Shi Jiehua's fishing boat.

Zhao Dahai held the lure rod in his hand and shot out one rod after another, and took it back one after another. His movements were very fast, typical of fast shooting and quick closing.

Gao Zhicheng was very calm at the beginning, unmoved by people around him who were whispering about whether there were no fish, but as time passed, he slowly became a little anxious.

“How could such a beautiful tide be without sea bass?”

Gao Zhicheng frowned, really confused.

The water in this area between the three small islands in front of us is very beautiful. Not only is it fast, but it also forms foam areas one after another on the sea. Very typical sea bass tide.

Even if there are not big schools of fish, there must be small schools of fish. Even if there are not big sea bass, there must be small sea bass.

But what I can see now is that no matter how many people like me try, including Zhao Dahai who has played forty or fifty times in the past twenty minutes, they can't find the sea bass.

Zhao Dahai's search speed was very fast, and the water layer he searched was very complete. There were only two reasons for not finding fish. One was that there were no fish, and the other was that there was fish, but the fish did not open its mouth.

Either way, this is not a good thing.

"Gao Zhicheng!"

"Isn't there really no fish left?"

Jiang Baichuan walked up to Gao Zhicheng, holding a cigarette in his hand, and after taking a few puffs, there was only a little bit left.

Gao Zhicheng frowned and was about to say that he was not sure about this when he suddenly saw the pole in Zhao Dahai's hand paused and then raised it vigorously to stab the fish.



"The big one!"

Gao Zhicheng was very excited, clenched his fists and shouted loudly.


"The sea bass just came in!"

"It's very shallow on the water!"

"Any iron plate in the lead head ditch can be used, but the water layer must be controlled to about half a meter or more."

"If you have wave crawling, you can use wave crawling, or if you have minnow, you can use minnow!"

Zhao Dahai didn't give the hooked sea bass any chance. He shook the wheel vigorously to pull the fish to the recovery line and yelled loudly to tell the people around him how to catch sea bass in the sea.

Gao Zhicheng, Jiang Baichuan and Wu Weimin were already eager to start changing waves and getting out.





“This sea bass is really big!”

"It hurts to hold a hand!"

Gao Zhicheng, Wu Weimin and Shen Guohua had just gone out to do some fishing. There were sea bass right away, and every one that bit the hook was very big.

Zhao Dahai quickly pulled the fish to the edge of the fishing boat, and Shi Zhongwei picked up the fish with the net.

Zhao Dahai took the pliers, picked off the hook, and immediately threw the rod out. In the blink of an eye, another fish bit the hook. He was 100% sure that the school of sea bass had just come in and was hunting crazily.

Zhao Dahai reeled in the fish and did not continue fishing. He strode into the cab and picked up the intercom to notify He Jian and the other two fishing boats to start fishing for sea bass immediately.

"The sea bass just came in with the tide!"

"It's hunting like crazy!"

"Water surface!"

“Everyone fishes above half a meter of water!”

“You can do anything like lead-head hook wave climbing, but you must control the water layer.”

"hurry up!"

“The sea bass tide is very short, I don’t know if it’s an hour or two hours!”

"The first ones are all about ten or twenty pounds!"

"There are a lot of people on the sea fishing boat. As long as a fish takes the bait, immediately reel in the line and pull the fish back without waiting!"

Wu Dabin, Ouyang Hua and Xu Tianhua had been waiting for a long time. When they heard He Jian's voice coming from the speaker hanging above the cab, they immediately started to prepare.

Wu Dabin's hands and feet were very fast. He was the first to prepare the pole, tie up the wave crawler, stand on the side of the fishing boat, and throw it out with all his strength.

Wu Dabin's wave hit the center of the foam area accurately. He just landed on the water surface and didn't have time to pump. He even saw a sea bass jumping up from a distance and opening its big mouth to bite the wave hard.



Wu Dabin suddenly raised the rod to stab the fish, and then quickly pulled the fish on the retrieval line. The fishing line was very tight and the fishing rod was bent very sharply.

Wu Dabin did not hesitate at all and continued to use more force to reel in the fish.

Zhao Dahai just reminded himself through He Jian that these people should reel in the line as quickly as possible as long as there is a fish to take the bait. There are more people fishing on the sea fishing boat. If they take too long to fish, it is very likely to be hooked up with other people's lines. Tangled together.

Wu Dabin was experienced, and the hook he used was very large and the line was very thick. Soon, the hooked sea bass was pulled to the side of the fishing boat.

Wu Xiaobin had already picked up the fishing net and was about to fish.

Wu Dabin waited for Wu Xiaobin to get the fish onto the deck, took the pliers to remove the hook, checked the wave, and immediately threw it out again. When fishing for sea bass, you have to hurry up and never take a break.

Wu Dabin caught five sea bass in one go, shook his sore hand, and called Wu Xiaobin loudly.


“There are as many seabass as rice in Zhaohaihai!”

“What’s so hard about fishing?”

"Isn't it just a matter of having hands?"


"Hit again!"


"sore hands!"

"The fish are too big! I can't catch a few!"

"What the hell!"

"Wu Dabin, you two brothers are cheating!"

"When one is tired, the other one will be replaced. Who can catch more fish than you two brothers?"

The two brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin ignored the words of the people around them and just fished for sea bass one after another. Don't be obedient when you get an advantage, so as not to arouse public anger.

People like Ouyang Hua, Xu Tianhua, and Wu Guodong had time to talk at first, but as more and more fish were caught, more and more energy was consumed. Everyone gritted their teeth, insisted on fishing, and spoke. There is no thought.

Shi Jiehua looked at the people on the deck, the sea bass being pulled up from the sea one after another, a little stunned.

Shi Zhongwei, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da were very busy. It seemed that each sea bass had to be tied through the gills with a tie of a different color so that we could tell who belonged to it.

"Zhao Dahai!"

“Isn’t this sea bass too strong?”

"Where do all these fish come from?"

Shi Jiehua patted his forehead vigorously, lit a cigarette, and smoked vigorously.

Zhao Dahai decided to change the original route of fishing for black sea bream and came to the island. He couldn't find any fish for almost forty minutes. The fish he found now were crazy schools of fish.

The difference before and after is really huge.


"Uncle Shi!"

"The fish in this sea must come from the sea!"

"Could it be that it fell from the sky?"

Zhao Dahai smiled.

When he was looking for fish just now, Shi Jiehua must have been very anxious and worried about not being able to find fish. Now that he saw so many fish, he was so shocked.

The fact that I couldn't find any fish before and couldn't catch any fish was because the fish haven't arrived yet and the fishing boat came a little too early.

Once the school of fish comes, they will go crazy like what Shi Jiehua saw now.

While Zhao Dahai stared at Wu Weimin and others fishing on the deck, he would glance to the southeast from time to time, where Li Hongyun's fishing boat was parked.

Shi Jiehua slowly calmed down and followed Zhao Dahai's gaze.


"Zhao Dahai."

"This old boy Li Hongyun will definitely find a way to squeeze in and want to fish."

"I will keep an eye on this matter and I will handle it. You don't need to pay attention to it."

Shi Jiehua sneered. This was not the first day he had dealt with Li Hongyun, and he knew very well who he was.

After leaving the village pier, I kept following the fleet of fishing boats like myself, just with the idea of ​​catching some fish if I could.

When Zhao Dahai came here with the people from the fleet, Li Hongyun followed him from a distance.

When he wasn't fishing just now, Li Hongyun's fishing boat was just watching the fun.

Now that I see people like myself catching sea bass, and all of them are big sea bass, I must be unable to hold back and must be trying to squeeze in.

Zhao Dahai nodded.

Li Hongyun must have found a way to squeeze in. There are four fishing boats in his fleet, and they all occupy the best positions.

The ship bosses Shi Jiehua and He Jian are very experienced and it is unlikely that Li Hongyun will not be allowed to squeeze in, but even if they do squeeze in, the position will not be good.

The most important thing when fishing for sea bass is location. As long as you keep the best position and catch the best tide, you can catch a lot of fish. Others who want to catch fish may have a very small chance. It doesn't matter if you actually catch any.

The sea is so wide that it is impossible to hold all positions, and it is impossible for others to catch a fish.

Zhao Dahai ignored Li Hongyun's fishing boat and left the matter to Shi Jiehua.

Zhao Dahai focused his attention on the deck, on the sea bass caught by Gao Zhicheng and others.

Zhao Dahai held a thermos cup filled with scalding hot tea and took a sip from time to time while watching it. He was very calm at first, but after half an hour of watching, his brows began to wrinkle.

People like Gao Zhicheng and Wu Weimin were constantly pulling sea bass in the sea. They were all very big, one after another. At this time, the deck was already full of sea bass. However, the number of sea bass caught has dropped dramatically.

There were about twenty people on the entire fishing boat, and no more than five people caught fish in five minutes. It wasn't like this in the beginning, when at least more than fifteen people were able to catch sea bass.

Did the tide pass so quickly? Did the sea bass fish disappear so quickly?

Zhao Dahai stared at the large foam area in the middle of the island for a while. The tide had indeed lasted for more than an hour, but now it was flowing very fast, even much faster than at the beginning. The bubbles The area of ​​​​the bubble area is getting larger and larger, and the number of small fish in the middle of the bubble area has not decreased but has increased.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, took the microphone and shouted loudly to Gao Zhicheng on the deck to try to fall into the deeper water layer.

Gao Zhicheng had just caught a sea bass and felt a little tired. He wanted to take a rest when he suddenly heard Zhao Dahai's voice coming from the speaker on the top of the cab.


"Gao Zhicheng!"

"What Zhao Dahai means is that there are not many sea bass on the sea surface now. Do we need to fish deeper in the water to see if there are any fish?"

Jiang Baichuan gasped for air. The pulling force of sea bass weighing more than ten kilograms or even twenty kilograms is really strong enough.

I took a break when I caught five or six fish, and then caught two or three more. Now I feel that my hands are as heavy as twenty or thirty kilograms of iron, and I can't lift them up.


"That's what I mean!"

Gao Zhicheng looked at the people fishing around him and found that there were fewer people fishing. Zhao Dahai had been watching from the cab, sitting a little higher, and he had obviously noticed this a long time ago.

Gao Zhicheng thought for a while, took off the wave crawler, replaced it with a lead-head hook, and hung a soft bait like a fish.

Zhao Dahai made it very clear and asked himself to try deeper water layers. This is not suitable for wave climbing that floats on the water surface. It has to be replaced with a lead-head hook, which makes it easier to control the water layer.

Gao Zhicheng took a sip of water, rested for a minute or two, walked to the edge of the fishing boat, and threw the rod toward the center of the foam area.

Gao Zhicheng saw the lead hook hit the sea. He waited for a moment. When it sank almost one meter, he was about to take up the line and pull the lead hook. At this moment, he made a very fierce bite and his hand The pole inside almost flew out.


"Are the sea bass getting bigger and bigger?"

Gao Zhicheng held the pole firmly with both hands and pumped it several times to ensure that the lead hook penetrated the mouth of the sea bass, then he took up the line and pulled the fish back.

Gao Zhicheng shook the spinning wheel hard twice and finally reeled in one meter of line. However, the hooked fish rushed forward and pulled out three meters of line.


"Gao Zhicheng!"

"What's going on with you? It's just a few sea bass, why are you being so soft-hearted?"

“Now the fish is hooked and it can’t be pulled back no matter how hard it is pulled!”

"I think you are really too old. Don't go fishing in the sea anymore!"

Wu Weimin saw Gao Zhicheng like this and did not miss such a good opportunity to laugh at him.


"If you, old boy, are capable, throw your pole out and fall into the water layer one meter deep. I want to see if you can pull it back!"

While Gao Zhicheng was bickering with Wu Weimin, he tried his best to pull the fish back, but it was of no use. The hooked fish continued to run forward, pulling the thread of the spinning wheel and rushing forward.

Wu Weimin looked at the pole held in Gao Zhicheng's hand and was startled. He knew at a glance that the sea bass he had hooked was really over twenty kilograms.

Wu Weimin looked at the sea not far away, then looked down at his hands, and shook his head. He had just caught a dozen sea bass weighing about 20 pounds, which took a lot of energy. Now his hands are a little weak. The sea bass Gao Zhicheng just caught was bigger and stronger, but he couldn't handle it now.

Wu Weimin decided to give up and rest for a while, then decide whether to fish or not in about ten minutes.

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