
"What is Zhao Dahai doing?"

Xu Xiaochui looked at Zhao Dahai's speedboat, which was less than 100 meters away from his and his brother's speedboat, and felt very strange. He didn't know what Zhao Dahai wanted to do. The four poles were placed on the gun carriage, and then he didn't move, letting the speedboat drift slowly forward with the tide.

"This is not the way to catch grouper by hitting the bottom, even if it's a cover current, don't you have to hit the bottom from time to time?"

Xu Xiaochui became more and more confused, and really couldn't figure out what Zhao Dahai was doing.

"Who knows?"

"It's been ten minutes, right? The speedboat has drifted forward for almost twenty meters."

Xu Dachui looked at his pole from time to time, and looked up at Zhao Dahai's speedboat from time to time.

Xu Xiaochui couldn't understand it, just like he didn't understand it, and really didn't know what was going on.

If Zhao Dahai and the other three people on his speedboat hadn't all stood in front of their own rods and concentrated, they would have thought they were not fishing at all.

"Why is Zhao Dahai different from the other people fishing on the speedboats around him?"

Song Tianping drove the speedboat closer to the speedboats of the brothers Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui and pointed at Zhao Dahai.

"Who knows what's going on? Anyway, I don't understand it!"

Xu Dachui shook his head. Just now, he and his brother Xu Xiaochui were thinking about this matter. I really don't know what Zhao Dahai is selling in his gourd.

"Forget it!"

"If you don't understand, just don't look at it. Isn't this just asking for trouble? Let's fish as we should and see if we can catch anything."

Cao Hong said as he pushed the switch of the electric reel to reel in the line. He just pulled the bottom about one meter away from the seabed and waited for five or six minutes. No fish bit the hook. He reeled it in to see if the live shrimp on it was dead.


"Did someone catch a fish on Zhao Dahai's speedboat?"

Song Tianping suddenly shouted, pointing at Zhao Dahai's speedboat excitedly.

Cao Hong was startled and immediately looked up. Zhao Dahai's speedboat was less than 100 meters away. He could see clearly that there was a person on the bow of the speedboat. The rod in front of him was bent down fiercely. Not only was there a fish biting the hook, but it looked like the fish was not small, maybe 70 or 80 kilograms.

"Here it comes again! Another person has a fish biting the hook!"



"Another one?"



"Three people have caught fish!"


Xu Xiaochui rubbed his eyes hard, unable to believe that in such a short period of less than a minute, three people on Zhao Dahai's speedboat had fish biting the hook, and the only thing left was that there was no movement on the rod in front of Zhao Dahai.

"What's going on? Is it that there is no need to knock on the bottom, and fish will bite if you just set up the rod and let it float?"

Song Tianping was very surprised. He and Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui had been staring at Zhao Dahai's speedboat just now, and they knew very well that Zhao Dahai really did nothing just now, just setting up the rod.

If they can catch fish in this way, why should they bother to learn from Zhao Dahai?


"Zhao Dahai caught a fish! It looks like it should be the biggest of the four fish!"

Xu Dachui shouted indignantly. Zhao Dahai was the last one to catch a fish, but his rod was the most bent, so it goes without saying that he must have caught the biggest fish.


"What else is there to think about? Hurry up and learn from Zhao Dahai to set up the rod and let the speedboat float like this."

Xu Xiaochui didn't even think about it, and immediately shouted Xu Dachui to learn from Zhao Dahai like him.

Xu Dachui nodded. Zhao Dahai caught fish by doing this, so why should he think of other fishing methods?

Cao Hong and Song Tianping looked at each other and followed suit.

"Can you really catch fish this way?"


"Who knows?"


"No matter what, we have to give it a try. Didn't we not catch any fish by knocking on the bottom just now?"


"To be honest, I really don't have any confidence! Zhao Dahai can only catch fish this way, but it doesn't mean that we can catch fish this way."


"How did you get stuck?"


Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui, Cao Hong and Song Tianping were not far from each other in two speedboats. They kept talking while fishing. Everyone was unsure whether they could catch fish this way.

"Liu Bin, Liu Bin!"

"Help me catch the fish!"

Lei Dayou was sweating and very excited. After catching a fish weighing almost 200 kilograms, this was the second one. It looked like it was only 70 or 80 kilograms, but it was not a small fish. He had to control the fish well and called Liu Bin to help him catch the fish, so that the fish would not run away.

"Didn't you see that I also caught a fish? If you want to control the fish, does that mean I don't have to?"

Liu Bin ignored Lei Dayou.

"Lei Dayou."

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Did you see that there is also a fish on my rod?"

"Besides, your fish is only 70 or 80 kilograms. It's such a small fish. Do you have the nerve to ask others to catch the fish for you? Just pick it up yourself!"

Zhong Shizhu glanced at Lei Dayou with great disdain.

Lei Dayou looked left and right, and found that Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin's poles were indeed hesitant, and they seemed to be a little bigger than his own.


"Uncle Dayou!"

"There is really no way around this matter. You can only do it yourself."

"This trip, all four of us caught fish!"

Zhao Dahai saw Lei Dayou turning towards him and pointed at his pole.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"This fish of yours is quite big, it looks like it weighs over a hundred pounds!"

Lei Dayou was startled. Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin both shouted loudly when they caught the fish, but Zhao Dahai didn't make any movement. Unexpectedly, he had caught the fish without making a sound, and this was among the four of them. The biggest fish ever caught.

"It should be about ninety kilograms, and it's unlikely to exceed one hundred kilograms."

Zhao Dahai smiled and nodded, feeling very good. This was not just the fish he caught. The key was that his idea was correct. He had found the correct way to fish at the Windmill Foot fishing spot today.

Lei Dayou was the first to catch a fish, and the first one to be pulled out of the water was a blue spot weighing less than 70 pounds and less than 80 pounds.

Lei Dayou was worried that the fish would run away, so he did not go directly to the deck, but took the net to catch it himself.

"hurry up!"

"My fish will come out of the water soon!"


"It's better to come early than to come by chance. My fish followed the fish out of the water. Please help me copy it!"

When Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin saw the fish that Lei Dayou had finished copying, they loudly called for help in frying the fish.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou looked at the deck. In less than two minutes, they caught three groupers, one weighing eighty kilograms, one weighing seventy kilograms, and the remaining one weighed only a dozen. Jin, but this is not an ordinary blue spot or sesame spot, but a valuable red spot.

"How many meters more?"

Lei Dayou shouted at Zhao Dahai.

"It's fifty meters away, and it'll be out of the water in a moment."

"Don't be anxious, you can pick the hooks of three fish right now."

"Check, especially the red spot, to see if there is any bloating. If there is bloating, deflate it immediately."

Zhao Dahai reminded Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to check whether the caught grouper was flatulent. His grouper would be pulled out of the water soon, but there was no need to worry, it would definitely not escape. Lose.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately carefully checked whether the grouper was bloated, especially the more than ten kilogram red grouper that Liu Bin caught. They carefully checked twice to make sure there was no bloating, and then pushed it into the living cabin, and again After watching carefully for a while, the three groupers were all alive and kicking.

Zhao Dahai watched the hooked grouper staggering out of the water from the bottom of the sea. He took the dip net he had prepared long ago and caught the grouper. He did not need the help of Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to drag it up alone. the deck.


"How come this grouper is still so vigorous?"

Zhong Shizhu touched his face. The grouper that Zhao Dahai had just dragged up suddenly struggled hard, and the water flew everywhere.


"The bell stone pillar."

"This is a fish that can be sold for tens of thousands of yuan. Not to mention it is a slap in the face. Even if the fish's tail sweeps me into the sea, I will get up willingly."

Liu Bin looked at the big grouper caught by Zhao Dahai. It was not as big as the one he just caught, but it was considered a very big one in a place like Windmill Foot.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Why do I feel that the fish we caught here today are relatively big, at least much bigger than when we usually come here to fish."

Lei Dayou checked his hook as he spoke. There was no problem. He hooked up a big octopus again and threw it into the sea to wait for Zhao Dahai to call him to release the line.


"It does feel like that."

"The fish we caught this time here are generally relatively large. Especially in the two trips we caught just now, there were two groupers weighing almost 200 kilograms. Now we have caught another grouper weighing nearly 100 kilograms. ”

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin didn't notice this at first, but they realized it was true when Lei Dayou said this.

"That's why big fish come out. The other thing is probably related to the way we fish. Most of the fish we catch are bigger fish."

"The fish here at the top of the windmill foot fishing are not from other places, most of them are native. However, most of these fish usually hide in the reef holes and do not bite the hook at all."

"When there are big fish out there, it's not that there are more fish in the sea, it's just that the bites of the fish in the sea are more ferocious. Large groupers that usually hide on the bottom of the sea come out to bite the hook."

“Plus we found a way to catch these fish, that’s why the groupers we caught here this time were bigger than those we usually catch here.”

Zhao Dahai hooked the octopus and threw it into the sea. After thinking for a while, he told Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin not to hook the octopus, but to hook the big crab. The fish they just caught were all caught with octopus, but they just noticed that many speedboats around them used octopus. At least they could see that all the speedboats around them were learning to use octopus. It might be better to use crabs instead. There were four people on their speedboat. Two people were fishing for octopus and two people were fishing for crabs. They would see what the grouper liked to bite more.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin immediately hooked a big crab each and threw it into the sea without saying a word.

"The water depth is 132 meters."

"The seawater here is a little shallow, and the structure here is not too complicated."

"Let go to 131 meters."

Zhao Dahai thought about it and decided to take a risk. He noticed that many speedboats had hit the bottom of this place, but they just didn't catch any fish. The groupers on the seabed were more or less scared, or they were used to hitting the bottom one after another. If he did the same thing, or just let the sea water flow and let the speedboat drift forward like he did just now, it might not be useful. He had to change his method.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou couldn't figure out why Zhao Dahai did this, but they knew that Zhao Dahai must have his reasons for doing so. When it comes to fishing, few people can compare to Zhao Dahai. Without hesitation, he let go of the line and let it go to 131 meters.

Zhao Dahai watched Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all let go of the line to all their water layers, controlled the speedboat, slightly increased the speed, and drove forward in the direction of the tide.

"Pay attention to the shaking of the fishing rod tip now."

"This kind of small bounce at intervals is not caused by a fish biting the hook, but by the lead pendant hitting the seabed."

Zhao Dahai reminded Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to pay attention. Don't look at the fishing rod shaking from time to time at this time. This time, the line was released to 131 meters, which is one meter away from the seabed 132 meters. However, the terrain of the seabed cannot be flat. There are ups and downs. When the speedboat moves forward, there will be a chance to hit the seabed.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou stared at the tip of the rod on the gun mount with wide eyes and nodded continuously. Several times, they wondered if there was a fish biting the hook. If Zhao Dahai hadn't reminded them, they might have been unable to resist pushing the switch to reel in the fish.

"Uncle Dayou!"

Zhao Dahai kept staring at the tips of the rods in front of Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and himself. The first fish bit the hook was Lei Dayou's rod, but Lei Dayou obviously didn't notice it. There was nothing he could do but yell.

Lei Dayou was startled, but reacted very quickly. He immediately reached out and pushed the switch of the electric reel to reel in the line.



"I didn't know there was a fish biting the hook!"

Lei Dayou watched the electric reel spinning and the fishing rod bending down very obviously. He knew it was the fish, not the weight of the lead pendant hanging on the rod, and he breathed a sigh of relief. If Zhao Dahai hadn't reminded him, the fish would have definitely escaped.

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