The night is getting deeper and deeper.

When the sea breeze blew over, it had already begun to feel chilly, and the heat brought by the sun during the day had long since disappeared.

Shi Zhongwei walked onto the deck carrying a large iron basin filled with fried balang fish, and the aroma suddenly spread.

Gao Zhicheng, Wu Weimin, Jiang Baichuan and a dozen people around them immediately gathered around. It was already one or two o'clock in the morning, and they were already hungry. They had to eat something at this time.


“These Balang fish are really delicious!”

“The outside is fried very well, and the fish inside is very tender and extremely fresh!”

"Less, less!"

"It looks like a lot, but where is the food? I can eat a bowl by myself."

Gao Zhicheng, Wu Weimin, Jiang Baichuan and the people around them started eating one by one, eating happily.


"The Balang fish pulled up with a string hook can weigh up to a hundred kilograms, if not two hundred kilograms."

"I left a few dozen kilograms behind and kept them in the living cabin as live bait. Isn't the rest enough for you to eat?"

"This is just the first plate. There is still a second plate being cooked in the kitchen. Eat as much as you want, as long as it's enough."


"Beer will be here soon!"

Shi Zhongwei roared loudly, looked at Zhao Dahai who was fishing at the bow of the boat, took a small plate and filled it and walked over.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Eat something! Only when you are full can you have the strength to fish, right?"

As Shi Zhongwei spoke, he looked at the pole in Zhao Dahai's hand. There was no big movement. Don't look at the tight thread. It shook slightly from time to time, but it was just hanging on the hook. It was caused by the live smokefish above swimming or even struggling.

Zhao Dahai reached out and grabbed a handful of fried Balang fish and stuffed it into his mouth. He was really hungry at this time.

Balang fish is really not a valuable fish. Almost no one who fishes at sea knows how to catch it. If they must catch it, most of them catch it as live bait.

But this fish is really delicious when fried, especially after two or three hours of sea breeze blowing, two or three hours of fishing, and huge physical exertion, it feels even more delicious.

Zhao Dahai ate one bowl in just a few minutes, then called Shi Zhongwei to bring another small bowl and ate this one to fill his stomach.

Shi Zhong took a bottle of beer for Pidianpidian, opened the lid, and handed it to Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai doesn't usually drink, but now he has eaten a lot of fried Balang fish and drank a few sips of beer, and he is very satisfied.

"Brother Dahai."

"Is there any chance? It's been an hour or two!"

Shi Zhongwei couldn't help but look at the pole held in Zhao Dahai's hand again. Fishing is really not an easy task. It has been so long and there is no movement at all. He must keep holding the pole. He must You have to stand all the time and concentrate.

Zhao Dahai nodded and shook his head, pointing to the sea surface illuminated by the lights next to the fishing boat. There were more and more small fish schools, and it was almost time now, so there might be big fish appearing, but this kind of thing is really You can’t say for sure, a big fish might bite the hook the next minute, but it’s possible that no big fish will show up until dawn, let alone bite the hook.

Zhao Dahai was just about to change his hands when he suddenly heard a sound coming from the sea in the distance. At first he thought he had heard it wrong, but then he heard another sound soon. This time he was 100% sure. It’s indeed a big fish out of water.

"Zhao Dahai Zhao Dahai!"

"There's a fish out! But I don't know what it is, but it's probably a sea bass."

Gao Zhicheng walked quickly to Zhao Dahai, holding a few fried Balang fish that he had not had time to eat in his hand, and carrying an open bottle of beer in his other hand. He deliberately lowered his voice when speaking.


"It's probably sea bass, it's unlikely to be any other fish."

Zhao Dahai was a little disappointed. What I just heard was the sound that big fish made when catching small fish on the sea surface.

The first sound I heard at the beginning was followed by the second sound. In less than thirty seconds, I heard five or six more sounds in succession. It was so dense that it definitely couldn't be other big sounds. The fish, most likely sea bass and a school of sea bass.

This is not the big fish I hoped for.


"Let's eat and drink enough! If there are really schools of sea bass coming soon, we can really play wave climbing, and maybe we can catch a few good-sized sea bass!"

Wu Weimin walked over slowly.

I had a good sleep during the day and I am not sleepy at all. If I have to say it, my hands and feet are a little sore. This is a sequelae of fishing for large groupers. There is nothing I can do about it. It will take a few days to recover.

Sea bass rarely appears to people like myself and Gao Zhicheng, but the pulling power of sea bass is really good. If the school of sea bass that surrounds them is relatively large, it will be good to catch a few good ones.

"If you want to catch sea bass, you can prepare now. In about ten minutes, the fish will come close."

Zhao Dahai told Wu Weimin and Jiang Baichuan that they can prepare for fishing now. There are two methods, one is to use live shrimp and the other is to use wave climbing with lures. However, the best thing now is to use wave climbing. The fish schools that appear now Almost 100% of the time I catch those small fish on the water.

Wu Weimin, Jiang Baichuan, and Gao Zhicheng didn't really want to catch sea bass at first, but they thought they had nothing to do, so they all took out their poles.

Zhao Dahai reminded Gao Zhicheng and Wu Weimin not to use ordinary threads but to use steel wire leaders.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Do you need something like this? It's just some sea bass. Where can I use a wire leader?"

Jiang Baichuan was a little surprised.

Generally speaking, wire leaders are used to deal with big fish with sharp teeth and sharp mouths.

Not useful for sea bass.

Zhao Dahai shook his head.

If it is in the inland sea or the open sea, there is generally no need to use a wire guide, but now the fishing boats of people like me are in the depths of the vast sea.

This is a fishing spot for grouper. The sea surface is very open and the sea water is very deep. The sea bass found in such a place must be quite big. In addition, in addition to sea bass, there may be other fish that prey on the water. Generally speaking, small fish have very sharp teeth.

Caution is the boat.

It is true that the wire leader may not be so natural, and it is very likely that you will not catch more fish, but it is relatively safe for catching big fish.

Jiang Baichuan thought for a while and nodded. It is indeed more secure to use a steel wire as a leader. Not to mention the big sea bass, there may be a chance to encounter other big fish. This is the depth of the sea. Anything is possible.

Gao Zhicheng and Wu Weimin had already tied the fishing gear. When they heard what Zhao Dahai said, they immediately replaced the wire leader. Not to mention the other people, they all listened to Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai lowered his head and looked at the sea surface carefully. The small schools of fish on the sea surface illuminated by the light had already begun to swim faster, and some water ripples began to appear on the calm water surface.


“The school of sea bass is approaching!”

"There may be waves all around. The waves will crawl out and land in a place where the light cannot reach, and then start to recover. Once you enter the place where the light and darkness meet, you have to be very alert."

Zhao Dahai shouted loudly and told Gao Zhicheng and others where the sea bass was. The small fish on the water began to panic. They must have sensed the appearance of a school of big fish and it was nearby.

Gao Zhicheng, Wu Weimin, Jiang Baichuan and the people around them all held poles and stood on the edge of the fishing boat one after another.

"Attention! Attention!"

“Don’t swing at the same time!”

"The people standing at the front, the farthest, and the middle start first!"

Gao Zhicheng reminded him at the top of his lungs. There were more than ten or twenty people standing on both sides of the fishing boat. The distance between each person was not long, only about two meters. If they all swung the poles together, the waves thrown out would be high. They may get tangled together and don't even think about catching the fish. The two ends and the middle ones start first, throw them out, and then retrieve them, and then it will be the turn of others.

Wu Weimin stood at the front on one side and was the first to throw the pole.

"Wu Weimin."

"You are the first one to throw the pole. If you can't catch any fish, you will have to treat everyone to a good meal when you return to the dock."

Gao Zhicheng held a cigarette in his mouth and a pole in his hand. He glanced at the dark sea that was not illuminated by the light. It was very calm now and could not hear the sound of the big fish. But with many years of experience, the sound of the big fish could be heard. The school of fish must be approaching like what Zhao Dahai just said. They are just hiding in the darkness and waiting for the right time to prey. It is very possible for people like me to catch sea bass easily. The only thing to watch is the sea bass. How big is it.



"If I can't catch any fish with this rod, I'll treat the whole boat to a big dinner when we return to the dock. It must be the best place in town."

"That fat guy Liu Gang's Lucky Restaurant!"

"But having said that, if this pole catches fish, the treat must be for you, old boy Gao Zhicheng!"

Wu Weimin didn't want to think about it and nodded directly, and at the same time he generalized an army.


"Zhao Dahai said that I definitely wouldn't dare to gamble like this. You said that there is definitely no problem!"

"That `s a deal!"

Gao Zhicheng nodded directly.


"Anyway, now we have a delicious meal!"

"What does it matter who wins and who loses? The key is that we have something delicious to eat!"

Jiang Baichuan, Zhao Guangming and the dozen or so people around them all booed loudly.


"If you want to eat the meal I invited, just wait until the sun comes out from the west!"

"What if there are fish in the sea? Don't forget, the man fishing now is not Zhao Dahai, but Wu Weimin."

Gao Zhicheng pouted, not worried at all that he would lose the bet.


"Gao Zhicheng!"

"Where did you get your confidence?"

"That's right! It's me, Wu Weimin, not Zhao Dahai who fished, but don't forget, it's Zhang Dahai who said there are fish here!"

"Zhao Dahai said there are fish, when did he stop catching fish?"

“When fishing for grouper, I really don’t dare to say that I can catch a fish with one rod, but now I am fishing for such a violent thing as sea bass. How is it possible that I can’t catch a fish with one rod?”

"Gao Zhicheng!"

"I'm not bragging, I've decided to treat you this time!"

Wu Weimin laughed loudly.

Gao Zhicheng's heart skipped a beat.

This statement is very reasonable. If Wu Weimin decides when and where to fish, it is really impossible to catch fish, or even one of ten rods can catch fish.

The problem is that Zhao Dahai said that fishing can now be done.

"What the hell!"

"You're careless! You're careless!"

"Why did you forget this?"

Gao Zhicheng regretted it a little, but the words had been spoken and the water thrown out could not be recovered. Now he could only hope that Wu Weimin could not catch any fish with this rod.

The wave thrown by Wu Weimin climbed to the surface of the water. He waited for a second or two, gently pumped it twice, but without any movement, he immediately began to pump it back sharply one after another.

The waves hit the sea surface and made a very clear sound.

Wu Weimin was a little nervous when he took the first few strokes, but he quickly calmed down.

Zhao Dahai said that if there are fish, there will be fish!




Hu Weimin whipped him hard for about ten times, but he only managed to get a distance of five or six meters. When Bo Cang appeared at the dividing line of darkness that was almost invisible to the light, he pulled hard with a huge force. pole.




"I'm coming!"

"Isn't this the one that caught the fish?"

"Gao Zhicheng!"

"I'm just asking you if you are convinced!"

"Does it matter who is fishing? The important thing is that Zhao Dahai said that if you can fish, you will definitely be able to catch fish!"

"If you go out to sea with Zhao Dahai's fishing boat, won't you be able to catch fish if you have the right hands?"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Gao Zhicheng!"

"You can treat me this time!"

Wu Weimin raised the pole vigorously to stab the fish, and laughed arrogantly while reeling in the line.

Gao Zhicheng shook his head helplessly. The thing he was most worried about had happened. Wu Weimin was right. As long as Zhao Dahai said there were fish, he would be able to catch the fish. It really just needed the hands. He had forgotten this.

Treating guests requires money, so I don't care at all. What's important is that I lost the bet, which is a loss of face.


"The fish are coming!"



"He's thirty pounds in weight!"


"Wu Weimin is right! As long as Zhao Dahai says there are fish, he will be able to catch them!"

"Is there something wrong with Gao Zhicheng's brain? How could he make such a bet with Wu Weimin!"

"Isn't this a 100% sure loss?"

"Come on, come on!"

"Gao Zhicheng!"

"I'll make a bet with you! Bet a hundred meals!"

Gao Zhicheng looked left and right, and saw that people kept hitting the mark, and he patted the back of his head with great annoyance. This time he and Wu Weimin really lost the bet.

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