Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 689 There’s really nothing wrong with doing this


"Ouyang Hua!"

"You are so right!"

"Who is Zhao Dahai, He Jian, and who are you?"

"Do you have what it takes?"

"He Jian!"

"You are so shameless. Do you have to ask us to say such things?"

Wu Dabin and Ouyang Hua were joking while eating pulled fish.

When they first saw Li Hongyun and the surrounding sea barges squeezing over, everyone involuntarily increased the size of their nests. The bait cages were filled with Antarctic shrimps.

But Zhao Dahai said that everyone would reduce Antarctic shrimps, and some people really only stuffed one-third.


"It doesn't seem to have any impact!"

Ouyang Hua fished for half an hour and found that the black seabream caught by him, Wu Dabin and others were getting bigger and bigger, and their bites became more and more fierce. At the same time, Li Hongyun's sea bream was crowded in the opposite sea five or six meters away. There were almost no people on board the fishing boat and several other nearby sea fishing boats fishing for black sea bream.

The Antarctic shrimps caught by the people on these fishing boats seemed to be of no use at all.

"Wu Dabin!"

"What's going on? Why are these Antarctic shrimps caught by these fishing boats useless? All the fish seem to be gathering next to our fishing boats?"

Ouyang Hua pulled up a string of five black sea bream, looked at Li Hongyun's fishing boat opposite, and then looked at the other three pirate ships around him.

Some people caught fish, but only three or five fishermen on almost every fishing boat could catch fish.

Even the fish that can be caught are only sparse. Sometimes you can catch one, sometimes you can catch two or three, and they are not particularly big.


"This is really amazing!"

"Is it possible to say that the fish in this sea were raised by Zhao Dahai?"

Wu Xiaobin looked equally confused.

It's really not too common for fishing boats to mess around. Li Hongyun really doesn't have a good way to do this.

The most common method used by sloppy fishing boats is to desperately build nests in the sea. A large number of Antarctic shrimp bricks or other baits will attract fish from other fishing boats to the bottom of their fishing boats.

This is what Li Hongyun and the fishing boats that crowded behind him did. I don’t know how many pieces of Antarctic shrimp they have caught in the sea in the past half hour.

Almost half an hour passed without much effect.

We still caught a lot of black sea bream and we caught more and more.

This situation is really weird.


"How do I know what's going on?"

"Zhao Dahai must have his reasons for doing this. Facts have proved that Zhao Dahai's judgment is correct and there is no problem."

"If we find a place with a lot of fish, let's not talk about it. It won't have any impact if we make fewer nests."

"This is the most amazing place!"

Wu Dabin thinks it is normal for Zhao Dahai to be able to find fish spots. This is Zhao Dahai's ability. What is really amazing and even incredible is that Zhao Dahai often allows people like him to make fewer nests and it has no impact.

Xu Tianhua walked over slowly with a cigarette in his hand.

People like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua all have to fish to make money. As long as there are fish in the sea, they don't care about rest. They are different. Those who go to sea just to catch big fish just want to see Zhao Dahai's fishing skills. When I was tired, I went back to the cabin to sleep. I feel very energetic now.


"Boss Xu!"

"How many people out there who go fishing are as relaxed and happy as you?"

"We people can only work as hard as we can!"

Ouyang Hua said as he took the net and picked up the fish.

There are people on the sea fishing boats who help catch fish, but now every fishing position is constantly catching fish, and it is too busy. If you want to go faster, you have to do it yourself.

"Who said I'm the only one?"

"There are a few people on our fishing boat, and what's even more outrageous is that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat has almost no people fishing!"

Xu Tianhua pointed at Zhao Dahai's fishing boat not far away as he spoke.

Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and other people around them all shook their heads.

Most of the people on the jumping boats of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua were people who paid to follow Zhao Dahai to go out to sea and only catch big fish. There was no need to make money. There were a lot of black sea bream in the sea, but they all stopped fishing after a while. Almost all of them stopped fishing. Resting in sleep.

"How's the fishing going? What's going on now? Li Hongyun's fishing boat came over again. Why are there so many fishing boats around?"

Xu Tianhua looked at Li Hongyun's fishing boat across the way, and then at the other fishing boats surrounding him. He couldn't understand what was going on.

Li Hongyun's fishing boat followed him again, and it was not surprising that other fishing boats around him crowded in. However, the fishing boat with only him and his crew caught a lot of fish, and they kept fishing. From the other fishing boats around, few people were able to catch fish.


"We people have been talking about this just now!"

"No one knows what's going on. I guess only Zhao Dahai knows it!"

Wu Dabin shook his head. He had been fishing for many years and was experienced and well-informed. This time he really couldn't understand and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"No way?"

"Can't you all understand?"


"Wu Dabin!"

"You really disappoint me. If I had known, I would have told Shi Jiehua to go to Zhao Dahai's fishing boat."

Xu Tianhua's little joke.

This kind of thing must be something that only Zhao Dahai himself knows what is going on.

Now that I am not on Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat, I have no chance to ask.

"Boss Xu."

"There's a chance!"

"Zhao Dahai will come to our fishing boat in a few days!"

"On this trip to Zhaodahai, we will stay on board every fishing boat for seven or eight days."

Wu Guodong reminded Xu Tianhua.


"While waiting for Zhao Dahai to come to our fishing boat, I have to ask carefully, what is going on, why can't all the fishing boats around us catch fish? "

Xu Tianhua made up his mind to ask about this matter when Zhao Dahai boarded his fishing boat.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua all nodded. This matter really needs to be asked.

He Jian stayed in the cockpit, controlling the fishing boat while smoking a cigarette and drinking water happily. From time to time, he would look at Li Hongyun's fishing boat or several other fishing boats around him.

Is there anything better than catching fish in your own fishing boat, while all the people around you who want to grab fish and take advantage of it can't catch any fish?


"This is amazing! Everything is accurate! There is no need to build a heavy nest! There is no need to worry about these fishing boats crowding over! There is no way to grab fish!"

He Jian was really convinced.

Gao Zhicheng stretched himself out of the cabin. The deck was almost empty, with no one fishing.


"No way? Do these bosses really not regard money as money? Why are they all sleeping?"

Gao Zhicheng shook his head.

When I woke up just now, I saw people sleeping around me in the cabin. I originally thought that no matter what, there must be a few who are already fishing.

Unexpectedly, when I came out like this, I found that I was the first one to wake up and go fishing on the deck.

Gao Zhichen originally wanted to fish, but when he saw no one, he turned around and walked to the cab without thinking. Suddenly he saw Shi Zhongwei driving the fishing boat and Shi Jiehua drinking tea and smoking next to him.


"Captain Gao."

"You guys are really busy!"

Gao Zhicheng pointed to the deck of the fishing boat as he spoke. There was no one fishing.


"Boss Gao!"

"Bosses like you are all rich people. They don't care about these fish at all and don't want to make money. What can we do?"

Shi Jiehua smiled, took out a cigarette, and handed one to Gao Zhicheng.

There is really no way around this matter.

Others go fishing to make money. They cannot sleep when they encounter such good fish conditions. Black sea bream weighing three to five kilograms a piece weighs almost twenty kilograms in a bunch. Even if it costs fifty yuan a kilogram, it will cost you 50 yuan a kilogram. It’s a thousand dollars at a time.

People like Gao Zhicheng earned 10,000 to 20,000 less in the few hours they slept.

People with quick hands and feet, especially people like Zhao Dahai, catch more fish and make more money.


"What can be done about this? I'm really tired!"

"Captain He."

"Zhao Dahai found so many fish that we couldn't catch them all!"

"If we have to work hard like this, when the big fish is found in the sea, we won't have the strength to catch it."

"You have to know that our bodies are in no way comparable to those of other people who go fishing to make money!"

Gao Zhicheng knew very well what was going on. The bodies of people like himself and Wu Weimin really couldn't be compared with those who made money by fishing in the deep sea all day long. If you fish now, you will indeed make money, but when Zhao Da returns, When we find big fish, such as tuna or large grouper, we can only stare at it and watch from the side.

Shi Jiehua thought that this was really the case.

This is not the first time that Gao Zhicheng and Wu Weimin have gone fishing with Zhao Dahai. This is the second time they have followed Zhao Dahai into the deep sea. They are very aware of Zhao Dahai's abilities and are expected to find big fish, especially big tuna and big grouper. In the past, it was all about fishing casually, fishing as much as I could, fishing if I wanted to, and not fishing if I didn’t want to. The main thing was to rest and conserve my energy.


"Boss Gao."

"There's nothing wrong with thinking that way."

"It will be really troublesome if Zhao Dahai doesn't have the strength to find the big fish!"

"The people on these fishing boats crowded around us are probably scolding us now!"

Shi Jiehua pointed at the seven or eight fishing boats crowded around.


"No way?"

"Is it crowded with so many boats?"

Gao Zhicheng was startled.

It's not surprising that there are other fishing boats around. What's strange is that there are so many fishing boats.

"All these people want to take advantage of us?"

"Is it so easy to take advantage of Zhao Dahai?"

Shi Jiehua smiled.

The fishing boats around here are really trying to catch more fish, but in fact they haven't caught many fish until now.

"No way? Are you really not going to be able to catch many fish?"

As Gao Zhicheng spoke, he picked up the binoculars and looked carefully at the nearby fishing boats. In five or six minutes, each boat did not catch many fish. It was not just the people at the fishing positions who did not catch any fish. When it comes to fish, there are only a few fish in the baskets or boxes placed at the feet of these people.

Zhao Dahai has already said that even if other fishing boats squeeze in around him, he won't be able to catch many fish.

Now that I have actually seen it, I still feel it is very magical.

There are not only many sea fishing boats around, but they are also crowded very close to each other.

Needless to say, the people on these fishing boats were all frantically trying to grab the fish, but they couldn't. This was a bit strange.

Are there no fish in the sea?

Gao Zhicheng looked at the fish detector's screen curiously, and saw a thick layer of fish flowers.


"Captain Stone."

"Why do you think there are more fish here than before I went to bed?"

Gao Zhicheng couldn't believe that he had gone to sleep. A few hours later, the fish on the bottom of the fishing boat had not dispersed but were getting more and more.

"Don't think so!"

"It's true! There are indeed more fish here than before you went to bed!"


"It's a pity that none of you fish, it's such a waste!"

"I was thinking about the next trip just now. If you people book the fishing spots on my sea fishing boat, I will have to find a few more people on the boat, not to help with the work, but when you people don't fish. When fishing, isn’t this money earned in vain?”

Shi Jiehua was really not joking, he was really thinking about this matter just now.

Gao Zhicheng and others went to sleep for a few hours. If these time were used for fishing, twenty fishing positions combined would not be enough, and one hundred thousand would not be enough to escape.


"Boss Shi."

"This is really a good idea!"

"Anyway, these fishing spots are idle. We must catch more fish and make more money."

Gao Zhicheng thought for a while, and it was really like this. There were more people fishing to make money on other fishing boats, and fishing was generally not free, or there were only a few people free, but the one he and Wu Weimin were on Most sea fishing boats do not need to go out to sea to make money for fishing purposes.

However, it is impossible for a sea fishing boat to only catch big fish. It must also catch some other fish.

"Boss Gao."

"Why don't you just hire someone on your next trip to sea?"

“You can fish by yourself when you want to fish, and have others help you fish when you don’t want to. Wouldn’t this mean that you can earn back all the boat fees in one fell swoop?”

Shi Jiehua thought of an idea.

What he just said was just a joke. Even if he told these people that they didn't want to fish, he wouldn't be able to invite guests to fish in these fishing spots, but there was nothing wrong with Gao Zhicheng inviting one of them himself.


"Forget it!"

"Stop fussing with things like this. It doesn't mean much."


"What's going on? Why are the fishing boats around here making such heavy nests but not taking any fish away?"

Gao Zhicheng had no idea of ​​asking others to help him fish. What he was curious about now was why the fishing boats around him couldn't take away the fish.

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