"I guess the fish are coming soon!"

Zhao Dahai kept staring at the sea, thought for a while, and immediately started preparing the fishing rod.


"Is it coming soon?"

"Isn't this impossible? We haven't run out of time yet!"

"What's wrong? Why are the fish coming so quickly?"

Shi Zhong came to Platform No. 1 to fish many times. At this time of year, the opening period must be after twelve o'clock. It is still early, and I am very curious as to why Zhao Dahai feels that the fish are coming soon.

"The water is now flowing, and the most important thing is that there are a large number of small fish on the water. One after another, the numbers are very large!"

Zhao Dahai has been staring at the sea. At the beginning of the evening, there was no flowing water, and the schools of small fish were very small. Now the water flow is slowly speeding up, and there are layers of small fish floating on the sea. There are more and more schools, which will definitely attract big fish to arrive early.

Shi Zhongwei immediately ran to the side of the fishing boat and looked down at the sea.


"It's really like this!"

Shi Zhong saw that the sea water was flowing, which was different from the simple lapping of waves. The key was that there were many small fish attracted by the light, and they were swimming densely on the sea surface.

Shi Zhongwei immediately turned around and ran towards the cab.

"Did you see that? Zhao Dahai is already arranging the fishing rods! Are you ready to start fishing?"

"But what about those who haven't arrived yet?"

Wang Degao patted Chen Zhiyong on the shoulder and pointed at Zhao Dahai.

Chen Zhiyong took a look and saw that Zhao Dahai was really arranging the fishing rods, and even the belly tops used for catching big fish were worn on his waist.


"Does this need to be said? Hurry up and get ready!"

"Why do you care about things like the tide in previous years?"

"Be prepared early and no one will die!"

"Zhao Dahai started fishing, we will start fishing right away!"

Chen Zhiyong squeezed the cigarette butt in his hand and threw it on the deck. He stepped on it with his foot, picked up the cigarette butt hanging next to him and hung it on his waist. He carefully inspected his fishing rod and found that there was no wave or fish in it. It's an iron plate. It's not that I don't want to play wave crawling, but I don't have the energy. The iron plate can be thrown farther, and pumping the iron plate is less labor-intensive and less difficult than pumping the iron plate.

Wang Degao thought for a while and immediately started to make preparations. The other people in the fishing positions also started to make preparations together. They were all staring at Zhao Dahai.


"Zhao Dahai said that a school of fish is likely to appear soon!"

Shi Zhong rushed into the cab and shouted immediately.

"What are you doing? The fishing boat is parked here. When the fish come, just start fishing!"

Shi Jiehua raised his right hand as if to strike. The fishing boat has taken up its position, and the lights on the sea are brightly lit. As long as the school of fish comes, you can definitely see it. Just call the people on the deck to fish.

Shi Zhongwei shrank his neck, walked to Shi Jiehua's side, and looked at the entire sea through the glass window of the cab.

"Zhao Dahai just said that the water flow has picked up and is accelerating. The key is for the small fish to gather together to attract the big fish."

Shi Zhong pointed to the sea surface next to the fishing position where Zhao Dahai was standing. He stood at a higher position and could see more clearly. The small fish on the sea surface were densely packed and shone under the light, which made his scalp numb. Feel.

"That's right!"

"The big fish should be coming soon!"

Shi Jiehua had noticed the changes on the sea surface a long time ago. Zhao Dahai's judgment was correct. As the sea water moved, the schools of small fish gathered more and more thickly. The big fish eating the small fish would soon come.

"The people on the fishing boat were all staring at Zhao Dahai. When they saw that Zhao Dahai was preparing, everyone was making preparations."

"The whole top of my belly is covered!"

Shi Zhong was prepared to see everyone else on the entire fishing boat.

Shi Jiehua smiled. In the past few days, when others could not catch fish, Zhao Dahai could catch fish. When others could catch fish, Zhao Dahai caught more fish.

Whoever can catch fish is great. Among the fishermen who went out to sea this time, Zhao Dahai was the youngest, but he was recognized for his skill and fishing ability.

"Let's see if the big school of fish is coming soon! Especially if Zhao Zhaohai can catch tuna weighing more than 100 kilograms."

Shi Jiehua is looking forward to it very much.

Shi Zhongwei chatted with Shi Jiehua for a while, took a few sips of water and immediately returned to the deck. He was about to start fishing, and he had to go on the deck to help catch fish.

Zhao Dahai stood beside his fishing position and watched carefully as the water on the sea surface became more rapid. He could vaguely see groups of small fish swimming forward one after another.

If the big fish comes, where will it be?

Zhao Dahai looked forward in the direction of the current flow. There were fishing boats everywhere on the sea, and with the torch-like Platform No. 1 not far away, he could vaguely see the light reflected by fish scales in the sea water from time to time.

Is the sea water there relatively gentle?

A large number of small fish gathered?

Zhao Dahai searched for a long time and found a place a hundred meters away. There seemed to be a large number of small fish gathering, and the water patterns on the sea surface were very obvious.

Zhao Dahai observed it carefully for a while, and he should have read it correctly.

The sea is wide and boundless. Big fish usually hide under the water to hunt and will not always float on the surface. The best way to find big fish is to find the water surface where small fish gather.

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod with both hands and swung the rod directly in the right direction. The waves flew up and hit the middle of the fish group.

Zhao Dahai did not immediately twitch the wave crawler. After waiting for more than ten seconds, he tightened the wind line and immediately felt a small fish biting the wave crawler. Fish in the deep sea will bite anything they see and are very courageous.

"Zhao Dahai started fishing!"


"Isn't there really a fish coming? Is it so early?"

Everyone on the deck was staring at Zhao Dahai. As soon as the wave was thrown out, it immediately attracted attention and everyone started shouting.

Shi Zhongwei stood beside Zhao Dahai and vaguely saw waves falling on the sea.

Why did you choose which place?

Could it be that there are fish in that place?


Did Zhao Dahai see the fish in that place?

Shi Zhongwei wanted to see if there were any big fish where the waves were climbing, but it was too far away and the light was very weak, making it difficult to see clearly.

Zhao Dahai exerted force with his right hand and began to make waves. The splash was very big.

Shi Zhongwei was a little nervous all of a sudden, looking forward to a fish biting the hook.

People in other fishing positions on the deck were already ready, but they didn't throw their rods. They were all waiting to see if Zhao Dahai caught a fish.




Zhao Dahai changed his rhythm, lying on the water with waves, creating bigger and bigger splashes.

Zhao Dahai looked at the waves on the sea that were only fifteen or ten meters away from him. He could see the waves on the sea very clearly. There was no fish biting the hook just now. He quickly turned the spinning wheel and put away the waves.


"I was nervous for a while!"


"It's still early and the big fish haven't come in yet. I guess it really has to wait until after twelve o'clock!"

"Tonight is destined to be an all-nighter!"

The people around him breathed a sigh of relief. When Zhao Dahai just threw out the first rod, everyone became extremely nervous and stared to see if any fish bit the hook.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"It's still early!"

"The big fish probably haven't come in yet, I guess it will be almost there in another hour or so!"

Shi Zhongwei wiped his hands on his pants. He was a little nervous and his palms were sweating.

Zhao Dahai ignored Shi Zhongwei and stared at the sea. The fish must not have come in, but there must be fish on the entire sea. He had already caught a tuna two or three hours ago, which proved that there were already fish here, but they were scattered. , there must be more fish on the sea in front of you now than two or three hours ago. As long as you find out what kind of place it is, you may be able to catch it.

Zhao Dahai looked at the sea. The lights attracted small fish groups, and they swam over from a distance.


This small school of fish has a route!

Zhao Dahai found that the schools of small fish attracted by the lights of the fishing boats seemed disorganized and seemed to be swimming from all directions. However, if he looked carefully, he could see that the schools of small fish in some places were denser than those in other places around them. The sea surface is curved and extends to places where the light cannot reach.

This is a flowing line.

Fish eat flowing water.

The flow of sea water is faster, there are more microorganisms of all kinds, and the oxygen content is higher, which naturally attracts more fish.

The big fish that eat the small fish must be on this line.

Zhao Dahai used the light to observe carefully and found that the densest line of these small fish schools extended to the place where he had just seen a large number of small fish schools and the sea water was relatively gentle.

Zhao Dahai immediately threw the pole, and the wave once again landed in the slow flow area of ​​about 100 meters of sea water.

Zhao Dahai did not wait this time. He tightened the wind line and immediately began to draw back. He adjusted the direction of the tip of the fishing rod with a few strokes. The wave crawling kept changing its position. It was no longer the straight line drawn back last time. Instead, he stayed on the line where small fish gathered in large numbers.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"No need to be in such a hurry!"

"The water is indeed rising now, but the big fish haven't come in yet. You have to give these big fish some time to discover that there are good things to eat here!"

Shi Zhong was nervous at first when he saw Zhao Dahai throwing his pole out again, but after more than a dozen poles and no fish came out, he relaxed again. He took out a cigarette case from his pocket and was about to light one when the wind blew over from the sea. The sea breeze is a bit cold and warms the body.

Zhao Dahai ignored it and continued to crawl.


There are fish!

Zhao Dahai looked at the waves on the sea sixty meters away. Just when it stopped, a big fish rushed out of the sea and bit the waves, but the bite was not accurate.

I can't see clearly what kind of fish it is, but its shadow is very big.


Is this fish nearsighted? You can't even bite like this!

Zhao Dahai waited for a while, but the fish ran to an unknown place and did not appear again.

Zhao Dahai continued to pump and crawl, and stopped after two or three pumps. After waiting for a while, he still didn't see the fish.

Zhao Dahai kept pumping until he was only 20 meters away from his fishing boat, quickly turned the spinning wheel, took it back, and immediately threw the pole out.

Zhao Dahai was very patient and did not throw directly to the position where he saw the fish just now. Instead, he continued to throw in the slow current area a hundred meters away where small fish gathered. This can greatly reduce the vigilance of the fish. The same operation method is used. While pumping, fish in the direction pointed by the tip of the fishing rod from time to time to ensure that the wave climbs on the line where small fish schools gather.

There are no real fish, right?

Shi Zhong took a puff of the lit cigarette and watched Zhao Dahai throw the pole again and continue to pump waves, and couldn't help but become nervous again.

Zhao Dahai kept changing his rhythm, climbing uphill and hitting the sea surface with huge splashes.

Zhao Dahai saw the wave crawling and moved to the place where he could vaguely see the shadow of the big fish just now. When the distance was only five meters away, he cheered up.




Zhao Dahai pumped a few times and paused, then pumped a few more times and paused.

Zhao Dahai stared at the waves on the sea with his eyes wide open. He had just finished pumping and stopped on the water. The distance was not too far away and he could see very clearly.

Did the fish escape?

Not here anymore?

Zhao Dahai deliberately waited for two more seconds, but did not see the fish. Just when he was about to continue to pull back, a big fish suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the sea. It bit the wave with its big mouth and rushed forward. The water splash that came out was very big, and with a splash, it rushed over with the sea breeze.

Zhao Dahai was concentrated and did not get startled. He reacted very quickly and immediately raised his pole to stab the fish. A huge pulling force quickly passed through the fishing line.

Without any hesitation, Dahai held the fishing rod with both hands and pulled hard to the left and back three times.

The fish that was hooked was a big fish. The fish bones in the fish’s mouth were very hard and the spines had to be repaired to penetrate the fish’s mouth.

Shi Zhongwei was so frightened that he almost jumped up, and the cigarette in his mouth fell directly to the deck.

There are really fish!


Have the fish already arrived?

Shi Zhongwei looked at the huge arc of the fishing rod in Zhao Dahai's hand and became excited. This was not only a fish taking the bait, but also a big fish. When Zhao caught the fish two or three hours ago, The arc of the fishing rod in the big fisher is not so large.


"There is a fish in the Zhaohai Sea!"


"This one is big!"

Shi Zhongweiwei roared excitedly.

"Are there really fish? Are the current schools of fish really coming in?"

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up and fish!"

Everyone on the deck suddenly exploded.

At first, when I saw Zhao Dahai throwing his pole, no one paid attention to it, especially when he couldn't catch any fish. He thought that the fish hadn't come in yet and that he had to wait until twelve o'clock to catch the fish. Now he caught the fish and took the bait. They were very big, and they all swarmed and started fishing immediately.

"What the hell!"

"You guys, please stay away, and don't get tangled in the line if you see clearly."

"Go back to your fishing position!"

"Don't break the rules!"

"If the fish escapes, does it belong to you?"

When Shi Zhong saw several people crowding around Zhao Dahai, he immediately shouted loudly to stop them. These people crowded around Zhao Dahai to throw their poles, and it was very easy for the line to get tangled. The rules on the fishing boat were very simple. Everyone was fishing in their own way. You, I am the boss of the ship, I have to stop something like this from happening.

In order to stop the man, Shi Zhong immediately turned around and looked at the sea nervously. The big fish that had been hooked was running away like crazy, pulling on the spinning wheel and turning fast. The fish was very big, and he didn't know if he could catch it.

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