
"This time I really caught a fish!"

Zhao Dahai shook the spinning wheel vigorously to reel in the fish. In just ten seconds, he pulled the fish more than five meters away from the seabed. He felt that the fish was not too big. He held the fishing rod with both hands and pushed it up. He looked at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou. It was not a fish just now, but this time there was a real fish on the hook.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were stunned for a moment, and immediately stared at the rod in Zhao Dahai's hand. It took them several seconds to react. There was really a fish on the hook. This time it was not fake.


"There is really a fish!"

Zhong Shizhu was excited all of a sudden.

The size of the fish on the hook did not look big, only about 20 pounds. Unless it was a red grouper, otherwise, it was not very valuable. He, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou did not take it seriously, let alone Zhao Dahai.

But this matter was not about catching a fish, but proving that Zhao Dahai might have found a way to catch the grouper on the seabed here, and it was a method that was not easy to get stuck on the bottom.

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou looked at each other. They both thought of this, but now they had to wait for Zhao Dahai to catch the fish before asking if he had really found a way.

Zhao Dahai bent the fishing rod. The fish on the hook was not too big. It would not take long, and he did not have much strength. He began to shake the spinning wheel to reel in the fish.


"Such a small fish? Why would you need a scoop net?"

Zhao Dahai saw Zhong Shizhu holding a scoop net and waiting by the speedboat, and shook his head.

The fish on the hook would not exceed 30 jin. Such a small fish really did not need a scoop net. The rod in his hand was very hard, and he could just fly it directly.

Zhao Dahai pulled the fish out of the water and took a look. It was a 30-jin blue spot, exactly as he guessed. He held the rod with both hands and lifted the flying fish onto the deck, and gently put it down.

Lei Dayou came over with pliers, gently pressed the blue spot with one hand, and waited until it stopped struggling, and took off the hook.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Is your fishing rig like this?"

Lei Dayou took off the hook and found that the fishing rig Zhao Dahai used was different from his own, Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin's, or different from the fishing rigs used by ordinary bottom-diving groupers.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin came over immediately and looked down. They were indeed different.

The general bottom-diving grouper fishing rig is very simple. The main line is connected to an eight-shaped ring, and then a lead weight is hung. The sub-line is hung below the lead weight, and the sub-line is tied to the hook, and the bait is hung on the hook.

Zhao Dahai's method is exactly the opposite.

He used a balance, with the fishing rod on top and the lead weight on the bottom.

"Why is this?"

Lei Dayou was very curious. He didn't know why Zhao Dahai tied the fishing rig like this. The key point was that Zhao Dahai really caught fish by doing this.

"The seabed here is very complex and it's easy to get stuck. The three of you got stuck just now. If I still use the same fishing gear and the same method, it will definitely get stuck. It will get stuck very badly. We may not be able to catch any fish here in the next few hours."

"Even if we really catch fish, we will definitely not catch many."

"I thought about it and felt that the general method of hitting the bottom to catch grouper cannot be used."


"A heavier lead weight, and the lead weight is placed at the bottom, plus the hand-cranked spinning wheel is slowly lowered and pulled continuously."

"It is relatively easy to feel the lead weight hitting the stone."

"Once you feel When you feel the lead weight hitting the rocks, you know you have reached the bottom of the sea and you must be extremely careful not to continue lowering it, otherwise it will almost certainly get stuck. "

"Wait for the lead weight to hit the rocks on the bottom of the sea, and you must bend the rod."

"Pull it up and down in a small range."

"The advantage of this is that it is not easy to get stuck. The other is that you keep hitting the rocks on the bottom of the sea, which has the same effect as knocking on the bottom, and can attract the attention of the groupers around the seabed."

"When these groupers or other big fish come over, they will see the octopus or crab hanging on the hook not far above the top, and they may bite the hook."

Zhao Dahai looked at the blue grouper that Lei Dayou took off the hook. It was not big, but it was not small.

Zhao Dahai explained in detail why he did this.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou knew what was going on when they heard it. This was indeed a good idea. They immediately learned to tie a new fishing group like Zhao Dahai. The only thing hanging on the bottom was the rod on the gun rack, which did not affect fishing, so they did not need to pay attention to it for the time being.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou tied up a new fishing gear, hung the big octopus on the hand-cranked spinning reel rod, and put it into the sea.

"Let the line out to 165 meters."


"The rocks on the bottom are big and small, high and low. You have to be careful from this depth and let it go slowly."


"As you let it go, pull it up and down. The amplitude does not need to be too large, ten or twenty centimeters. Once you feel the lead weight hit the reef on the seabed, stop immediately."


"You have to pay attention at this time!"

"Keep pulling the lead weight up and down to hit the reef on the seabed."

"Don't move too much!"


"Focus, a fish may bite at any time."


Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry and continued fishing immediately. He stared at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, and loudly reminded them how to fish.


"Did the lead pendant hit a stone on the bottom of the sea?"


"Zhao Dahai, you're right. It's really not easy to be cheated like this."

"Why do I think this is not too difficult?"

Zhao Dahai felt relieved when he saw that Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou had all found a way and all felt the lead falling on the seabed rocks.

The most important thing about fishing methods is that fishermen must feel the lead hitting the rocks on the bottom of the sea.

If you can't feel it, you will keep releasing the line. In this case, it is not much different from ordinary fishing for grouper by knocking on the bottom. It is also very easy to catch the bottom.

This thing looks simple, but in fact it is not simple at all. You must know that the water depth here is not 10 to 8 meters, but 170 meters. With such a long line, you want to know the lead based on the feeling in your hands. Whether it hit the bottom of the sea or not is not an easy matter.

Inexperienced people simply cannot do this, and even experienced people may not be able to do it.

Zhao Dahai is very aware of the difficulty involved.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou can do this now, which means that they can catch fish in the sea, at least the chance will be very high, but they can do it tonight because they let Zhong Shizhu and the others use more The other most critical thing about the heavy lead drop is that at this point tonight, the speed of the water on the seabed is very slow. Once the seawater flows faster and the line tilts very sharply, not to mention Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, even they may not be able to feel the lead hitting the bottom of the sea.



Zhong Shizhu shouted suddenly, held the pole with both hands and lifted it up hard. Feeling a little uneasy, he suddenly lifted it up a second time.

"Is it big?"

Liu Bin immediately turned his head and shouted at Zhong Shizhu.

"Not big, not big!"

"He weighs sixty pounds!"

Zhong Shizhu shook the wheel vigorously and pulled the fish away from the bottom of the sea. He bowed the pole and waited for more than ten seconds. Then he shook the wheel vigorously and pulled the line up five or six meters before stopping. At this time, the fish There is no way to run away.

"That's it! That's it!"

"How can one catch a 180-pound grouper every day?"

Liu Bin thinks that sixty pounds is considered a good size.


"There's no need for a big one weighing sixty pounds. It's enough for us to catch a hundred fish tonight until dawn!"

As Lei Dayou spoke, he gently lifted the pole in his hand up and down. The range of movement was very small. He firmly remembered what Zhao Dahai just said about ten centimeters. He didn't know if it was an illusion or if he really felt it. The lead hit the rocks on the seabed one after another, but it did not hit the bottom.

Lei Dayou knocked a dozen times in succession, and the fish in his hand suddenly bit the hook and pulled hard. The force was so strong that it almost flew out.

Lei Dayou's face suddenly turned red. He held his hands with both hands and looked at the end of the pole held between his arms and raised it with all his strength.


"Lei Dayou, you are not full, are you? You are just a fish, how can you hold it in like this?"

"That's right! You're not pretending, are you?"

Liu Bin didn't care too much. He felt that Lei Dayou was just showing off his power and it was impossible to catch such a big fish.


"No way, is it really that big? Is it over a hundred pounds?"

At first, Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin thought Lei Dayou was acting.

Zhao Dahai caught a blue spot weighing more than thirty kilograms. The one he caught weighed about sixty kilograms. It was not surprising that Lei Dayou caught the fish. The method Zhao Dayou came up with was indeed useful, but Lei Dayou now Look like this, if you really caught a fish, and if it was such a big fish, it would have to weigh at least one hundred kilograms.

Just when Zhong Shizhu wanted to laugh at Lei Dayou like Liu Bin, he realized that something was not quite right.


"Hurry and help!"

Lei Dayou held the pole tightly with both hands and gritted his teeth while holding back each word.


"Liu Bin!"

"Hurry! Hurry!"

Zhong Shizhu shouted loudly to Liu Bin for help. There was a fish on his fishing line and it was not pulled out of the water. Zhao Dahai had to control the speedboat.

Liu Bin knew that this was really not a joke. He quickly shook the wheel in his hand and wanted to reel in the line to help immediately. What he didn't expect was that within ten meters of reeling in, a fish bit the hook.


"I've got a fish biting here!"

At first, Wu Bin thought that the hook was not biting, and thought it was an illusion, but he continued to crank the wheel several times to confirm that there was nothing wrong. There was indeed a fish biting the hook, and the pulling force of the fish suddenly plunged into the sea. , definitely not an illusion.

"What are you doing?"

"No need to rush!"

"What about a hundred pounds of grouper? It's not like we have never caught such a big fish before."

Zhao Dahai was a little dumbfounded.

Those groupers under the speedboat, I don’t know if they are crazy. Three of them, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da, caught fish at almost the same time, each one bigger than the last.

Liu Bin's catch was even more unexpected, and he was ready to reel in the line. What he didn't expect was that the grouper on the seabed chased him and swam up for almost ten meters before biting the hook.

Zhao Dahai didn't go to help Lei Dayou.

The fish caught on the hook was over 100 jin, which was indeed a big one, but Lei Dayou was strong and not inexperienced, so he didn't need his own help at all, and he didn't need the help of Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin. He could handle it alone.

"Uncle Dayou!"

"Stand firm with your feet and support the side of the speedboat with your knees."

"Hold the rod tightly with both hands and lean back."

Zhao Dahai shouted loudly to remind Lei Dayou.

Lei Dayou didn't say anything, but he calmed down immediately. He immediately stood firm with his feet as Zhao Dahai said, supported the side of the speedboat with his knees, borrowed the force, and arched his body backwards, and immediately held the rod in his hand firmly. Although the grouper caught on the hook was big and drilled down hard, it had already caught the fish.

Lei Dayou waited for two or three seconds, exerted force with both hands, continued to lean back, and lifted the rod abruptly.

"It's done!"

"No problem!"

"The force of the fish going down is not that strong. Hold the rod with one hand and shake the wheel with the other hand to reel in the fish!"

Zhao Dahai looked at Lei Dayou and then at Lei Dayou holding the rod in his hand. There was no problem. The fish that was hooked could not escape.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin were relieved to see Lei Dayou control the fish that was hooked.

Zhong Shizhu shook the spinning wheel to reel in the line, pulled up the fish he caught, went up to the deck of the fishing boat, took off the hook with pliers, kicked it and slid into the live water tank, and immediately took the scoop net and walked to Lei Dayou's side.

Liu Bin reeled in the fish and waited for the fish to float to the surface, and called Zhong Shizhu to scoop the fish for him first.

"For such a small fish, why would you need a net, and you don't need my help, can't you catch it yourself?"

Zhong Shizhu looked at Liu Bin with contempt and shook his head.


"Zhong Shizhu!"

"It seems that you have a huge appetite now, and you even look down on the 60-jin grouper?"

"I dare not say more. Two hundred yuan per jin is definitely no problem!"

"Twelve thousand yuan for a fish!"


"Zhong Shizhu."

"When did your appetite become so big?"

Liu Bin laughed and scolded.

"If Lei Dayou hadn't caught this 100-jin grouper, your fish would be a treasure."

"Now that there is a bigger fish, who would care about your small fish?"

Zhong Shizhu was not polite at all, and he was not joking. If Lei Dayou hadn't caught this fish, he would definitely fish for Liu Bin. Now that there is a bigger fish, Liu Bin's fish is not worth mentioning.

Liu Bin had no choice. Zhong Shizhu did not come over to pay attention. He looked at the blue spot weighing about 60 kilograms floating on the water. He could only control the fishing rod with one hand and use the scoop net with the other to scoop up the fish.

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