It's getting light.

Dashi Village Pier is getting more and more lively.

"I caught fifty or sixty pounds of fish today, which is pretty good!"


"I put the fishing net out last night, and all the fish I encountered were sand tip fish."

"It's really not too big, but it can't hold a lot of people."

"After the New Year, there are many more fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea than in previous years."

"Is it possible that this year will be a good year for fishing? In this case, life will be much easier."


"What are you thinking about?"

"If there are more fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, we will indeed be able to catch more fish. But don't forget, the price will become lower. It's really hard to say whether we can make more money."

People on the pier were talking about going fishing, but almost all of them glanced at the two fishing boats parked at the pier from time to time. They were shocked to find that there were so many people on the fishing boats.

Li Hongyun stood in front of the glass window of the cab of his fishing boat and looked at Shi Jiehua's fishing boat about twenty meters away, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"What the hell!"

“Are all the fishing spots fully booked?”

"Where do all these rich people come from?"

Li Hongyun couldn't help but curse.

There were a lot of people on the decks of the two fishing boats, almost more than twenty without counting. Shi Jiehua and He Jian's fishing boats each have about twenty to twenty-five fishing spots. If you calculate it this way, all the fishing spots on these two fishing boats have been booked. Counting only 40 fishing positions, the fishing fee was 8 million.

The more Li Hongyun thought about it, the angrier he became. In the past few years, his family's fishing boat business had been pressing hard against Shi Jiehua. Unexpectedly, just like that, Shi Jiehua's fishing boat turned over and was thrown away. If you lose yourself, you can't chase even if you want to.


"What the hell!"

"All the fishing spots on Shi Jiehua's and He Jian's two sea fishing boats have been booked!"

Li Fei rushed in while talking.


"Am I blind? Can't I see? Do I need your words?"

Li Hongyun glared at Li Fei fiercely and threw the cigarette in his hand directly to the ground.

Li Fei was startled and shrank his neck. My father is furious now, so it would be better for him to speak less and provoke less. But after a while, I couldn't bear it anymore, especially when I saw more and more people gathering on the pier at the bow of the fishing boat.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people there? These people can't all be on Shi Jiehua and He Jian's fishing boat, right? Where do they get so many fishing spots?"

The more Li Fei looked at it, the more confused he became. There were carrots, pits, and people on each fishing position on the fishing boat. In addition to the captain driving the fishing boat or the few people responsible for working on the fishing boat, there wouldn't be too many people. .

At a glance, the people on the decks of Shi Jiehua and He Jian's two fishing boats were almost full, but now there were more people on the dock. Each of these people was carrying a box with fishing rods in their hands. , you can tell at a glance that the fishermen are waiting.

"No, right? Is it possible that this trip that Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai are cooperating on involves more than just two fishing boats?"

"There are more fishing boats, but these fishing boats have not come, these people are waiting!"

Li Fei suddenly thought of a possibility.

Li Hongyun's face turned pale.

Are there more sea fishing boats? The money Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai earned on this trip was not the eight million they had just calculated.

How much will that be?

"What the hell!"

"Zhao Dahai and You Jiehua had at least three fishing boats or even four fishing boats on their trip."

Li Hongyun looked carefully at the people waiting on the pier, his face became increasingly ugly, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and a ball of anger rushed to his forehead.

Li Fei moved his lips a few times. He wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. It was very uncomfortable to watch others making money. This was his competitor, and the money he made was not a small amount of money, but a big amount of money.


"Should we go out to sea soon?"

Li Fei smoked for more than ten minutes. It was almost time. Some people had already boarded the fishing boat. He regretted why he and I didn't choose another time and why we had to choose today to go out to sea.



"Why didn't you come out?"

"We are in this business and we go to sea whenever we are told. Now the weather is so good and there are no other conditions, how can we not go to sea!"

"Wherever Shi Jiehua and his fishing boats go to fishing spots, we will follow them!"

"I want to take a closer look at how many fish Shi Jiehua and his other fishing boats can catch!"

"Two hundred thousand yuan for fishing position per person!"

"Do they really think this money is very easy to make?"

Li Hongyun gritted his teeth and decided to follow Shi Jiehua wherever he went next.



"You are still awesome, why didn't I think of this?"

Li Fei was stunned for a moment and immediately gave a thumbs up. This move of mine was really incredible. When Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat can't catch fish, he can laugh at it. If Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat can catch fish, he can take advantage of it and kill two birds with one stone.

Li Hongyun didn't say a word. He raised his hand and slapped Li Fei on the back of the head. How could he talk to me like this?


Two brothers, Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin, each carried two large boxes, which contained poles and various false baits for this trip to sea.


"Why did you two brothers come here at this time?"

Ouyang Hua saw Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin waving their hands and shouted.

Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin walked up to Ouyang Hua and put down the box they were carrying. It was not only big but also very heavy.

"Are you two brothers planning to have a big fight?"

Ouyang Hua took out a cigarette as he spoke.


"You must be thinking of doing something big. What else should we spend so much money on?"

"Which one of us doesn't come here just to make a million?"

Wu Dabin took Ouyang Hua's cigarette and took out the lighter in his pocket. He lit it for Ouyang Hua first and then lit his own and took a strong puff.

Wu Dabin is not joking. He spends so much money betting on such a fishing position because he wants to make hundreds of thousands or even millions. This is not only true for him, but also for Ouyang Hua and other people who spend money. idea.

"Where's Zhao Dahai's? Why haven't you seen anyone?"

Wu Xiaobin looked left and right, but he didn't see the sea. Someone on the fishing boat was greeting people on board.

Ouyang Hua pointed to the cab of Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. Zhao Dahai was inside. Now he could see very clearly that in this cooperation, Zhao Dahai was only responsible for fishing, and the rest included sea fishing. Shi Jiehua was responsible for driving and managing the ship or greeting people, etc. Shi Zhongwei was always busy running around on the deck.

"There are so many people!"

Ouyang Hua looked left and right. Some had already boarded the fishing boat, and some were waiting for other fishing boats. Some of them were unfamiliar and had never seen them before. These were all wealthy fishing boats. They are just interested people, but the other part of them is very familiar with Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin. There are many people in this group, all of whom are exactly the same as myself and the two brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin. They go fishing to make money to support their families.

"Isn't it a bit unexpected?"

Wu Dabin followed Ouyang Hua's gaze and knew what he was talking about. There were many people like him who went fishing to make money.


"Isn't that what it is?"

"I originally thought that only a few of us would be so brave, but I didn't expect that there are many brave people!"

"What the hell!"

"These people all want to make a fortune in silence!"

Yang Hua knew that there must be people like himself, Wu Dabin, and Wu Xiaobin who bet that Zhao Dahai would be able to make a fortune with him, but he really didn't expect that there would be so many people. Looking at it, he knew that there were more than twenty people without counting.


"Have you heard about Sun Guofang, Zhang Yijie, and Chen Xiaoqing?"

While Wu Xiaobin was talking, he carefully searched among the people around him, including those who had already boarded the fishing boat, for a while but he didn't see Sun Guofang, Zhang Yijie, or Chen Yiqing.

Wu Dabin and Ouyang Hua were both happy when they heard this.

Sun Guofang has been saying that there is something wrong with Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's brains since the news came out that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua had a fishing position of 200,000 each. They thought too much and no one would be willing to pay this money. Even if you fight to the death, you won’t be able to determine the fishing position or anything like that.

A few days ago, I saw Zhao Dahai's newly purchased speedboat and went on a trip to catch more than 4,000 kilograms of fish. When I returned to the pier, I changed my mind. I wanted to go fishing with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. I was willing to spend 200,000 to reserve a fishing spot. But Shi Jiehua refused.

The matter was already over here, but Sun Guofang was very depressed at night. He went to a food stall to eat, met Zhang Yijie and Chen Xiaoqing, and had a fight. This matter has now spread among the fishermen on the pier.


"Who can blame such a thing?"

Ouyang Hua shook his head.

Sun Guofang or Chen Xiaoqing could not blame others. They had no vision and courage. They did not dare to bet the 200,000 yuan. They did not decide on the fishing position at the beginning. When they figured it out, they felt that Zhao Dahai was very likely to be able to lead people. If you catch fish and make a lot of money before taking action, it will be too late.

Zhang Yijie and Chen Xiaoqing won the bet at the beginning and paid for their fishing spots, but then they gave up their fishing spots. That was still their own problem. In fact, they were no different from Sun Guofang.


"The other two fishing boats are coming!"

Wu Xiaobin pointed to the sea facing the pier.

Wu Dabin and Ouyang Hua saw two fishing boats approaching the dock. It didn't take long for them to stop slowly.

"Hurry, hurry!"

"Those who have reserved a fishing spot should quickly get on the boat!"

"You've gone fishing to make a lot of money, what are you doing here idle?"

He Jian stood on the bow deck of the fishing boat and shouted loudly.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua, who were waiting on the dock, immediately picked up the boxes they had brought with them and boarded the ship one by one.

"Attention! Attention!"

"They are all veterans, so there is no need for me to remind you, but you still have to check what you carry with you!"

“There’s one cabin for each person, everyone has to find one!”

"Place everything you brought!"

"If someone brings something valuable, you have to take care of it yourself!"

"Don't disappear anytime, I can't help you find it or bring it back!"

"Hurry up, hurry up! Don't wait any longer!"

"The big fish in the sea are all hungry and waiting for you!"

He Jian shouted loudly and stood on the bow of the fishing boat with a notebook in his hand. He wrote down a name for each person on board. He did the same thing on the other fishing boat to ensure that everyone was on board. Boat.

He Jian looked at the book in his hand. All the people who had reserved fishing positions had already come up. He removed the wooden planks for getting on the boat and went back to the cabin to check every one of them to confirm that not only the people who came up were I brought all the poles and other equipment I wanted to bring.

He Jian walked to the driver's cab and took the intercom and informed the captain of the other fishing boat that came with him that all the people who had confirmed their fishing positions were already on board.

"He Jian."

"In twenty minutes, our fleet will leave the dock and go to sea!"

"My two fishing boats are in front, and your two fishing boats are in the back."

“The distance between each fishing boat is about half a mile!”

"Tell the people on your two fishing boats that Zhao Dahai is on my fishing boat now, but he will be back on another fishing boat in a few days!"

He Jian put down the walkie-talkie and was not idle. He turned around and walked out of the cab again, and walked around the cabin. One was doing a final inspection, and the other was telling these people that Zhao Dahai would return to his fishing boat in a few days. He knew very well that those who had reserved fishing spots wanted Zhao Dahai to be on this fishing boat.

"Zhao Dahai."

"If nothing happens, our fishing boat will leave the pier in a while!"

Shi Jiehua put down the walkie-talkie in his hand and looked at Zhao Dahai standing next to him.

Zhao Dahai waved his hand. He didn't have much experience in this area. Shi Jiehua was the veteran. It was Shi Jiehua who decided when to leave the dock and what route to take.

Shi Jiehua nodded and didn't say anything. He chatted for a while, waited a moment, and saw that the time was almost up. He drove the fishing boats to leave, one after another. It didn't take long for the four fishing boats to leave. Slowly Slowly disappear.

"Four fishing boats!"

“That’s almost a hundred fishing spots, right?”

"What the hell!"

"Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua are making a lot of money!"



"This money is like running water!"

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan watched the fishing boat cooperated by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua slowly disappear. They regretted it so much that they wanted to jump directly into the sea.

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