"Sea bass."

"Three to five pounds. A total of three hundred and seventy-five pounds."

"The total weight from five to ten pounds is seven hundred and sixteen pounds."

"For those weighing more than ten kilograms, the total is one thousand three hundred and sixty-three kilograms."

"Forty-five blue spots, big and small."

"Seven pieces weighing more than sixty pounds!"

"There are a total of twenty-three pieces ranging from ten pounds to sixty pounds!"

"The smallest one is three pounds, and there are fifteen in total from three to ten pounds."

"Eight red spots."

"The largest one weighs five kilograms and seven taels, and the smallest one weighs three kilograms and two taels."

"Five spots of oil."

"The largest one weighs thirty-six pounds and one tael, and the smallest one weighs eleven pounds and seven taels."

Liu Lei knew that Zhao Dahai's speedboat stopped at the Shijiao Village Pier just to show off. The sound was very loud. Not only Zhao Dahai, Shi Jiehua, and Xu Tianhua could hear it clearly, but also all the people watching the excitement on the pier.

It took Liu Lei a while to report the total number of fish. He handed the book to Zhao Dahai and signed his name. All the fish Zhao Dahai caught during the recent period were put back after passing the scale. The price and total amount of money were calculated later and told to Zhao Dahai.

Liu Lei and Zhao Dahai said a few words, left the dock on the speedboat, drove away, and rushed back to the seafood restaurant. All the fish were sent back so that they could be sold in the restaurant at night.

Wu Guodong and Xu Tianhua knew that people like Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua had a lot of things to do, and they had to prepare a lot of things when the fishing boat went out to sea. They chatted for a while, smoked two cigarettes, and left.

Xu Dahai looked at Shi Jiehua's fishing boat and Xu Jian's fishing boat parked nearby. Many people were busy on them.

Shi Jiehua told Zhao Dahai that he was responsible for the two fishing boats at the dock, and Xu Jian was watching the two fishing boats in another place. One is the inspection and maintenance of the fishing boat, and the other most important thing is supplies. They must be fully prepared. This is the first trip for the two of them to go to sea together, so there cannot be any mistakes.

"Uncle Shi."

"You are experienced. You can take care of these things. I can't get involved."

Zhao Dahai was very relieved.

Three generations of Shi Jiehua's family have been operating fishing boats, and they have very rich experience in this area. He really doesn't need to talk much or interrupt.

Cooperation is very beneficial to Shi Jiehua. Shi Jiehua will definitely keep a close eye on it and cannot be careless.

Zhao Dahai went fishing early yesterday morning and hasn't slept until now. Now that he has sold all the fish, he has made a splash in front of the fishermen at the Shijiao Village Pier and achieved his goal. The purpose was not to stay too long. After a while, we drove a speedboat and left Shijiao Village and returned to Langtou Village from the pier.

Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei returned to the fishing boat.

"What do you think of what just happened?"

Shi Jiehua glanced at the people watching the excitement on the pier.

"Sun Guofang?"


"So what if you are willing to pay?"

"Does he think his two hundred thousand is bigger than the sky?"

"They said so many bad things about us behind our backs. Now that I see Zhao Dahai catching so many fish, I feel that 200,000 yuan is very worthwhile. It is possible to make a lot of money. So you want to get on our fishing boat?"

"think too much!"

Shi Zhongwei kept sneering as he spoke.

Sun Guofang felt that two hundred thousand was a large amount. No matter what he said, he, his father, and even Zhao Dahai would give him a fishing position.

I really think too much.

Not to mention that there are a lot of fishing spots booked now and a lot of money has been made. Even if a fishing spot is not booked, it is impossible for someone like Sun Guofang who keeps saying all kinds of bad things behind his back to give it. Fishing position.


"Is this all you saw?"

Shi Jiehua looked at Shi Zhongwei.



"Isn't that what you're talking about?"

Shi Zhongwei didn't quite understand what Shi Jiehua was talking about.


"You're talking about the last incident where Sun Guofang cursed someone. Did Brother Dahai go to the pier and say the harsh words?"


"This is how things must be done!"

"Sun Guofang is like a quail, he dare not say any nonsense!"

Shi Zhong suddenly laughed when he remembered how Sun Guofang didn't dare to say a harsh word in front of Zhao Dahai just now.

Shi Zhong stopped for a smile. I couldn't see the smile at all on my face, and my face was so long.



"What kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?"

"Is there anything else?"

Shi Zhongwei was really confused and didn't know what Shi Jiehua wanted him to say.


"Those things you just said are all things that anyone with a brain knows how to do!"

"Can't you see why I speak more politely when facing Sun Guofang?"

"When Zhao Dahai faced Sun Guofang, why did he speak so forcefully and not give him any face?"

Shi Jiehua hates the fact that iron cannot become steel. This was what I most hoped Shi Zhongwei would notice, but he obviously didn't.


"I really didn't notice this!"

"Are you guys a good person and a bad person?"

Shi Zhongwei really didn't notice this.


"There must be one who sings the red face and one who sings the white face. Why do I sing the white face and Zhao Dahai sings the red face?"

"We have never discussed this matter. How can we cooperate so well?"

"Don't look at it as just encountering one thing, but how you deal with it is the key."

"Do you want two hundred thousand? Do you want to book a fishing spot? Do you want to just ignore Sun Guofang's words and just do it to make money?"

"Or maybe Sun Guofang needs to be severely punished when he curses, and he can't lose face."

"None of this matters!"

"The important thing is that I play the white face and Zhao Dahai plays the red face."

"Why is it like this?"

"Zhao Dahai only takes people out to sea for fishing. There is no need to book fishing spots or other things. In addition, he usually doesn't take people out to sea for fishing on speedboats."

"People like Sun Guofang who pay for fishing spots are not important to Zhao Dahai at all."

"That's why when I heard Sun Guofang swearing, even though I was very angry, I just said harsh words."

"Zhao Dahai didn't care and just taught Sun Guofang a lesson."

Shi Jiehua very patiently told Shi Zhong the reason for this. He is not old yet, but one day he will grow old.

Zhao Dahai and Shi Zhongwei are about the same age. In addition, if Shi Zhongwei and Ding Ailian can really get married, they will have more relatives.

But if you want to work together to make money, especially long-term cooperation, everyone has to do what they should do.

No matter what kind of relationship it is, including any kind of kinship relationship, it is impossible for one person to take care of another person forever, and it will definitely not last long.

Shi Zhongwei kept nodding. I knew that this was me teaching this matter. If you don't understand, just ask. If you don't know, just learn.

"Zhao Dahai is really very smart. Until the past few days, too many people have said that they are not optimistic about our fishing trip."

“Even some people who have decided on fishing spots are a little shaken.”

"It came straight out like this!"

"This is a very rare shot in the arm!"

Shi Jiehua admired Zhao Dahai very much.

I have been under a lot of pressure these past few days.

Some of these pressures come from fishing boat bosses like myself, and some come from fishermen like Sun Guofang who go fishing at sea.

The common point is that they feel that the fishing fee of 200,000 yuan is too expensive and not cost-effective.

Those who know Zhao Dahai and go fishing know very well that the 200,000 yuan is indeed not expensive, but there are relatively few people who have actually gone fishing with Zhao Dahai.

Many people who had reserved fishing spots, especially people like Sun Guofang, who was a professional fisherman and made money, began to waver. Last night, two people even called to say they wanted to withdraw their fishing spots.

If things like this continue, there may be more people who want to give up their fishing spots before they officially go fishing.

I had never told Zhao Dahai about this, but Zhao Dahai was very keenly aware of this and took a fishing trip when he launched his speedboat into the water.

Zhao Dahai usually only returns to the pier of Langtou Village when he returns from fishing. This time he came to the pier of his village specially. It can be imagined that he has a clear purpose, which is to attract those who have reserved fishing spots, including those who have not yet reserved fishing spots but have always been there. See with your own eyes how powerful people who say nasty things really are.


"What happened to the two people who called last night to cancel their fishing spots?"

Shi Zhongwei thought of Shi Jiehua's two phone calls last night.

Shi Jiehua smiled. There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. The rule of the trade is to reserve a fishing spot and then refund it. If you pay a deposit, the deposit will be taken away directly. If you don't pay a deposit, not a penny will be collected and refunded. He immediately blocked me and I will never take such a person out fishing again from now on. The two people who called in the evening were from the next village and were considered good fishermen. They answered the phone without saying a word and just nodded in agreement.

The twisted melon is not sweet.

What these people are doing is against the rules, but it doesn't matter. Anyone who wants to withdraw will do so.

But if more people leave, it will have a great impact on the boat trip or the fishing boats that have been arranged long ago, and they will have to withstand huge pressure.

With Zhao Dahai's visit today, people like Sun Guofang, who have said countless bad things, want to reserve a fishing spot. What's more, those who have already reserved a fishing spot will definitely give up the idea of ​​withdrawing from the fishing spot.


“Will the two people who said they had withdrawn their fishing spots last night call again or even come to our door to try to reschedule the fishing spots?”

Shi Zhongwei had a strange look on his face.

The two people who called to book the fishing spot felt that spending 200,000 yuan was too risky. But today, Zhao Dahai caught so many fish and returned to the pier. When the news spread, those two people were not sure whether it was really possible to fight. I got calls and even came to my door to get my fishing spot back.


"It's easier to withdraw, but if you want to get it back, that's another matter!"

Shi Jiehua sneered and shook his head.

When booking a fishing spot, you must think clearly about the risks involved.

I booked a fishing spot but felt something was wrong, so I canceled the fishing spot. Now I found out that it was possible to make a lot of money again, and I wanted to book a fishing spot again.

It's not like children playing house and doing whatever they want.

Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei walked to the cabin while talking. In a few days, they would have to go to the deep sea. It would take a month. Everything had to be prepared, especially the things on the fishing boat. There absolutely cannot be any mistakes.

The crowds of spectators gathered on the pier slowly left.

"Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, it's better for you two brothers to book a fishing spot together so that you can fish for a longer period of time."

"I mentioned it to Shi Jiehua when I booked the fishing spot, and he said that only you two brothers have such treatment."


"There's really no better way to fish. The longer you fish, the more you can catch."

"Ouyang Hua!"

"We must be more prepared for this trip. The most important thing is that we must prepare more poles and wheels."


"I'm going to bring a stiffer pole. I'm going to bring a thicker line and everything."

"I always feel like I can catch a really big fish on this trip."

"The pole we usually use when we go deep sea is probably not enough for this trip."

“Not only do you have to bring a harder pole and a thicker line, but you also have to bring more poles.”

"Don't happen to encounter a super big fish and you don't have a pole to use. If you can only rent the pole on Shi Jiehua's fishing boat, it will be troublesome. It's not that it can't be used, at least it's not very convenient. "

"No matter what you say, you have to make adequate preparations."

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua walked together. The three of them were in a very good mood. After spending so much money, it was impossible not to worry at all, but now they had peace of mind.

Li Hongyun stood in front of the cockpit of the fishing boat and looked at Shi Jiehua's fishing boat not far away through the glass with a very gloomy expression.

I saw everything that just happened from beginning to end. This was the last thing I wanted to see, but it really happened.


"Zhao Dahai is indeed a bit powerful!"

"The new speedboat has just been launched, and we caught so many fish in just two or three days. It seems like we really have hard skills!"

Li Fei was very depressed. He just watched the whole process at the dock. The sea bass and grouper caught in the sea weighed more than 4,000 kilograms together.


"Does it still need to be said?"

"How could you make so much money in such a short period of time without real skills? The fast trains you buy one after another are more expensive than the last!"

Li Hongyun was very irritable. He would have to go fishing in a few days, and almost ten of the entire fishing boats were not booked.

This is actually not surprising. Not all the fishing spots on the deep-sea fishing boats are booked out every time. Now, more than 20 fishing spots have been booked out. Not only does this not make a loss, it can actually make a lot of money.

But people are afraid of comparison.

At the pier where Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperated, there were only two fishing boats parked here, and together they had more than 40 fishing positions.

All have been booked, and each fishing position is still priced at a whopping two hundred thousand yuan. One fishing position is equivalent to seven or eight of his own fishing positions. A breath was stuck in my heart and I couldn't let it out. It was very uncomfortable.


"There's nothing we can do about it!"

"Forget it!"

"Don't worry about things like this, let's book our fishing spot and go out to sea to catch our fish!"

Li Fei was also very depressed. It was really uncomfortable to watch Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua make a lot of money.

Li Hongyun sighed. There was really nothing he could do. He couldn't control it even if he wanted to. What was even more uncomfortable was that he knew that during this trip to sea, Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats often appeared at the same fishing spot as him. Zhao Dahai really If you lead those people crazy fishing, that's when it becomes really uncomfortable.

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