"Get rich!"

"Can this not make a lot of money?"

"Six! These are six large tuna weighing more than 150 kilograms or even 180 kilograms!"

“I haven’t seen anyone catch such a big fish in the past few years!”

"Is this body made of iron?"

"Is it really not tiring at all to catch such a big fish?"

More than a dozen people gathered around the tuna, and they kept talking to each other.

"Zhao Dahai."

"From last night to now, you are the most powerful in the entire fishing spot on Platform No. 1. No one can compare with you!"

"Just now, another fishing boat passed by our fishing boat, and there were a few people standing on the deck."

"There are two brothers, one named Wu Dabin and the other named Wu Xiaobin. They are very good fishing masters. They are the ones who have caught the most fish and made the most money here in the past five or six years."

"Be silent. I guess they didn't catch many fish, or even if they did catch them, they would be far fewer than you. Now they don't dare to say anything nasty!"

Shi Zhongwei stood up. The weather today was not very good. It was foggy early in the morning and the sky was late. I had about three hours of early morning fishing. I rushed to the sea and caught six yellow flag golden guns, each of which weighed 1,780 kilograms. This was really amazing. of madness.

Wang Degao and other people, including people on other fishing boats around, knew where the fish was, but only Zhao Dahai caught it. This was his skill.

"It's like my whole body is falling apart!"

Zhao Dahai shook his hand several times. It was very sore. This was the most tiring time he had ever been fishing.

One is that the fish caught are very big, the other is that the number of fish caught is relatively large, and the other is that he caught six fish in just three hours.

Zhao Dahai looked at the tuna on the deck and couldn't believe it.

Zhao Dahai rested for a while, then went back to the cabin to sleep after breakfast. He stayed up all night and was really tired after catching so many fish.

Shi Zhongwei walked into the cab, holding a notebook and a pen in his hand. All the tuna caught by Zhao Dahai and others on the fishing boat were weighed and placed in the cold storage.

"How about it?"

"How many fish did Zhao Dahai catch?"

Shi Jiehua held a thermos cup filled with strong tea in his hand. The storm started last night and he didn't sleep.


"You can't believe how many fish you caught in the sea!"

Shi Zhongwei lowered his head and looked at the notebook in his hand.

"Eighteen items!"

"Zhao Dahai caught a total of eighteen tuna!"

"The smaller ones among the thirteen are all 30 to 40 pounds or 50 to 60 pounds, and one of them is 80 pounds."

"Of the six tuna I caught this morning, the smallest one weighs 150 pounds, and the largest one weighs 189 pounds!"

"It all adds up to 1,800 kilograms!"

"What the hell!"

“If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t have believed it!”

Shi Zhongwei shook the accounting book he held in his hand.

"Eighteen hundred pounds?"

"How much does this cost?"

"Fifty yuan a pound is nothing!"

Shi Jiehua had been watching Zhao Dahai catch a lot of tuna from the cab, and was shocked when he heard the calculated weight.

Small tuna is not worth much, especially those weighing seven, eight or ten pounds, which cost twenty or thirty yuan per pound.

Tuna weighing more than 30 kilograms becomes more valuable, and it costs at least fifty or sixty yuan per kilogram.

The tuna caught by Zhao Dahai were all very large, at least thirty kilograms or more, fifty to sixty to seventy or eighty kilograms. The price of the one hundred and fifty kilograms just caught was quite high. Even if it costs 50 yuan per catty, 1,800 catties of fish is already almost 100,000 yuan.


"Last time, didn't you say that Zhao Dahai made more money from this fishing trip than the two of us?"

"It's only been a few days?"

"It's already more than what we earn in less than half a month!"

Shi Zhongwei's eyes widened and he looked at the notebook in his hand.

There are two types of people fishing on sea fishing boats. One is just for fun, and the other is to make money to support their families.

The pure interest is just to enjoy the feel. This kind of people fish for entertainment, not to make money, as long as they catch fish. Professional fishermen who make money to support their families have rich fishing experience. They can catch a lot of fish every time and make money.

But generally speaking, if a boat trip lasts a month like this one, after deducting the shipping fee of 20,000 yuan, it is already very good to earn 20,000 yuan. Sometimes you only earn a few thousand yuan, or even Sometimes you have to lose money.

Some people can make 58,000 yuan a month. But this can only be done when you are extremely lucky. This happens rarely in a year, not even once in a few years.

Being able to steadily earn 35,000 and 50,000 yuan every time he goes overseas is already very impressive.

Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin's average monthly income per year is about 30,000 yuan and less than 50,000 yuan. This is already one of the top figures in this industry.

The tuna that Zhao Dahai caught in one night ranged from 100,000 to 150,000 or even 200,000.

In addition to the other fish caught in the previous ten days, I earned at least two to three hundred thousand.

The money earned by his family's fishing boat after a month's hard work is really not as much as the money Zhao Dahai earned in less than half a month.

“You can really make a fortune fishing.”

Shi Zhong put down the accounting book he was holding in his hand.


"How many people can do such a thing?"

"Our family has been running fishing boats since your grandfather's generation."

"After decades, Zhao Dahai is the first person who can make money like this, and at the same time, he may be the last person who can make money."

Shi Jiehua has never seen a fisherman like Zhao Dahai in his life.

"Are there fish in the sea? There must be some. Take the tuna I caught early as an example. We all know that there are a lot of tuna in the waters near Platform No. 1, and they are all big tuna, but who can catch them? Woolen cloth?"

"Even if someone can really release the fish to the vicinity of Platform No. 1, if a big tuna bites the hook, can it be pulled up?"

"Even if you can afford to catch one, can you afford to catch six?"

Shi Jiehua has seen all kinds of fishing people over the years, and some people's fishing skills are very good. You can catch fish when others can't. But just catching fish is of no use. You must catch a lot of fish. If you want to catch a lot of fish, you must have enough physical strength. The fish caught in the deep sea are not all the black snapper weighing one and a half kilograms, but fish weighing ten kilograms or at least seven or eight kilograms. Even the black sea bream and yellow sea bream are two to three kilograms each. If the string hook is pulled up, it will weigh five to six kilograms or even ten or twenty kilograms every time. Not to mention tuna or large grouper, this is something that requires a lot of energy from the body.

Zhao Dahai was able to catch so many fish not only because of his excellent fishing skills, but also because of his good health.

Shi Zhongwei thought about it and found that it was indeed the case. Not to mention the tuna we just caught earlier, tuna weighing more than 1,560 kilograms are not always available. Take the 300-50 kilogram tuna we caught last night on a jigging plate, for example. Everyone has the ability to catch fish, but almost all of them have to rest after catching two. The one who is in the best shape has already sat down to drink water and smoke after catching four.

Zhao Dahai caught twelve fish in one go without having to rest and made a lot of money.

"This is really terrible!"

"How could you imagine that you could make so much money by going fishing?"

Shi Zhong didn't know because he didn't settle the accounts. He was really shocked when he did the calculations.

Shi Jiehua shook his head. Regardless of fishing or fishing, there are people who can make a lot of money, but there are too few people like this. He doesn't have Zhao Dahai's ability to run a fishing boat honestly. Although the money earned from each trip is not too much, the harvest is guaranteed despite droughts and floods, and all kinds of costs are eliminated. It is not too difficult to earn three to five million in a year. On good days, you can even earn one hundred. Ten thousand. No matter how much others earn, it belongs to others. If you earn what you can, you must have a clear mind.



"Don't you know how much you weigh?"

"How could I possibly think that I could catch so many fish like Zhao Dahai?"

Shi Zhongwei knew his own ability very well and honestly ran the fishing boat at home.


Zhao Dahai woke up, stood up, and moved around. His hands and feet were very sore. This was muscle fatigue caused by catching too many tuna in a short period of time.

Zhao Dahai went to the kitchen. Others had already finished eating. After filling their stomachs with the leftovers, he went on the deck and looked at the fishing boat. He had already changed to another fishing spot.

Zhao Dahai looked at the surrounding sea. There were two small islands five or six hundred meters southeast. The bottom of the sea in places like this was generally filled with rocks.

Zhao Dahai looked at the fishing spots around him. They were all electric winch Antarctic shrimp bait cage string hooks.

Shi Zhong shouted hello when he saw Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai walked over.

"The bottom here is full of rocks."

"Big black snapper and big Shi Jiugong."

"They are all good in size!"

Shi Zhongwei briefly talked about the basic situation of fishing spots.

"There are schools of fish on the bottom of the sea now, and the openings are good. Do you want to give it a try?"

Shi Zhongwei pointed at Wang Degao and Chen Zhiyong, as well as other people in fishing positions.

Zhao Dahai caught a lot of tuna last night and today's morning catch. He went back to the cabin and slept for half a day. The other people didn't dare to waste this time. They left Platform No. 1 and arrived at the fishing spot around twelve o'clock. Start fishing.

Zhao Dahai did not fish immediately, but circled around the various fishing positions on the fishing boat. Everyone caught a lot, some who were less than twenty kilograms, and some who were less than twenty kilograms had already caught almost forty kilograms.

"This is how fishing in the open sea is. Once you encounter a school of fish, especially if the fish open their mouths, everyone on the boat can catch a lot of fish."

Shi Zhongwei has been following Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai nodded. The fishing spots in the deep sea are deep and there are many fish. He walked to the edge of the fishing boat and looked down at the water color. It was very clear and the visibility was very high. There was a little wave but it was not too big. Such water color , Such flowing water black sea bream can indeed speak.

Fishing for black bream? Or maybe fishing for something else?

Zhao Dahai was a little hesitant.

Shi Zhongwei just said that there are black sea bream and Shi Jiugong at this fishing spot.

Everyone on the fishing boat is fishing for black sea bream and they catch a lot. It can be seen that the fish under the fishing boat are mainly black sea bream.

To be on the safe side, I’d definitely fish for black bream.

But there is a big problem with fishing for black bream. All these people around have been fishing for an hour or even two hours.

I don’t know how many Antarctic shrimps I caught, but the surrounding fish all gathered in other people’s fishing positions. At least the density of black sea bream in other people’s fishing positions was very high.

There are not many fish under your fishing position, and there may even be only one or two fish left.

Although the distance between these two fishing positions is not that far, in many cases some people will catch fish even if the distance is only one meter apart, while others will not catch fish.

It’s really unwise to fish for black bream at this time.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and decided to try fishing at the bottom to see if he could catch other fish. Shi Zhongwei just said that there is a big Shi Jiugong in this place.

You will definitely not be able to catch others when fishing for black bream, but black bream is off the bottom, so fishing for Shi Jiugong by yourself will definitely not be a big problem.

Zhao Dahai set up the pole of the electric winch and tried it. It worked very smoothly. Fishing for Shijiugong didn’t need to be that complicated. He found a few shrimps, peeled the shells, cut the shrimp meat, hung them on the string hook, and started The line was lowered to the bottom of the sea. After the lead pendant touched the bottom, he looked at it and found that the depth of the sea water here was 182 meters.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"The sea water at your location is deeper!"

Shi Zhongwei looked at the numbers displayed on the electric winch in front of Zhao Dahai and suddenly became happy.

"It's not easy for you to catch more fish than others today!"

"The lowest and deepest place in other fishing positions is more than 170 meters."

“Every other fishing position is fishing for black bream, and the fishing for black bream is all off the bottom.”

“Almost all of them are fishing in the water layer between 150 and 160 meters.”

"One is that others caught the fish earlier, and the other is that the distance they took in the line was so much shorter than yours, so they must be fishing faster than you!"

"It seems like you can't make as much money as others today!"

Shi Zhongwei looked at the people in other fishing positions around him.

Fishing for black sea bream does not require much skill. When encountering a large school of fish, especially when the fish are opening, you can catch the fish just by placing it in the water layer. These are all experienced people around, so it won't be a problem.

Zhao Dahai just started fishing now and could only catch Shi Jiugong. No matter what, making money today is definitely not as good as others.

Zhao Dahai's heart moved.

Are other fishing spots only 170 meters deep? If the water in other fishing positions around you is not as deep as your own, there may be big fish.


"Who can say for sure when it comes to fishing?"

"It's only afternoon."

“It’s too early to tell who catches the most fish and makes the most money!”

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he reached out and pushed the switch to retract the line.


"Zhao Dahai, didn't you want to catch Shi Jiugong? Why did you just put it away?"

Shi Zhongwei was stunned for a moment. Zhao Dahai's string hook had just been placed on the seabed. He had been looking at the tip of the pole just now. There was no fish biting the hook. Why did Zhao Dahai take up the line?

Asking for a monthly ticket. Thanks!

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