the village, it is more convenient to park in the village.

Now that fishing boats from other villages are parked in Langtou Village, they must be in a lot of trouble when they go fishing.


"Zhao Dahai."

"I guess you don't even know this very well, right?"

"So many fishing boats from other villages came here because of you."

Liu Bin laughed loudly.

Zhao Dahai asked clearly about the reason and was a little speechless. The fishing boats from other villages parked here because they went out to sea to catch a lot of fish and made a lot of money. Many people from other villages who went fishing felt that Langtou Village was a Feng Shui treasure place, and the fishing boats parked here could catch more fish. fish and earn a lot of money.

"Is there any other way to say this?"

Zhao Dahai was really dumbfounded.

"Is this strange? Don't we fishers have to have a good omen?"

Zhong Shizhu is not surprising at all.

"With so many fishing boats parked in our village, wouldn't it be more troublesome for those of us to park our fishing boats?"

Zhao Dahai was a little worried about this matter. Too many fishing boats from other villages parked here will cause trouble. The parking spots for the fishing boats from your own village become very few and very tight.

"The sea."

"How could the old people in the village not think of this?"

"Even if the old people in the village didn't think of this, those of us who go out to sea to fish will definitely not be happy."

"They all leave enough space for people from our village!"

"Fishing boats from other villages have to pay a small docking fee to come here."

Lei Da pointed to a fishing boat from another village not far away.

Zhao Dahai was really dumbfounded now. Fishing boats from other villages stop here. It’s more troublesome when going back to your own village. It’s more troublesome when going out to sea and you have to pay, but they still stop at Langtou Village.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou carried the fishing nets onto the fishing boat. After a few minutes, they untied the cables and drove the fishing boat out to sea, quickly disappearing into the dark night.

Zhao Dahai turned around and walked home. The fish had been sold, so there was no need to clean it up. There were a lot less things to do. After eating, he took a shower and went to bed early.

Four o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai got up, finished breakfast in twenty minutes, packed his lunch, and hurried out. When he got to the pier, he boarded the speedboat and immediately went to sea. There had been strong winds and waves for almost a week and he couldn't go to sea. When the weather improved, he had to seize the time to go to sea to make money. Don't be lazy, no one knows when the weather will get bad next time and you won't be able to go to sea.

The speedboat driven by Zhao Dahai was getting faster and faster, flying across the sea. The lights on the sea were very dense, and they were all fishing boats.

Zhao Dahai drove for two hours and rushed directly to the fishing spot where he caught the big-eye pheasant yesterday. He took a look at the fish detector at the same position. The fish flowers were very thick and there were fish in the sea. He tried a few rods to see if they would open or not. If you want to fish here for two hours then talk about it.

Zhao Dahai set up the electric winch pole, tied the bait cage lead pendant and string hook, and was ready. He adjusted the position of the speedboat, turned on the top-flow machine, and stopped directly above the point.

"Fifty-one meters of water?"

"The water here is a little deeper today!"

Zhao Dahai immediately put out the line to fifty meters. Just as he reached the water layer, he saw the tip of the pole shaking, and a fish immediately bit the hook.

Are you talking wildly today?

Zhao Dahai was surprised and happy.

When I came here yesterday, I caught a lot of big-eye pheasants, but the bite was not good at the beginning. I caught a lot of Antarctic shrimps and gradually I caught more and more.

Now on the first rod, a fish bites the hook immediately, and the fish condition is very good.

Zhao Dahai waited for less than a minute. There were already five obvious bites, and he pushed the line retracting switch.

Zhao Dahai didn't waste any time. He immediately prepared another electric winch pole and placed it on the gun mount. He quickly tied the bait cage, lead pendant and string hook with his hands and feet, stuffed Antarctic shrimps, hung up the bait, and immediately released it into the sea. Go inside.


"It really hit me again!"

"too fast!"

Zhao Dahai was so excited that he waved his right hand vigorously, pushed the take-up switch to take up the line, turned around and saw a string of big-eyed chickens on the first pole pulled out of the water.


Bigger today!

Zhao Dahai found that the big-eyed pheasant caught today was bigger than yesterday.

Some of the fish caught yesterday weighed three kilograms, and quite a lot of them weighed two kilograms. Almost all of the fish caught today weighed more than three kilograms, and some were almost four kilograms in size.

"Get rich!"

"Do I have to make a fortune today?"

Zhao Dahai quickly picked up a bunch of big-eyed chicken with his hands and feet. He immediately hung the peeled shrimp meat on the Antarctic shrimp hook and continued to put it down.

Zhao Dahai is very busy. The fish school today is very crazy. He has been running out to sea for a while. This is the first time he has encountered such ferocious fish conditions. If it were not for his incompetence, he would have wanted to use all four fishing rods at the same time.

"Another string!"


“Today is really all about the big ones!”

"This is awesome!"

The more Zhao Dahai catches, the happier he becomes. The more fish he catches, the more fish he catches, and the bigger they get.

The sun rises slowly.

The view on the sea is getting clearer and clearer.

Zhao Dahai looked at the tips of the two fishing rods that had been motionless for more than ten minutes. He was a little depressed, but also a little bit dumbfounded.

When we arrived here early in the morning, the school of big-eye pheasant fish was very crazy, and we kept catching one rod after another. However, two hours later, especially shortly after the sun rose, the fish school of big-eye pheasant suddenly stopped. .

Zhao Dahai originally thought that he could catch a lot of big-eyed chickens today and make a lot of money without going to other places to catch big fish. But now he thinks too much. The big-eyed chicken here is the same as the black snapper or yellow chicken in other places. There is only one period of crazy mouthing.

Is it because I came here earlier today? Just in time for big-eyed chickens to talk wildly?

Zhao Dahai thought that he came here yesterday and started fishing after doing some scanning. The fish mouth was not very good. He started fishing immediately as soon as he came today. The time was earlier and the fish mouth was better.

Zhao Dahai wrote down the time of Kuangkuo today and came at the same time next time to see if it was true that Kuangkuo was at this time. If it was true, he must be on time when he came to this time in the future.

Zhao Dahai caught the fish, put them all in the refrigerator, packed his things, and was about to leave and rush to another grouper fishing spot when he suddenly remembered that he had caught an almost eighty-pound giant fish at another spot here yesterday. Blue spots.

"Change? Or continue fishing here?"

Zhao Dahai was a little hesitant.

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