It's half past three in the morning.

Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin each had a bowl of prawn and seafood porridge. After eating, they wiped their mouths, walked on the deck, strolled for a while, thought for a while, then turned and walked into the cab.


"Ouyang Hua!"

"Why are you here?"

As soon as Wu Dabin entered the cab, he immediately saw Ouyang Hua chatting with He Jian.

Ouyang Hua smiled and said that he could no longer fall asleep at one o'clock in the morning. After eating something, he simply came over to talk to He Jian to pass the time.

Wu Xiaobin took out the cigarettes in his pocket and gave one to each of them. They were all fans of deep-sea fishing and had known each other for a long time.

“We’ll reach the first fishing spot tonight or early tomorrow morning!”


"I'm really a little nervous if you're not afraid of your laughing at me!"

Ouyang Hua took a puff of cigarette and shook his head.

I have been fishing for many years, and I have no idea how many fish I have caught in total. The house and car at home were all bought with money from fishing sales.

But this trip to sea was really a bit nervous.


"Ouyang Hua!"

"Are you worried that you won't be able to make back the two hundred thousand you spent?"

"Or do you think you are a little uneasy because you can make a million in this trip?"

Wu Dabin took out his lighter and lit the cigarette that fell to his mouth.

Ouyang Hua thought about it carefully and found that it was both. One was that he was a little worried that he would not be able to earn back the 200,000 yuan he paid for the fishing spot. The other was that he really felt that he had a chance to earn one million on this trip. But now I don’t know if I can earn it, which makes me a little uneasy.

Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin both laughed. In fact, they are all the same. One is worried that he will not be able to earn back the 200,000 he took out, and the other just thinks that he can earn one million or more.


"How dare you spend two hundred thousand dollars at once? Do you really have such confidence in Zhao Dahai?"

While driving the fishing boat, He Jian looked at Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua are all good at deep-sea fishing. They can make a lot of money every time they go out to sea. But no matter how you say it, this two hundred thousand is not a small income and it costs a lot. Time, sometimes it even takes a year and a half to earn it. Now I took it out and booked a fishing spot. Under normal circumstances, this 200,000 is enough for Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua to book a fishing spot for a year. money spent.

"There must be confidence!"

"We paid 200,000 just to take a gamble!"

Wu Dabin did not hesitate. This money was earned by wandering on the sea for countless days and nights. Without confidence, it would be impossible to pay for it.

"Who told Zhao Dahai to catch so many fish?"

"In the past year, who has been fishing in the open sea better than Zhao Dahai?"

"How much money does Zhao Dahai earn? We don't know much about it, but just seeing that Zhao Dahai has just bought a large speedboat worth over one million yuan, we know that he must have earned a lot of money."

"The other one was when Zhao Dahai returned to the pier after catching two fish on Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. There were quite a few people there!"

"He Jian."

"Those of us who go deep-sea fishing are all asking about the time when Zhao Dahai will go out to sea next with Shi Jiehua or someone else's fishing boat."

"They are all willing to pay 50,000 yuan for a fishing position. What's more, now Zhao Dahai not only finds the location and water depth of the fish on the fishing boat, but also tells us how to catch these fish."

"Two hundred thousand does seem like a lot, and the risk seems high, but the risk is not particularly high."

Ouyang Hua knows that many people think that 200,000 is a lot, but after careful consideration, he finds that 200,000 is actually not much. It is hard to say whether he can make one million, but he can earn back the 200,000 while maintaining capital. The probability is very high!

"Ouyang Hua is right!"

"There is indeed a certain risk in this matter, but the risk is really not particularly high."

"Two hundred thousand is actually a very good deal."

"If this were not the case, then how could there be so many people like me and Ouyang Hua who go fishing to make money to support their families willing to pay this money?"


"There are really a lot of smart people in this world!"

"I originally thought that only my two brothers could do such a thing, but I didn't expect that there would be Ouyang Hua, let alone more people."

"It seems like there are a lot of people making a lot of money this time!"

Wu Dabin shook his head a little depressed.


"Wu Dabin."

"It's what you said. I, Ouyang Hua, or other people who go fishing at sea are not lacking in brains. It's not surprising at all to understand this matter."

Ouyang Hua laughed loudly.


"Did Shi Jiehua's fishing boat slow down?"

Ouyang Hua pointed forward fiercely.

He Jian looked up and was stunned for a moment.

When a fishing boat travels on the sea, if the distance is relatively long, it generally maintains a stable speed, neither too fast nor too slow. One is for safety, and the other is to save fuel.

Shi Jiehua's fishing boat is at the front, He Jian's fishing boat is second, followed by the other two fishing boats. The fishing boat he is on is not too far away from Shi Jiehua now. It is night now. , the sea was pitch black, and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat was definitely not visible, but the lights could be seen very clearly.

What Ouyang Huahua said was not wrong at all. Shi Jiehua's fishing boat really slowed down.


"What has happened here?"

"Are we right? Shi Jiehua's fishing boat turned a slight corner?"

Wu Dabin looked carefully at the lights of Shi Jiehua's fishing boat in front of him. Not only did it slow down, it actually turned a slight corner away from its original course.

He Jian frowned, not knowing what happened. He just picked up the walkie-talkie and wanted to speak, when Shi Jiehua's voice rang first.

"Attention! Attention!"

"Slow down!"

"Do not worry!"

"Zhao Dahai may have found a school of fish!"

"Everyone, wait a moment!"

"The location of the fish is now being determined!"

He Jian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this to happen. It took him a few seconds to react. He immediately shouted loudly that he knew it, and then he hurriedly informed the two fishing boats following him. The boat breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that they had heard Shi Jiehua's words.


"Why do you have such an expression?"

He Jian calmed down and took a look and found that Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua all had stunned looks on their faces. He knew what was going on and asked deliberately.

"Where is this place?"

"How did you find the school of fish all at once?"

"Are there really big yellow croakers?"

As Wu Xiaobin spoke, he turned to look at the glass window of the cockpit. The entire sea outside was completely dark, and all he could see were the lights of some scattered fishing boats.

Wu Xiaobin really couldn't tell which sea area the fishing boat was in now, and what specific location it was in.

"Isn't there really a school of large yellow croaker? But how can you see it in the flowing water on the sea?"

Ouyang Hua lowered his head and looked at the sea under the light. The fishing boat slowed down, but still kept moving forward. The sea water on both sides of the fishing boat was flowing loudly, and there were waves. It really looked like There is nothing special about it.

How did Zhao Dahai see that there were schools of fish in the sea, and also that there were schools of large yellow croakers in the sea?

Wu Dabin, like Ouyang Hua, stared at the beach for a long time, but couldn't see anything.

"Ouyang Hua."

"Let's not think about this matter. If we really had such ability, wouldn't we have already made millions or even ten million a year like Zhao Dahai?"

Wu Dabin smiled bitterly and gave up his efforts. It was obvious that he really didn't have the ability to do this.

The news that Zhao Dahai was likely to find a school of fish, most likely a school of large yellow croaker, spread on four fishing boats. Some people had already gotten up after sleeping during the day. Some people gathered together after eating supper and chatted in small groups. Some people were still asleep, but when the news spread, they all got up. Everyone was very excited and eagerly waiting for Zhao Dahai's notification.


"Is it possible that the first fishing trip came so soon?"

"If we really find a large yellow croaker, that would be incredible!"

“I’ve never caught a big yellow croaker!”

"Not to mention the big ones, even if I can catch a small one, I feel very happy!"

"Is it a large yellow croaker? What kind of fishing rig should I use? The sea water here should be quite deep, right?"

The people on the fishing boat slowly began to become restless.

Shi Jiehua looked at it, and Zhao Dahai turned to look at the fish detector next to him, and then looked at the sea outside the cab.

Twenty minutes have passed. Zhao Dahai didn't say a word, turned around in a circle, and then drove forward along an unknown route.

Shi Jiehua wanted to ask Zhao Dahai if he had found a school of large yellow croaker, but he was afraid that if he spoke, he would affect Zhao Dahai, so he swallowed his words hard several times.

Shi Jiehua became more and more nervous, and the atmosphere in the cab became more and more serious. Beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead, and then his palms became sweaty.

Shi Zhongwei strode into the cab. He wanted to speak, but suddenly he saw Shi Jiehua glare at him.


"What's going on? I heard from people outside that Brother Dahai has probably found a school of giant yellow croaker!"

Shi Zhongwei walked to Shi Jiehua's side quietly and spoke in a lowered voice.

Shi Jiehua's face was solemn.

Shi Zhong didn't dare to speak anymore and stood beside Shi Jiehua.

on deck.

The sea breeze was blowing in the early morning, and the fishing boats were moving, so it was a bit cold.

But about twenty people gathered together, and no one left. They all held a cigarette in their hands, smoking anxiously, and either raised their heads or turned to look at the cab after saying a few words.


"Gao Zhicheng!"

"What's going on?"

Jiang Baichuan was a little anxious.

It has been almost half an hour since Zhao Dahai went to the cab, and there is still no news.

Didn’t we really find a school of large yellow croaker?

Jiang Baichuan thought that if he found it, he found it, and if he didn't find it, he didn't find it. There is no news now, which is really torturous.


"Jiang Baichuan."

"It's not your first day out fishing, why are you acting like a fool?"

"There's no need to be anxious, there's really no need to be anxious, I can 100% guarantee that you will be able to catch a large yellow croaker today!"


"What's so fun about the big yellow croaker?"

"What if I catch a ten-pound fish? It has no feel at all, and it can't compare with the pulling power of a sea bass weighing ten or twenty pounds!"

"If we find it, we'll fish. If we don't find it, we won't fish. It doesn't matter."

Gao Zhicheng was not anxious at all.

Zhao Dahai did spend a lot of time, but it was precisely because he spent a lot of time that it proved that Zhao Dahai had indeed found the fish school. Now we are just determining the specific location of the fish school, and even the extent of the fish school. Or the speed and route of large yellow croaker schools swimming in the sea, etc.


"Gao Zhicheng!"

"What you said makes no sense at all!"

“The pulling force of a ten-pound large yellow croaker is indeed inferior to that of a ten-pound sea bass!”

“Who wants to catch a ten-pound sea bass but not a ten-pound large yellow croaker?”

"Which person fishes for large yellow croaker because of the pursuit of pulling power?"

"You have a broken skull, right? That's why you have such thoughts!"

Everyone on the deck was waiting for Zhao Dahai to see if he had really found a school of large yellow croaker, and everyone was extremely nervous. Gao Zhicheng's remarks caused "public outrage."

Gao Zhicheng laughed loudly and triumphantly and said, this is just to let everyone relax, there is really no need to worry. It won't take long for this matter to come to fruition, and Zhao Dahai will tell everyone where to catch large yellow croaker.


"Zhao Dahai, did you really find a school of large yellow croaker?"

Wu Weimin looked at the cigarette in his hand.

I was very calm at the beginning, but after half an hour, I couldn't help but start to get nervous now. I had long forgotten to smoke, and the sea breeze was strong, so I had already extinguished it.


"Zhao Dahai has found where the fish school is."

Zhong Shizhu knew that Wu Weimin and the people around him were very nervous, but he knew that Zhao Dahai had found the fish school. What Gao Zhicheng just said was right, it won't take long before fishing begins.

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